Markers that SEI mostly agrees with, while EII mostly disagrees:
1. I find it very difficult to refuse pleasures I have set my mind on.2. The role of a 'rich playboy' would suit me well.3. I tend to indulge my immediate desires rather than control and limit them.4. I often curse with bad words.5. I am used to subordinating everything to my strongest needs, desires, and impulses.6. Success and well-being in my close surroundings and in the near future are much more important to me than in a global sense or in the distant future.7. What would you prefer to do for the same money? SEI: Train service dogs. EII: Manage a shelter for homeless animals.8. I criticize others in my thoughts, but almost never myself.9. I start to exert myself mainly when 'under pressure' or forced.10. It's better to get a good inheritance than a good education.11. I have an instant reaction to funny things—I immediately laugh or snort.12. There is laziness in my character.13. I sometimes boast a little.14. I don't know how, don't like, and won't 'work hard' from dawn till dusk.15. I love jokes that some people sometimes find coarse and inappropriate.16. I can easily draw a map of a place or a room plan from memory.17. I am rather impulsive and frivolous than prudent.18. Almost always, I need something right now, at this very moment, not later.19. In a card game, I reserve the right to cheat, and sometimes I use it.20. If interrupted before satisfying one of my biological needs (food, sleep, sex, etc.), I will be angry and irritated all day.21. My presence in a team sometimes, for some reason, leads to an increase in general idleness.22. In a concert hall, I would rather prefer the job of a lighting technician than a sound engineer.23. In war, it is quite permissible to kill interfering enemies using poisons, radiation, and sulfuric acid, not just bullets.24. I am easily led astray—tempted by anything promising pleasant sensations.25. I sometimes find it difficult to see things from someone else's point of view.26. I try to do only the minimum necessary work.27. What is more valuable to you? SEI: Living with good spirits, pleasure, and without problems. EII: Truth in everything, even if it is unpleasant and dangerous.28. I can easily draw a plan of my apartment from memory.29. There were times when I remained indifferent to the trouble of an acquaintance.30. I love loud music.31. I am a rather impulsive and unstable person in my feelings towards others.32. The smell of food always excites me and stimulates my appetite; usually, the smell of cooking food immediately makes my 'mouth water.'33. If I were a circus owner in the 19th century, like the famous circus impresario Barnum, I would enjoy making money by gathering and showing various freaks to the public.34. I find it hard to stop myself before a temptation.35. Pleasant memories come to my mind more often than unpleasant ones.36. Close contact with a loved one (touches, hugs) always gives me great pleasure.37. I am not a particularly moral and ethical person, nor do I believe much in the morality of others—they are often just showing off.38. I don't like poetry, I am indifferent to it.39. It's true that I almost never feel guilty for any of my actions.40. Sometimes I want to harm some people over small things—burn something in their house, break, spoil something.41. A well-developed instinct is more useful than abstract imagination.42. On internet forums, I sometimes pour fuel on the fire of someone else's quarrel, which otherwise might die down.43. I love fun companies and know how to lift my spirits and have fun with others.44. It is usually hard for me to 'get into someone else's shoes' and understand the source of their delusion.45. I am a materialist and believe that being determines consciousness, and the lower level of the structure always determines the state of the upper level.46. When answering questions that require thought and choice, I often give impulsive answers, following the first impression.47. My principle is: 'the less you know, the better you sleep.'48. When I sense someone's growing aggressive attitude, I usually respond by becoming more brazen, active, and energetic purely reflexively and automatically.49. I would enjoy a profession as a makeup artist or cosmetologist.50. My memories are more often associated with successes than disappointments.51. Sometimes I feel completely incapable of solving puzzles and generally coming up with anything original.52. My emotions and feelings are often egocentric.53. I am too often distracted by any little thing that happens around me.54. I think I could defend one thing today and another tomorrow if the situation changed dramatically.55. I behave frankly and openly with others.56. I rarely think about transforming the world and more often try to find my place within the existing, dominant system.57. In close communication, I easily get infected with someone else's elevated mood.58. I always know very well what I need and what I want at any given moment.59. Moments when anger engulfs my entire being are not uncommon.60. It happens that I impulsively lash out my resentment on others.Markers that EII mostly agrees with, while SEI mostly disagrees:
