Markers that LSI mostly agrees with, while LII mostly disagrees:
1. I rarely think about transforming the world and more often try to find my place within the existing dominant system.2. The most dangerous people for the state are those who pollute the national soil with cosmopolitan weeds.3. I would enjoy military service.4. If a man is not a warrior, then he is not a man.5. Restricting certain individuals for the sake of the greater good is always justified.6. It is better to unintentionally crush something innovative than to allow chaos.7. Right or wrong, my country is my country, and it is always right.8. I like strong-handed power, even if some people cry out about various violations.9. Only a system of subordination can be just, not a system of equality.10. The dreams of some people about universal equality of opportunity seem foolish and even repulsive to me.11. By nature, I am a significant 'proprietor.'12. Soldiers are more needed by the people than scientists.13. The triumph of the strong over the weak is a normal and acceptable basis for life.14. The slogans of internationalism are always either a deception or pure stupidity.15. The call of blood is the strongest instinct in humans.16. Newspapers and magazines should always have some form of pre-censorship.17. A wide variety of behavioral patterns and models should not be allowed - such diversity harms social stability and the power of the state.18. I support a state power that is a 'strong hand.'19. I believe that the world has been, is, and should be an arena of eternal struggle where there can be no justice, and the strongest always win, while an average person like me should survive by skillfully maneuvering between the strong.20. A victorious war is better than a bad peace.21. If five people initially organize an equal cooperative, it is right if the strongest of them gradually takes over and begins to run everything.22. Society needs strict and even ferocious leaders.23. I would like professional service in the army if it paid well.24. I get the most satisfaction when I manage to break someone's resistance.25. I know how to 'collect' debts from acquaintances - it's never happened that someone successfully kept my money.26. In society, everyone should know only what is appropriate for their status, and no more.27. The primary criterion of success for me is the high status achieved as a result.28. The interests of my nation must be above the interests of all other peoples.29. Personal welfare is usually more important to me than common welfare.30. I like the saying: 'Every cricket should know its hearth.'31. I enjoy prohibiting something or controlling how people adhere to some prohibitions.32. Delicacy is usually called intellectual foolishness and the inability to stand up for oneself.33. Censorship is justified if the press starts interfering with the interests of state power.34. I would rather leave my descendants a beautiful and convenient house than a bunch of smart books with discoveries and revelations.35. During sexual games, I like to humiliate my partner.36. I believe that assigning all civil servants ranks in ascending order, depending on years of service and individual merits, is a good and necessary thing.37. An ideal monarchy is better than an ideal republic.38. If I had twenty million dollars, I would be ready and happy to have only half of that money but hold the rank and position of a colonel in influential law enforcement structures protecting the state's secrets and security.39. Obviously, in an ideal state, citizens should be subordinate elements, 'cogs' in a large, well-functioning machine.40. It is harmful to support the weak; the strongest should win in life.41. If I decide to ignore pain, I stop feeling it.42. There was nothing particularly bad about slavery for slaves; they were free from decisions and problems.43. The greatest feats are martial.44. I am probably more cruel by nature than others.45. I prefer working with concrete, tangible things rather than imaginary or speculative ones.46. Developing something new is not my thing; I would rather work with ready-made technologies.47. If predictability requires sacrificing diversity, it is almost always justified.48. Everything in the world is determined either by money, power, or human physiology, and talk of ideals is for fools.49. In any group, there should be a 'senior in rank.'50. I am distinguished by the fact that my clothing and accessories must always look (and usually do) like expensive classics, without signs of mass-market or gaudiness.51. If you do not belong to a group of people bonded by personal loyalty to their leader, you will not achieve anything in life.52. I can endure unpleasant or painful sensations better and longer than others - maybe I am just more indifferent to them.53. I like to teach others with pressure, trying to instill my approach to life in them.54. Spreading hostility towards a potential enemy and fear of the power's might among the population is a useful measure for strengthening a good state.55. The world is cruel, and I always side with the winners, not the victims.56. I like being feared.57. Abstract justice is a harmful stupidity.58. I like forceful, assertive, and strong-willed people.59. I enjoy managing people strictly.60. If a person lacks loyalist feelings, they lack nobility of spirit.61. Sometimes I have a desire to patronize someone fragile and vulnerable, looking so weak and defenseless; I feel the desire to guide them on the right path (such a helpless, scattered, impractical person).62. I hate weaklings.63. Usually, there is more harm from those who undermine leadership authority than from those who hide the truth in the name of public tranquility.64. I love intense loads.65. In my behavior, I always straightforwardly orient myself towards the leader; I do as they do within my place in the general order.66. I would very much like to work as an inspector, controlling the implementation of some regulations.67. Sometimes I enjoy seeing others' fear.68. I know how to 'use elbows' in life to assert my rights.Markers that LII mostly agrees with, while LSI mostly disagrees:
1. I am more curious than others - for me, an excess of information to study and understand is always better than a lack of it.2. I am unequivocally for equalizing people's starting opportunities, rights, and strengths. Even among adults, society should not allow too much deviation from equality.3. I often feel inspired by the sense that I have made a sudden discovery, grasped some new, crucial, and very important idea.4. I reflexively get a runny nose and start sneezing uncontrollably if I walk barefoot on a cold floor.5. I believe that the people can self-govern and live happily without kings, leaders, and lords.6. It is difficult for me to follow orders just because they are given, as I always think about the ultimate goal of the task.7. I love independent activity related to free intellectual pursuit, and I try to stay away from authorities and positions.8. I often have rapid breathing - I notice this almost daily.9. I am a person of more creative and unconventional solutions than my acquaintances on average.10. I can't stand dress codes or other mandatory requirements for my business or evening attire.11. I easily and willingly generalize, love all kinds of 'global' ideas and concepts, but excessive specifics often burden and tire me - I just don't understand why it is needed, and quickly lose interest in it.12. If I were President, I would expand openness and reduce the lists and duration of information classified as state secrets.13. I usually have scattered attention.14. I often start acting without waiting for agreements on rewards.15. Any attempts to limit the freedom of information spread irritate me.16. I quickly become a supporter of new theories that offer completely different structural descriptions of phenomena.17. The key word for me is interest. I can abandon everything if I feel something more interesting nearby.18. The work of a philosopher would suit me better than that of an investigator.19. Titles, ranks, positions, hierarchies, and traditions, as well as rituals, are both funny and boring to me.20. Fitting into a group hierarchy and becoming an inseparable part of it is more unpleasant than pleasant for me.21. I consider myself more inventive than practically inclined in everyday matters.22. In production, I would prefer to deal with experimental rather than serial products.23. In work, interest is always more important to me than payment.24. Key concepts for me are: abstraction, philosophy, courage, chivalry, 'crazy idea,' breadth of outlook, curiosity, resourcefulness, unpredictability, improvisation, research, democracy, truth, theory, aversion to hypocrisy.25. Intelligence in children is much more important than their obedience.26. I most want to be left alone with what may be unpleasant to me, not to impose someone else's and alien, unpleasant to me, rules.27. The people who arouse the most suspicion and distrust in me are those in whom I see a tendency towards dictation and violence.28. Greed is worse than stupidity.29. I love to fantasize, philosophize, and invent something unusual.30. I can quickly come up with many different ideas and alternative explanations on a given topic.31. I feel instant sharp hatred for any attempts at authoritarian rudeness and violent coercion.32. I respect and understand the 'cosmic dreamer' Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky - there is a large part of his character in me.33. I always have many new original ideas.34. Any manifestations of social injustice irritate me.35. My gait is somewhat loose and clumsy.36. I have a very sensitive imagination.37. In life, I often lack everyday practicality, but my inventive streak is very developed.38. I love an atmosphere of free and relaxed 'idea generation,' where it is not customary to scold and criticize.39. Any violence shocks and repels me.40. Those who like 'marching in formation' irritate me.41. I am much more concerned with global things, not details.42. I am inclined towards innovation, I love getting to know all sorts of new things, and I often come up with them myself (more often than my acquaintances).43. In my reasoning, I love to juxtapose opposing approaches, compare alternative points of view.44. It has always been more important for me to understand the meaning of life over decades, centuries, and eternity than to solve several current tasks.45. The fear of punishment should be used as a stimulus as rarely as possible, and preferably not at all.46. The most important thing in raising children is to give them as much freedom as possible, and to forbid as little as possible.47. Sport hunting for animals is entertainment for psychopaths; it is neither interesting nor pleasant to me.48. The motto 'Science and Humanism' is closer to me than the motto 'Unity and Cohesion.'49. I fear injections and generally avoid any pain.50. I have always been overly shy and awkward in dealing with the opposite sex.51. It is extremely unpleasant for me when I am 'structured' according to some rules.52. I despise cultures where offending the weak is a virtue.53. Wild and unexpected ideas come to my mind easily.54. I fear pain more than others.55. I often take the initiative in putting forward ideas and proposals, but then I usually wait or look for people who will ensure the implementation of these ideas without my involvement.56. I almost always flinch from injections or other pain.57. What is more valuable in human character? - LII: Foresight above average level. LSI: Loyalty above average level.58. The thirst for intellectual knowledge, with an emphasis on the new and unusual, is my characteristic trait.59. I am wary of raising mutual problems in communication, preferring to avoid them and the potential conflicts associated with them.60. My life has been too unstable and fleeting almost from birth - I lack inner stability.61. I sometimes sin with excessive generality and abstractness of perception - I perceive the world in general categories, not in particulars.62. My developed intuition allows me to accurately determine the hidden possibilities and abilities of other people.63. I am greatly attracted to everything new, unknown, and unfamiliar.64. Regarding new non-standard theories and solutions, I cannot be called a conservative.65. I notice subtle nuances in development trends earlier than others.66. I often dream of a world ruled by friendship and brotherhood.