Socionics SEI Description

SEI Type Description

Mediator (SEI)

Pleasure, congeniality, circle of friends, exhaustion

Sensory-Ethical Introvert

Activity orientation: Social-Communicative

Temperament: Receptive-Adaptive (Need a moderate and free work regime)

Motivation: Prosperity.

Stimulus: Prosperity. Work should be enjoyable and provide comfortable conditions. Work will be more active in a positive human environment.




Product quality assessment.

Creating a comfortable work environment.



Struggling to maintain a high pace of activity.

Difficulty in consistency and organization.

Poor delegation of tasks among employees.

Weak at defending business positions and interests. Too soft..

Risks in work and business.

General Description

Friendly, easy-going, and democratic in communication, value their and others' comfort (comfort, health, relaxation, good atmosphere). Enjoy simple life pleasures and the present moment. Choose activities they enjoy. Caring towards loved ones and capable of finding middle ground in groups, avoiding extremes which they believe are harmful. Their counterpart, the ILE, often choose extremes, but they soften these radical decisions. Create a cozy atmosphere in small groups where they are central, forming a comfortable circle of friends who have good relations with them. Care for them and can create a comfortable home environment. Emotional and internally anxious but rarely lets it show, distracting others from sad thoughts. Good at negotiating, congenial, diplomatic, do not engage in disputes, try to reconcile people, but withdraw in serious conflicts to maintain peace. Do not burden others with their problems, can put on a brave face, do not exert harsh force, and never imposes. Might briefly try to show toughness but cannot sustain it. Need (and get from their counterpart) unexpected ideas, bold proposals, trips, or adventures (becoming more lively and productive). Need to understand the reasons behind events. Require detailed, meticulous instructions to be motivated. Their productivity is limited, working effectively only for personal or close community benefit. Set their own pace; pushing them only worsens their performance and exhausts them. Not suited for intense physical labor. Their work capacity highly depends on mood, rest, and health. Avoid work requiring prolonged effort and feel uncomfortable in formal settings. Need an informal, democratic, open atmosphere to be sociable. Require passive rest (sleep, tasty food, listening to music, beautiful landscapes, calm company). When the ILE offends someone, they intervene to smooth things over.

As a leader

Notice the slightest nuance in interactions between people. Skilled at establishing contacts and reconciling people. Understand situations well and what's currently happening. Always aware of all the gossip, knowing everything about everyone. Thus, well-informed and see how to influence people. Manage situations well among like-minded people by creating a closer inner circle at work. This compensates to some extent for gaps in administrative work. More inclined to gentle, indirect influence on people. Resolve tough issues informally through acquaintances and friendly connections, having previously built positive trusting relationships. Dislikes conflicts. For them, conflict is a state of stress that is very difficult to bear. In conflict situations, distance themselves, expecting the situation to resolve itself. Try to persuade opponents to their point of view, resorting to compromise in critical situations if persuasion fails. Struggle to defend the interests of the matter. Due to their flexibility, might lose authority in the eyes of others. The main goal is to create harmonious and comfortable working conditions and psychological comfort. Struggle in conditions where haste is required, thus a measured pace of work suits them better. Therefore, better suited to managing small companies where there is no strong stress factor.

As an employee

Work well in commerce where direct customer interaction is required. Find a gentle approach. Suitable for jobs in healthcare and anything related to design and space decoration. Need a moderate pace at work. Struggle with multiple simultaneous tasks, leading to loss of motivation. Therefore, it's better to assign work in parts. Also important are working conditions and a fair salary. For them, material support and comfortable working conditions are crucial. Otherwise, they may start complaining. Thrive in jobs that bring aesthetic pleasure and where there is a good friendly company. In such work environments feel in their place. Can handle routine and executive tasks if they feel their work is appreciated. Here, the factor of human relations is very important, as they are sociable and good at capturing interpersonal relations. Remember that they know everything about everyone. Indispensable in office positions where informal contacts are needed.


One of your motivations at work is good relationships with others and engaging communication. You easily establish contacts with people who interest you. You know a lot about the people around you. Therefore, it's important for you to have an environment where you can apply your skills. You have strong diplomatic skills and know how to build necessary interactions.