1. I often feel dizzy to the point of slightly losing my balance when standing.2. I have a constant habit of considering how my actions might affect the business interests of others.3. I frequently have obsessive, repetitive thoughts, even in the evening, which prevents me from falling asleep.4. My breathing often feels constrained, as if the air is different, and I struggle to get enough with each breath. Sometimes I feel a tightness in the lower part of my neck and chest.5. Sometimes I have a strange illusion that I don't exist—the world around me exists, but I don't.6. I often spend time at night thinking about interesting ideas.7. I frequently think about spirituality and morality, about God and destiny.8. I have a high ability and frequent desire for mental transformation, to 'get into someone else's skin,' to put myself in another person's place with imaginative modeling of their thoughts and motives.9. If I find a $100 bill on the street, I will try to find its owner through an online advertisement to return it.10. I am a proponent of discipline and order based on conscience, duty, and personal responsibility, rather than administrative pressure.11. Sometimes I imagine myself lying in a hospital.12. Sometimes it seems that I have established a telepathic connection with another person—either I read their unspoken thoughts directly in their head, or they read mine.13. I often feel as if something is constantly and vaguely 'spinning' in my head—whether it's snippets of words, thoughts, or something else. This spinning prevents me from concentrating and is generally intrusive, uncomfortable, and unpleasant.14. I have always fought and will continue to fight immorality.15. What usually makes you happy and cheerful? EII: Respect from others. SEI: Exciting anticipation of winning.16. I have some 'super-ideas' that are always pleasant to think about (as soon as I remember them, I feel a surge of excited pleasure).17. Sometimes I spend the whole evening thinking and worrying about what I need to do, what I haven't done, or what I can't do, what needs to be done, or what will happen if something isn't done, and so on.18. I always want to change something for the better.19. I have a tendency to direct my aggression towards myself.20. I try to manage people by appealing to their morality and ethics.21. My prolonged sense of guilt often hinders me.22. I often think more about other people's moods than my own.23. I frequently point out to people the discrepancy between their actions and societal morality.24. I remain loyal to a planned and once-calculated goal for many months or years, and nothing can knock me off course.25. I am very hardworking.26. In any situation, I always see many possible options for continuation.27. I don't like loud music.28. Sometimes I experience a prolonged feeling of guilt with self-reproach and pangs of conscience.29. I have a habit of always finishing what I start.30. I would ban the sale of any computer shooting games where the player is offered to play the role of a bandit and different ways to deal with peaceful inhabitants of the game (run them over with a car, shoot them, etc.)31. Sometimes some of my muscles twitch involuntarily.32. I have a tendency to blame myself for failures.33. I am prone to aggressive thoughts directed at myself.34. When scared, a sequential series of events from my past life often flashes through my mind like a fast-forwarded film.35. For everything that happens, I always take responsibility only for myself, not trying to find 'external' reasons for successes or failures.36. Sometimes it seems to me that time over a period of about five minutes either speeds up or slows down—as if it pulses, as if it moves unevenly.37. The product of my work must be perfect (the epitome of perfection), so I will meticulously polish everything and would rather postpone it for a long time than present it unfinished.38. Based on individual actions of people, I often draw conclusions about the general interests and desires behind them.39. Sometimes I automatically repeat the same obsessive movement many times: for example, I clench and unclench my fists many times, or bend and unbend my arms at the elbows—as if I want to check if they obey my will.40. I excel at making a career with patience, perseverance, and persistence.41. In almost every situation, I see something unique and special.42. I pay more attention to thorough quality of work than others.43. It takes a lot of effort from my friends to make me want any 'bodily pleasures.'44. If I dismantled something, I would definitely put it back together somehow, just not leave it disassembled.45. I have large, sweeping handwriting.46. I frequently experience an excited state, insomnia, loss of appetite, mood swings, inability to concentrate.47. It is true that I never solve my problems at someone else's expense.48. Sometimes I 'get stuck' and rhythmically and monotonously repeat the same movement many times in a row, almost unable to break this sequence.49. I cannot take others' gifts and services for granted, even from close acquaintances—I always feel a bit awkward.50. I enjoy developing technologies, bringing them to maximum efficiency.51. In my thoughts, I constantly 'play different roles,' in detail living out many lives that are not my own.52. Key concepts for my character: compassion, morality, humility, conscientiousness, diligence, rejection of coercion, responsiveness, care, condemnation of greed, humanism, imagination, sacrifice.53. Sometimes I get confused about what month of the year it is.54. I sometimes have a condition (outside of flu or any other obvious illness) where my whole body aches, and even my skin is painful to touch.55. I sometimes have a sudden feeling of detachment, a still deadness of the surroundings.56. My peers in school seemed too noisy and silly to me.57. It is true that I never speak out loud about my pain, fear, hunger, or fatigue, even if I experience them.58. I often leave things unfinished, even if I haven't eaten, smoked, or drank enough.59. I sometimes have a sudden feeling of detachment, a still deadness of the surroundings.60. In company, I avoid talking about my needs, and as a rule, I avoid assessing how satisfied I am with the situation.