Markers that LSI mostly agrees with, while SLI mostly disagrees:
1. To instill the right things in people's minds, violence is useful and necessary.2. I would fit well as a leader in a large, strictly organized system.3. I like expressions like 'ruthless energy,' 'cold determination,' 'brute force.'4. Society needs strict and even fierce leaders.5. I'm ready to sacrifice many of my current needs to attain a higher position.6. I like to manage people strictly.7. I enjoy the right to command and give orders.8. I would really like a responsible job related to power or managing a large organization.9. The triumph of the strong over the weak is a normal and quite acceptable basis for life.10. I like it when order is solid, built top-down, from the main to the particular, and resistant to time.11. Sometimes I'm accused of conservatism and excessive adherence to order and subordination.12. I always insist on my own, achieving recognition of my correctness from others.13. Victory in a game is pleasant because it humiliates the opponent.14. Humanistic ideas only corrupt people.15. I am simultaneously decisive, goal-oriented, and distrustful - I thoroughly test people in practice and like to completely subordinate them to my influence.16. I can easily perform mental work that requires prolonged attention.17. I prefer leaders with an authoritative and strong-willed manner.18. It is evident that ideally, citizens should be subordinate elements of their state, 'cogs' in a large, well-functioning machine.19. I like it when people fear me.20. I am fascinated by people like Stalin, Napoleon, Ivan the Terrible, Genghis Khan.21. Enemies exist and should always exist in almost any situation and any company.22. I like to look down on people.23. My life and career are clearly scheduled by stages.24. I support a government that would be a 'strong hand' authority.25. I would really like to work as an inspector, controlling the implementation of some regulations.26. I mostly adhere to the principle: 'who is not with us is against us.'27. I love the words 'conquest' and 'overcoming' - they resonate in my soul.28. I like the power of a firm hand, even if some people are screaming about various violations.29. I feel pleasure seeing the enemy suffer.30. I would really like to make a career as a clerk in a large state mechanism.31. Usurpation of power at the first opportunity is rather normal and natural than not.32. I believe that spreading resentment towards a potential enemy and fear of the power of authority among the population is a useful measure for strengthening a good state.33. In public life, it is necessary to cultivate adherence to a single ideology in people.34. I evaluate people by their logic and strong-willed decisiveness.35. I think and act in terms of honor and revenge.36. In myself and in others, I primarily respect strong 'push-through' qualities and developed logical abilities.37. Choosing between independent activity and power, I will choose power.38. I know how to build complex, long-term action schemes and like to diligently adhere to their planned sequence.39. Most of my life, I have been a person with great ambitions and claims to a high position.40. I love rigid structures that do not allow any changes within their framework.41. I really like to subordinate the external environment to myself, to impose my will.42. I would like to be a master of human destinies.43. I would like to be a manager or overseer on a 19th-century coffee plantation.44. I hate weaklings.45. I love power, assertiveness, and strength in people.46. I am more afraid of low social status than of physical pain or other unpleasant sensations.47. It is harmful to support the weak; the strongest should prevail in life.48. I like to prohibit something, or I like to control how people comply with some prohibitions.49. There was nothing particularly bad in slavery for slaves; they were free from decisions and problems.50. The people with their collective consciousness are above any individuality.51. Bowing low to the strong and powerful is not a sin.52. I get the most pleasure when I manage to break someone's resistance.53. The greatest feats are military.54. I am inclined to impose my orders.55. I love to hurt some people - sometimes I like to bring them to emotional distress and even tears.56. People who cannot reason strictly logically - I secretly consider them almost monkeys.57. I love uniformity in everything.58. A victorious war is better than a bad peace.59. My plans are persistent and rarely reorganized.60. I have a strong will, excellent practicality, I can control my emotions and manipulate the emotions of others.61. Censorship is justified if the press's work starts to interfere with the interests of state power.62. I would make a good legal pettifogger: I can manipulate people, and I would like to play with small facts and points of instructions like piano keys.63. If a person does not have loyal feelings, then there is no noble soul in them.64. I always get an excessive pleasure from contemplating a strict vertically organized orderliness.65. I believe that almost always it is unacceptable to deviate from the norm.66. During preparation for exams (or previously, when I took them), I usually easily concentrate and can study for several hours straight - the feeling of clarity of everything read and my almost constant 'focus' on the topic never leaves me.Markers that SLI mostly agrees with, while LSI mostly disagrees:
1. I live by my feelings and do not like to force myself, put myself within the framework of some plans or schedules.2. The greatest fear and distrust are caused by people in whom I see a tendency to dictate and violence.3. It is extremely unpleasant for me when I am 'built' according to some rules.4. My slogans: live and let live, do not strive for dominance, and respect others' freedom.5. I do not like to force myself, put myself within the framework of some plans or schedules.6. It is true that I do not know how to 'pressure' others, I do not know how to and do not like to control the environment.7. I would try to avoid work where I am ordered, and I have to order someone.8. Any hierarchy and mandatory respect for people 'by their status': position, age, etc., irritate me; in my taste, it is in any case rather bad than good.9. I do not like to work on a fixed schedule; I prefer a flexible schedule or work without a schedule at all.10. I like to be in a society and environment where no one depends on anyone, where there are no 'elders' and 'authorities.'11. A lot of freedom is more pleasant for me than a lot of power.12. I am easily distracted by interference.13. To fit into some group hierarchy and become its inseparable part is rather unpleasant for me than pleasant.14. It is true that I would try to avoid work where the main thing is to manage other people, and there is no time left for my own free interests.15. I tend to procrastinate and often do not finish things.16. Comfort is very important to me - to get a good sleep, to not have a draft from the window, to be able to eat tastefully and without haste.17. I show tolerance for the shortcomings and weaknesses of others - everyone has weaknesses and shortcomings.18. If someone is subjected to cruel or humiliating treatment before my eyes, anger rises in my soul, and my mood immediately deteriorates.19. From various problems and unpleasantness, I become more passive or constrained and need close contact with another person and comfort.20. Sometimes it is difficult for me to focus on something, even if I try to strain my attention - there is no result from this.21. In life, I am interested in everything a little bit and often switch from one thing to another.22. I despise cultures where offending the weak is a virtue.23. I am more likely to be persuaded by an ethical argument than a logical one.24. Diverse physical discomforts (such as tight clothing, odors, hangnails on fingers, unsuitable air temperature in the room, inconvenient light, hunger, etc.) usually strongly distract and hinder me from working.25. It is difficult for me to cope with stress; I quickly 'run out of steam' from stress.26. I often interrupt almost any task halfway, being distracted by something else.27. The key word for me is interest. I can abandon everything previous if I feel something more interesting nearby.28. It is characteristic of me that I do not like certainty and responsibility - in general, I do not like it when something obliges me.29. I would never agree to work in a structure where orders must be unquestioningly followed, sometimes idiotic ones.30. Compared to other people, I often lack consistency and determination.31. It would be very unpleasant for me to make work plans for a week or a day at the request of the management.32. I have weak motivations; I often lack attraction to anything.33. I often feel sleepy and tired, I want to be left alone.34. In a normal society, people should not march through life in unison and 'in step' because they are all different.35. I believe that people can self-govern and live happily without kings, leaders, and masters.36. I do not know how to 'pressure' others, I do not know how to and do not like to control the surrounding space.37. I am often late, I get tired of strict discipline, I have little respect for any formal subordination.38. People's rights to life and freedom are more important than any state and national interests.39. The fear of punishment should be used as a stimulus as rarely as possible, and better not to be used at all.40. I am often late or arrive at the last minute.41. I am always concerned about my comfortable and pleasant well-being, I will never work through strength and through great fatigue.42. I cannot stand any dress codes (mandatory clothing requirements), sometimes I neglect them even at official events.43. All reverence, regalia, positions, ranks, hierarchies, and so on, along with traditions and rituals, are both funny and boring to me.44. I often avoid something because I am afraid of spoiling my mood.45. I can easily and vividly imagine the sound of a violin, cello, or piano with my 'mental hearing.'46. During monotonous work, I often deliberately start diversifying my actions, even if it reduces quality and productivity.47. Among my friends, there are smarter people than me.48. Finding the most comfortable and pleasant location is a characteristic activity for me.49. It is difficult for me to plan my work over time, to understand the deadlines for its stages.50. I get tired very quickly during mental work (reading, planning, counting).51. I feel instant and acute hatred towards any attempts at authoritative rudeness and violent coercion.52. If people are not oppressed and mocked, they will follow the natural norms of universal morality and patterns of respectful behavior on their own.53. I very often devote my time and interests to what comes to hand at the moment, rather than to what is planned and needed.54. I am more lazy, sensitive, and inclined to pleasures than many others.55. Grand plans, large and long lists of upcoming tasks usually repel and bore me.56. Sometimes it is difficult for me to get out of a state of thoughtlessness and lazy contemplation.57. I really do not like any obligations associated with time planning.58. I really do not like feeling tied to deadlines.59. I have a habit of delaying decision-making.60. In communication, what is most important to me is relaxation, informality, and 'homeliness,' calm friendliness of the environment - I cannot stand rude, vulgar, or eccentric companies.61. I am not good at making the right decisions.62. Sometimes in communication with people, it seems to me that I am a child in the role and mask of an adult, and that I may be exposed at any moment.63. I live, going with the flow, and solve problems reluctantly and only when there is no other choice.64. If I were an almighty god, I would follow the principle of self-determination of people; interference with supervision would be contrary to me.65. People who forcibly instill obedience and submission are contemptible and defective, for the human race is worthy of uniting by the great and noble consciousness of brotherhood alone.66. During monotonous work 'by obligation,' I am often drawn to a 'smoke break': to wander somewhere, to stare around, to have a smoke, and so on.