Markers that SEE mostly agrees with, while IEE mostly disagrees:
1. I am willing to use only the best and most prestigious items; I do not want anything mediocre or worse, even for free.2. I have more right, power, skill, and desire than others to enjoy all the material abundance of this world.3. Selflessness and indulgence are rather harmful character traits.4. Everyone in this life should think and care about themselves first, without fear of harming others - the world is based on competition.5. I really dislike being interrupted in the middle of a sentence.6. Only large sums of money can interest me.7. I usually rejoice at the collapse of old regimes and coups in other countries.8. As a child, if someone older accidentally hurt me, I tried to immediately retaliate with even greater pain.9. Compared to others, I have a refined taste in clothing.10. It is true that conscience never really stopped me from cheating on my partner.11. I would like to gradually and carefully destabilize outdated political and managerial systems.12. Prestige is very important to me in the things I buy.13. I know how to 'collect' debts from acquaintances – no one has ever successfully withheld my money.14. I enjoy revenge for inflicted harm.15. I have taken the initiative to learn some form of fighting or self-defense.16. I am willing to take risks for rewards.17. I may have traits of stinginess and a tendency to exploit subordinates.18. I must possess what is considered fashionable and prestigious - I will not use an old, outdated item in public.19. I easily get angry and enraged if someone encroaches on my prerogatives and territory.20. Once I start attacking an enemy, it is sometimes difficult to stop.21. I am impatient in getting immediate results from any of my activities.22. Everything in the world is determined by either money, power, or human nature, and talk about ideals is for fools.23. I know how to say 'NO' - to others and myself. I have strong self-control.24. It is true that I am stingy and very reluctant to part with money.25. It is very important for me to 'be the first,' to visibly achieve success in sports, business, or other areas - but only those highly valued by society.26. I keep only those who do not contradict me and do not encroach on my pride around me.27. It is true that I do not understand those who treat the material side of life frivolously.28. My social status and the prestige of the position I hold are extremely important to me.29. Whatever I do, it is important for me to always be first, not second - being second is humiliating.30. If I see a clear weakling, I often automatically want to demean, 'kick,' or ridicule them.31. I think a lot about my career.32. Many government functions in many countries today are clearly redundant.33. Under equal conditions, I could work as a debt collector.34. I usually try to keep my distance and deter anyone who might encroach on my favorable position.35. If at work or by neighbors I am wronged, I will likely file a complaint and go to court.36. My character is marked by nervousness and irritability.37. I love 'cool,' status items.38. The main criterion for success for me is the high status achieved as a result.39. The comparison 'softer-harder' is used more often than 'lighter-darker.'40. Many people cause me disdain.41. It has always been important for me to be the first.42. I quickly get excited when I see the prospect of increasing income and profits.43. I love to express my point of view and opinion on various issues.44. I get the most pleasure when I manage to overcome someone's resistance.45. I believe that in some situations you have to step over others to reach the desired place.46. In my emotional dreams, I have often imagined myself in the role of the leader of a large group of people.47. My unyielding willpower supports me in any most difficult situation.48. I usually quickly and eagerly understand the course of someone else's reasoning.49. I am a very proud and self-confident person - some say I am even arrogant.50. 'If not for myself, then not for others' - sometimes I act exactly like this.51. Compared to the average level, I am not less (and sometimes more) selfish.52. I do not acknowledge capitulations - I do not recognize them, victory must be achieved by me out of principle, at any cost.53. I love films about the heroism of pioneers of the unknown.54. I will never give up my financial gain.55. I have the coolest things and I am the coolest myself.56. When I manage to achieve something from another person through forceful pressure, it is usually pleasant.57. My immune system is in good shape.58. I like to act with aggression, force, and threat.59. If I want to achieve some elevating goal, I can stubbornly pursue it for years.60. I feel uncomfortable if I have to break off a sentence in mid-word - I need to finish it.61. Since youth, I have been aiming to occupy an important place in society.62. I am rather for revolutions than against them.63. The external appearance of a person (my partner) is more important to me than their inner 'soulfulness.'64. It has happened that for fun or amusement, I have pretended to hold views and beliefs completely different from my own.65. I think of myself first, then of others.66. I cannot tolerate a situation where I do not get what I want.Markers that IEE mostly agrees with, while SEE mostly disagrees:
