Socionics Dominant Subtype Description

Dominant Subtype Description

Dominant Subtype (D)

Contact, Terminal, Connective ↑(TeSe + Fe) ↑Linear-Assertive

Primary need: Competition

Goal: Victory

Pain point: Defeat

Stress relief: Physical activity

Correlations: CPI - Implementer (Externality + Norm-favoring), DISC - Dominance (Active + Hostile environment), PAEI - Producer (Effective + Short-term), Fisher - Director (Testosterone)


Motivating, Ambitious, Responsible, Strong-willed, Demanding, Goal-oriented, Control, Charisma, Authority, Power. Confidence, Results. Organizational skills, Strength, Constructiveness.

Work, Goals, Activity


Impatient, Overly-pragmatic, Angry, Tough, Dictatorial. Envy, Resentment, Aggression.

Contact - active response, contact with the irritant. Counterattack. They activate their strength and emotions against the opponent. They explode and attack aggressively..

Terminal - harder to start something new, hesitate, calculate, analyze, and prepare for a long time. Slow to get going. But once they start, they always see things through to the end (focus of attention on completing tasks). Goal-oriented, plan steps in advance, preparing a sequence of actions aimed at achieving results. Engage in active business interaction. Assess risks and calculate financial benefits in their affairs. Choose a rhythmic, quite intensive pace of work for themselves. Take responsibility and bring matters to a conclusion.

Connective - respond to the environment, to requests, and read information from it. Change the environment to suit themselves.

Group positioning


Tension, heaviness (appearance, emotions, state), control, taking responsibility, energy, engagement in work, organizer role, giving directions. Calmer in their territory, engage in constructive activity in new areas. Competition (who is strong, who is wrong), monitor the environment. Hard to relax. Able to respond quickly and take responsibility in critical situations. Actively involved and care for others. Protective instinct for their people and territory. Sense of strength. Patronage. More group-oriented. No need for personal attention. Mindset of 'If not me, who?'.


Anger, dissatisfaction, aggression, squint (evaluation), nervousness.

Communication style

Commanding, directive, laconic (tells what to do), pressure.

In foreign territory

Active (constructive) actions, organization.


Authority and influence

In Work:

They excel in organizational tasks. Good leaders, organized and demanding of both themselves and their colleagues. They focus on goal achievement and strategic approaches. Efficiently allocate resources and tasks. They overcome obstacles to reach goals, energetically investing in their passions. Competitive and confrontation-oriented, they even benefit from conflicts. Aggressively defend their domain and those under their responsibility. They may use direct and indirect methods to achieve goals. Strong will and focus increase their chances of success. Pragmatic and practical, driven more by logic than emotions. Resource management is key; they avoid wasting time on secondary interests, even idle chatter. They are irritated by changes in plans. They command in a team setting, can be blunt, and are straightforward. They do not spread their interests too widely but delve deeply into areas of interest. They are effective in business and politics due to their practical nature and strong need for achievement. Stubborn and uncompromising on important issues. They tend toward paternalism, which can lead to dictatorship and tyranny. They often take on others' responsibilities, sometimes overstepping boundaries. It is difficult to stop them.

Role: Organizer. Resource allocation.

In Relationships:

They know exactly what they want from life and from relationships. They usually have a specific image of a partner, with a clear understanding of their own responsibilities and expectations. They also have a life strategy and a direction they are moving in. If you're on the same path, that's great; if not, they won't waste much time on you. In family relationships, they provide a strong and reliable backbone but may exhibit an excessive need for control, which not all partners can handle. In the family, they often take on the role of organizer or leader, with even women of the dominant subtype assuming male roles. Thus, they are usually good family people, focused on serious relationships. However, there are very busy individuals who have no time for family creation and lack the patience for 'coddling' in relationships. In such cases, they become tougher and less trusting, complicating the search for a partner. Dominant individuals find it hard to let go of control, thus needing a stable, calm partner. They find it difficult to relax, are often the most stressed, and may be prone to aggressive outbursts. Their sexual instincts are heightened, often attractive to others due to their self-confidence. They exhibit aggressiveness and impulsiveness in both behavior and sexual interactions.