Socionics EII Description

EII Type Description

Humanist (EII) - FiN

Kindness, tolerance, guilt, vulnerability

Ethical-Intuitive Introvert

Activity orientation: Humanitarian-Artistic

Temperament: Balanced-Stable (Moderate work pace, steady not fast work)

Motivation: Harmonious and ethical interaction with the environment and moral values.








Initiative in tasks.

Decisive actions in extreme situations.

High degree of mobilization.

Quick completion of uninteresting tasks and routine work.

Organizational skills.

General Description

Kindness in helping others, not saving humanity. Dissent is tolerated. Tolerance for other religions and values. Feeling of guilt ("I'm doing well, but they're not"). Vulnerability. May be treated poorly and repaid with ingratitude. Suffering because of this. Characterized by hard work and discipline. If others are working, their conscience won't allow idleness. They help. A calm, steady, predictable, and conscientious lifestyle. Slowness in completing specific tasks. Need concrete instructions. LSE provides resources and technology (no need to 'scrounge for weapons in battle' like SLE). Can be taken advantage of, enduring it for a long time. Listen to people. Take on their negative emotions (others' sorrows). Affected negatively by this. Do not punish, may only reprimand.

As a leader

Calm, positive, and friendly, this person rarely displays intense emotions. Their impassive facial expression can lead to misconceptions about a lack of emotion, despite deeply experiencing and empathizing with others, always ready to offer help. They focus on moral aspects of interaction and adhere to principles of humanity in relationships, aspiring to be an educator who shapes team interactions based on these values. They excel at understanding the moral qualities of people and predicting the psychological climate within a team. A positive emotional environment is crucial for effective work. Occasionally assuming the role of a frontline leader is possible, but maintaining such a mode constantly is challenging. Building hierarchical structures proves difficult, as their attitude towards others is based on personal value judgments rather than status. This can complicate interactions with those who lack value in their eyes, potentially affecting work processes. In communication, they avoid imposing ideals and prefer persuasion, noticing minor details in conversations. Thoughts are communicated logically and consistently, with a strong desire to avoid conflict. Defending positions in conflicts is challenging, so they focus on mutual benefit and understanding, avoiding pressure tactics. In conflicts, they either concede or seek compromise. At work, the focus is on the moral values, awareness, and responsibility of employees. As a leader, they support and encourage employees, helping them realize their potential. Polite and patient, they struggle with handling penalties or dismissals, often giving second chances and forgiving, which others may take advantage of. They excel at solving strategic tasks and unlocking employee potential. Understanding relationships and showing interest in moral-philosophical issues is a strength. Assessing real abilities and potential, they see development prospects in others. Treating people as valuable, showing respect, and being attentive to personal boundaries are essential traits for this sociotype.

As an employee

Patient and understanding in communication with others. They often compromise for good relationships and peace with those around them. Responsive when approached. They accept people as they are, forgive weaknesses, and do not try to forcibly change or sell their opinion. Very steadfast in their attachments to others and close ones. Can listen and patiently support during others' stress and even intense emotions, give advice and calm. Responsible about their work, meticulous in its execution. However, they need help with technical aspects. Grateful for useful advice that helps optimize work processes and efficiently use resources. Strive for a healthy lifestyle and avoid harmful habits. Adhere to principles of fairness and humanism. Find conflicts challenging, hold unresolved situations for a long time, struggle to move on, and internalize feelings. Dislike imposing on others, modest. Value a close circle and need close relationships built on trust and acceptance. Sometimes fail to fully assess the quality of their work and the efficiency of their actions and time management. Value people who can provide useful recommendations for improving work processes. Feel more confident around such people. Prefer clear recommendations at work. Tend to be overly trusting and kind, which others may exploit, especially their kindness. Struggle to set proper boundaries with others, rely on people's decency, but not everyone acts honorably. Quite self-sufficient by nature, not very initiative, but consistent and dutiful. Good at solving strategic tasks, not inclined towards leadership. In certain situations, take on the role of a frontal leader, but this role is challenging. Prefer a work mode where they can calmly engage in interests at a steady pace, independently. Struggle with emergency situations and stressful environments requiring quick decisions and actions. More inclined towards a thoughtful and moderate mode of activity.


Recommended for roles in education, especially humanities teachers. Well-suited for psychotherapy and individual counseling due to strong empathy. Suited for philosophical, humanitarian, and historical fields. Also recommended for photography, especially portrait and artistic photography. Suitable for adolescent education, tourism, and travel.