1. I throw objects at a target more accurately with my left hand than with my right.2. I am constantly thinking about something involuntarily.3. I have noticed that when scared, my thoughts move chaotically and in large leaps, snatching random frozen images from memory.4. My speech often includes figurative comparisons, examples, and metaphors more often than others.5. Cross your arms on your chest in the Napoleon pose (each hand grasps the forearm of the other hand). Which hand ended up farther from your chest, i.e., was placed on the chest last and can be removed first? IEE: Left. SEE: Right.6. I believe that all demonstrative human ambitions stem from insecurity.7. I sometimes catch myself that when someone near me suddenly pulls a lever (in a car, for example) or grabs something, my hand also involuntarily squeezes.8. I have had nausea attacks due to nerves in my life (outside of food poisoning, pregnancy, ulcers, etc.).9. It is true that I usually dislike it when someone 'sticks out' and causes disputes.10. I often verbally accompany my actions (e.g., commenting out loud while pouring coffee for guests).11. How many pieces of chewing gum do you use on average per day? IEE: Ten or more. SEE: None.12. I often have revelation dreams with a 'philosophical' undertone.13. The anticipation of a pleasant event often gives me more emotions than the event itself.14. I can speak in 'clichés' when necessary - i.e., deliberately speak or conduct a conversation in a way that only talks about generalities like 'systemic approach,' covering everything and nothing specific.15. I keep old notes that have played their role 'for memory' and just in case - this sometimes clutters me with old papers that are hard to throw away.16. When describing something in writing, I often use comparisons (rarely does my text lack them). For example: 'a gypsy girl, like a broom in her dress,' or 'sunset clouds, like wine stains on a blue tablecloth,' 'rare as an ugly doe,' 'walked, waddling like a duck,' etc.17. My whole body often gets cold.18. When I am tired, the first thing I want to get rid of is any mercantile topics related to money.19. I often have dizziness (IEE: At least once a week. SEE: I do not know this about myself at all).20. I love reading books on esotericism, mysticism, divination, witchcraft, etc.21. I sometimes have memory lapses when I cannot remember events of the previous few minutes.22. I often lack sleep.23. When writing 'on a free topic,' I often switch to ironic remarks - I readily take on a 'naive' appearance and formally say one thing while hinting at another.24. The Chinese system where people earn 'social points' for their behavior in society, which then determine their rights, is rather a good, useful system.25. I give the material world only as much as is minimally necessary to lead a socially acceptable lifestyle, and no more.26. I sometimes get cold sores on my lips (IEE: almost inevitably once or even several times a year, lasting for a week or more. SEE: never happened in my life).27. In my imagination, people live sequentially, talk, their actions follow one another and unfold like a book plot.28. Sometimes I forget to breathe, even slightly - catching myself not taking any breaths for about 10 seconds or even longer while thinking about something.29. I very rarely say 'no' to people, avoid directly refusing them, and prefer evasive answers.30. I am indifferent to fame (at least, I have almost never dreamed of it, and it seems to interest me less than other people).31. I often feel nauseous (and sometimes vomit) for various reasons - in the morning from anxiety, after eating, or even with slight motion sickness.32. How would you phrase this sentence? - IEE: Bored at home, but can have fun in the countryside. SEE: Bored at home, but more fun in the countryside.33. My fantasies and imagination are very fluid, constantly 'floating' back and forth, not staying on one subject for more than a few seconds.34. I often feel cold.35. If earwax occasionally appears in my ears, it is almost always dry, non-greasy.36. In my thoughts, I always return to what I said in an important conversation, then I mentally replay my phrases several times, review them, remember the reactions of listeners and interlocutors.37. When writing by hand, I sometimes skip letters in words, not noticing it at first.38. I avoid small and detailed classifications, usually preferring to divide objects into a few larger groups.39. Sometimes I fear that I will suffocate.40. The skin on my body often tightens and gets goosebumps, and the hairs on it stand on end.41. I prefer non-spicy food, better without any pepper at all.42. I love romantic shades of purple and lilac.43. I often have dreams.44. I easily and often catch various infections - possibly my immune system is weakened.45. I am indifferent to any luxury, it even irritates me - in general, I avoid surrounding myself with things that can be done without.46. My walk is characterized by some looseness and awkwardness.47. I like to take care of confused people, explaining how to do the job.48. I try to spend only the minimum amount of effort on the material world in any of its manifestations - no more than necessary to create a positive emotional impact on others.49. Sometimes it is difficult for me to control my thoughts - they seem to start living their own uncontrolled life.50. When close people around me quarrel, I feel energetically drained and get sick from it.51. My health and well-being are unstable, often something happens to them.52. In my spare time, my imagination is always altruistic, rarely engaging in personal interests and problems, more often in others' or world issues.53. Even if I wanted to, it is difficult for me to speak in long flowing sentences and to understand someone else's flowing speech as well.54. Words like PASS, GET INTO, and PREDICT are more familiar and attractive to me than FIND, CONQUER, and OVERCOME (weigh and feel).55. I really dislike those who 'stick out' and flaunt their 'I.'56. When nervous, my appetite completely disappears, sometimes even 'nervous' nausea occurs.57. I often engage in mental games.58. I often have some painful sensations in my body.59. My imagination works like a powerful amplifier: for example, it can notice some small features in a person and exaggerate them to a grotesque caricature.60. Sometimes it seems to me that time over five minutes either speeds up or slows down - as if it pulses, moving unevenly.61. I prefer independent activities related to free intellectual search and try to stay away from authorities and positions.62. My saliva is usually thick and sticky, sometimes hard to spit out.63. In raising a small child, more attention should be paid to developing imagination rather than practicality.64. I believe that if a person moves across the direction of movement of their herd, it is not wise at all.