Markers that LIE mostly agrees with, while ILE mostly disagrees:
1. I get irritated when acquaintances surpass me in the 'status' of their belongings.2. What do your fantasies resemble more? - LIE: These are plots developing over time. ILE: These are sudden insights-associations, or kaleidoscopically arising fragments of thoughts and ideas.3. It is strictly important for me that my spouse has a high social status and publicly enjoys societal respect.4. Even if I am communicating with a person not from my work, I still pay a lot of attention to their position in the service hierarchy.5. I have a clear idea of what the future holds for each of my closest five acquaintances in 10 years.6. I know how to never quarrel with friends, as well as with influential and necessary people.7. My positive forecasts usually come true.8. I have a good sense of time and can usually, without looking at a clock, accurately say how much time has passed and what hour it is.9. I know how to properly allocate my work over time.10. I have a good sense of time.11. I try not to delve too deeply into knowledge about a subject as long as the existing knowledge works effectively and provides me with maximum competitiveness.12. If a person is not wealthy and does not hold a prominent position in society, it means they haven't achieved anything in life yet.13. If I lose to a friend in a game (chess, cards, etc.), I will definitely try to get back at them in some small way.14. I can remarkably calculate how much time I will need to complete any task, get somewhere, meet a deadline, etc.15. I always say and do what is convenient for the audience and the moment.16. The criterion of truth is practical benefit. Therefore, what is true is not what is 'true,' but what is beneficial.17. I have a need for titles and statuses that the collective assigns to its members - I am not indifferent to them.18. Knowledge must bring quick benefits, otherwise it is useless.19. The calculation of costs during the performance of work is a process that always interests me.20. Money is the key to everything.21. I mostly communicate with people who will help me advance in life.22. I understand the saying: 'a time for work, and a time for play.'23. I am very practical; I know how to gain trust and show my necessity; I quickly adapt to any social environment, easily finding a comfortable high-ranking niche for myself.24. I constantly perceive time as the most important resource, specially rationalizing and planning its use.25. I would enjoy working as an economist in the business sphere.26. Choosing between independent activity and power, I choose power.27. What is true is what is beneficial at the moment.28. I always compare my actions in terms of benefit, profit, and maximum efficiency.29. My life and career are clearly planned in stages.30. I would enjoy a job where I constantly have to keep different critical deadlines in mind and sort tasks by urgency and importance.31. I am inventive in making time and other people work for me.32. I am mostly satisfied with the way the world is arranged.33. I like people who know how to 'make money.'34. The criterion of truth is material benefit, only what is personally useful to me is true.35. It is easy for me to postpone all pleasures 'for later' for the sake of a task that will bring me greater benefit in the future.36. In the morning, I can always accurately list what tasks I have planned for today.37. My desires are stronger and more constant than those of other people - because of this, I usually achieve my goals.38. I would prefer to manage large teams rather than small ones.39. Everyone in society should know their place.40. I am a very goal-oriented and organized person.41. I always have an action plan for the next day in my head.42. It is easy for me to postpone all pleasures 'for later' for the sake of a task that will bring me greater benefit in the future.43. I remain calm, confident, and optimistic even in difficult situations.44. My public status and the prestige of my position are extremely important to me.45. I never let anyone shortchange me on money that has been even slightly promised to me.46. I can work for a long time without fatigue, properly allocating my tasks over time.47. Others value my active business qualities.48. I am almost always completely confident in myself, without a hint of doubts, hesitations, or reflections.49. I have a habit of always completing the tasks I start.50. I can work for a long time and properly allocate my work over time.51. I would really enjoy a responsible job related to power or managing a large organization.52. The phrases 'Time is money' or 'Time waits for no one' could be my motto and accurately characterize me.53. I have a sense of ownership wherever I am.54. A threat to my money and material well-being is more frightening to me than a threat to my ideas and beliefs.55. I like comparing objects by their quality, utility, and price.56. I have a smooth, deep, and calm sleep with rare or absent dreams.57. The logic of business and the logic of struggle are within my capabilities and I enjoy them.58. I always have everything under control.59. Any distraction from work is perceived by me as a loss, a useless waste of time.60. What do you strive for more often? - LIE: Quick benefit. ILE: Eternal truth.61. I am better organized and better at self-control than the average person in my circle.62. I am a more organized person than an impulsive one.63. In my fantasies, I always know when to stop and switch to something else needed.64. I am always internally ready for work and action, no 'warming up' is required.65. From a bad mood, I almost always 'hide' in intensive work at the limit of my capabilities.Markers that ILE mostly agrees with, while LIE mostly disagrees:
1. I find it hard to tear myself away from some computer games - finishing, I immediately start again, sometimes being late for something or completely forgetting about other tasks.2. I love utopian or dystopian science fiction, that is, about different versions of societal arrangements.3. In some states, I completely lose the ability to perceive the passage of time - later I won't be able to say how much time has passed.4. If any one activity brings me pleasure, I can get stuck on it for a long time, so it's hard to break away, and this even interferes with other tasks and interests.5. I wouldn't mind spending a couple of days figuring out why exactly a thunderstorm starts after a lightning strike.6. My attitude towards time is very erratic: sometimes I meticulously plan and save it, other times I completely lose the sense of its movement and waste it entirely.7. Often, it is very hard for me to tear myself away from a game, even if more important tasks await.8. I love reading science fiction or watching sci-fi movies.9. Where does your laziness manifest more often? - ILE: I drag any task out indefinitely. LIE: I try to finish any task as quickly as possible, to get it over with.10. I really dislike time constraints - my experiment is almost never limited by an end date, it will continue as long as there are strength, possibilities, and desire to continue it.11. Almost every day something happens in the information field around me that provokes a reaction of either disgust or at least strong irritation.12. I hate being rushed with deadlines.13. Until the last moment, I never feel whether I will finish the task on time or not.14. Would you like to instantly transfer (WITHOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF RETURN) to a parallel Earth with a different and unknown history, together with a few like-minded people?15. I often experience a sense of protest inside myself.16. Something always overshadows my joy.17. Some memories make me feel ashamed of myself - for how I behaved and what I said.18. I constantly notice something new and unusual in the surrounding familiar objects.19. I am often curious about subjects that are completely unrelated to my 'long-term' interests.20. I like to absorb or build my own theories that will almost certainly never be recognized by society.21. I often know how to amuse myself with something trivial, though it has no practical value, but is fun.22. I very rarely stick to a schedule - the time I have lunch, go to bed, or wake up changes greatly and 'fluctuates' depending on the nuances of my mood and the interest of current activities.23. Attempts by some of my acquaintances to measure my success with money piss me off.24. I often feel internal indignation for various reasons in the surrounding life.25. Choose, in which matters are you more picky and prone to criticism - ILE: in matters of how interesting and original (or banal) the statements and thoughts of my close and familiar people are. LIE: in matters of how forethoughtful close or familiar people are and how they spend their and my time.26. I really dislike any obligations associated with time planning.27. Often I can't figure out what date and day of the week it is for a long time.28. I often overdo it with something.29. I often feel some burning protest inside me about something.30. Sometimes I am bothered by the strange feeling that my thoughts flow as if against my will, not obeying me.31. I am much more indifferent to money than most people.32. I quite often dream in color with a fantastic, fairy-tale plot.33. I can spend a long time on some topic out of pure interest, without a clear prospect of getting a useful result.34. I often feel some internal protest, disagreement.35. I feel nervous and anxious.36. I am often unreasonable in my behavior.37. At work, I often get distracted by small things and fail to complete the most important tasks on time.38. I want to change and improve the surrounding order.39. My productivity is very uneven, with unpredictable declines and rises.40. For some time, I have been feeling chronically tired and 'worn out' for no apparent reason.41. A daily routine and I are incompatible.42. I live by my sensations and don't like to force myself into frameworks of plans or schedules.43. I perceive nature and many household items as living, as if endowed with a soul.44. Even with good thinking, I lack the ability and desire to plan my work.45. I believe that for sound decisions, freedom and spontaneity are more important than planning and organization.46. I often feel unable to cope with tasks.47. I think more in vague abstract images than in words.48. It is true that I would try to avoid a job where I have to command others, and I have little time for my own free interests.49. I don't like to force myself into frameworks of plans or schedules.50. A lot of freedom is more pleasant to me than a lot of power.51. I enjoy the process of events happening, without waiting for the result.52. I am poorly organized and do not tolerate any control.53. I have a habit of postponing tasks and often not finishing them.54. I would very much like the job of a photographer.55. My real few minutes often stretch like several hours, so many different thoughts fit in them, so the very first thoughts after a few minutes I have already forgotten.56. To my taste and view, intellect and intelligence are always more important than wealth and dexterity, career or sports achievements.57. I constantly feel the subtle flickering and bustle of some visual images in my head, which are hard to 'drown out' by willpower.58. I would try to avoid a job where I have to command, and I have to take orders.59. I often want to exclaim: time, stop!60. It is difficult for me to plan my budget over time and adapt it to current financial circumstances.61. My productivity is very uneven, with few predictable declines and rises.62. My emotions and experiences are very unstable, easily changing their sign (from negative to positive and vice versa).63. I am too often distracted by any little thing that happens around me.64. I often fantasize for my own pleasure rather than to solve some problems.65. Sometimes, before leaving the house, I get immersed in some thoughts, dreams, or fantasies and because of this, I am late.