Markers that ILI mostly agrees with, while SEI mostly disagrees:
1. What is true is what is beneficial at the moment.2. Sometimes all the sounds I hear are indistinct, unclear, dull, and faint, as if they reach my ears through cotton.3. I love to fantasize about something very unusual, sometimes even shocking.4. I often use irony to make someone or something appear ridiculous.5. Key words for me: profitable or not, beneficial or not, expedient or not.6. I perceive and quickly grasp subtle nuances in comparing the profitability of tasks better than others.7. Everything in the world has a value for me, expressed in money.8. The criterion of truth is material benefit; only what is personally useful to me is correct.9. I often think in terms of benefit, efficiency, and utility.10. More than half the time, I have predominantly pessimistic and depressive thoughts.11. I often provoke people with words to see how they react.12. I very much dislike interlocutors or partners with 'emotional outbursts.'13. I like to conduct mental experiments, combining the incompatible.14. I tend to foresee and plan solutions for all possible scenarios in advance.15. When I think about something, I almost always also think about what happened before and what will happen after.16. Sometimes I have orientation problems, struggling to immediately recall and understand where I am at the moment (home, work, or elsewhere).17. Occasionally, I lose contact with reality for brief moments, not feeling what is happening, although I am not thinking about anything else.18. Often, when looking at what is happening around me, I have a clear and somewhat strange feeling of anticipating what will happen next.19. Sometimes the surrounding space and objects appear oddly distorted to me.20. I never show emotions in life's difficulties.21. Sometimes I prove to some people, who boast about their supposed honesty, that they are not honest but also thieves and guided by vile motives.22. I regularly dream and fantasize about things that might happen to me.23. Sometimes I find myself feeling nothing, as if the world becomes flat and gray for a while, devoid of any emotional significance.24. Promised rewards play a decisive role in my interest in work.25. Most people are scoundrels.26. I always pay attention to the profitability, calculation, and expediency of actions.27. Sometimes I have unusual premonitions, feeling like I see what will happen in a few seconds as if the future and present have swapped places for a moment.28. My self-esteem constantly fluctuates, often being very low.29. Sometimes I enjoy mocking certain people.30. I handle symbols of things and concepts better than others, and I am better at calculating time and money.31. Sometimes I spend entire evenings thinking and worrying about what I need to do, what I haven't done, or what I can't do, what needs to be done, or what will happen if something isn't done, etc.32. Occasionally, I have sudden feelings of alienation, a stationary deadness of the surrounding environment.33. Sometimes the future seems to 'overlap' with the present—I start feeling the moment that is yet to come so clearly and unmistakably, as if it has already happened.34. I sometimes have sudden feelings of alienation, a stationary deadness of the surrounding environment.35. Sometimes I have the strange illusion that I do not exist—the world around me exists, but I am not in it.36. I get easily irritated by stupid questions.37. I am prone to aggressive thoughts directed at myself.38. Sometimes familiar objects and people's faces seem strange and distorted, somehow 'not right.'39. I have a kind of 'sixth sense,' and sometimes I know well in advance what is going to happen.40. I would be curious to observe a dying person.41. Sometimes it seems to me that people are laughing at me behind my back.42. Sometimes I have the strange feeling that everything around me is not real, but make-believe, like in a theater.43. I always feel nauseated doing tasks that I don't understand or consider foolish.44. I have the illusion of 'never seen before' several times a year or more often, when familiar surroundings suddenly seem strangely unfamiliar and new, as if I am seeing them for the first time.45. I am mostly in a bad mood.46. I love to develop new ideas in detail, up to their practical application.47. Almost any person, deep down, is a potential thief and corrupt, no matter what they imagine about themselves.48. I have a talent for popularizing—I love and know how to 'play' with complex logical things, showing them from different angles.49. In any situation, I instantly grasp the opportunities it presents, but I rarely take advantage of them myself.50. Both people and things are divided into useful and useless for me. The useful ones are interesting, and the useless ones never are.51. Emotions are valuable only if they support the already established stability in the world.52. I quickly get tired of people who willingly demonstrate their 'emotional brightness.'53. In the realm of imagination, I have a very focused 'inner' mental gaze: I can hold any object I think about in my attention for a long time and without interruption, while also tracking all its transformations over time.54. If there is an opportune moment to take a piece of a neighbor's land for my benefit, only a fool wouldn't do it.55. I don't like variety shows and clowning, especially on New Year's Eve, when there's nothing else to watch on TV.56. My mind is often occupied with thoughts about how to save money or time on some trifle.57. If someone's patriotic pride condemns the population to long-term material deprivation, that's shit, not patriotism.58. I would be well-suited for a job as a financial or political analyst.59. I know how to use other people's opportunities for my selfish purposes.60. Everything depends on the situation; principles usually just get in people's way.61. I often experience heightened perception: my skin is very sensitive, sounds seem very loud, light is bright, and colors are extremely vivid.62. During conversations, I like to laugh and ironize about others' immorality and lack of principles.63. I am often drawn to thoughts of death and non-existence, and I like to think about it for a long time as a good way out and the best revenge on myself and others.64. I take pleasure in exposing someone's incompetence.65. My sleep is very 'broken'—sometimes I can't sleep for a long time or keep waking up, so I don't go to bed at all, and sometimes I sleep all day almost until the evening. If drowsiness and fatigue accumulate by the second half of the night, I finally manage to fall asleep.66. How often do you listen to music on your own initiative (while working or relaxing)? ILI: Almost daily and for at least two hours a day. SEI: No more than 10 times a year.67. Very often, I involuntarily weigh and estimate the effectiveness of my expenses and efforts, thinking about how to optimize them.68. I frequently experience various fears or panic states.Markers that SEI mostly agrees with, while ILI mostly disagrees:
1. In close communication, I easily catch others' elevated mood.2. I am friendly, attentive, and considerate with everyone, good at sensing the state of others, and can gently adapt to the interlocutor.3. I usually immediately see if another person is happy.4. It's easy for me to communicate with people—they almost always seem likeable to me, and I feel no fears or barriers.5. I am somewhat more emotional and sensitive than the average of other men I know.6. I tend to trust others' honest words and oaths, even if I am dealing with a little-known person.7. If a loved one cries, I also have tears in my eyes.8. Unexpected situations always elicit an emotional reaction from me.9. Others' laughter is almost always infectious for me.10. I am more committed to common interests than personal ones.11. I want everyone I regularly interact with to love me.12. What interests me most is getting a live emotional response from people and infecting them with enthusiasm.13. When I watch a sports competition, I enjoy expressing my feelings with loud exclamations in 'pre-goal' moments.14. I readily 'catch' others' positive emotions.15. I keep my word even if it is not profitable for me.16. I believe in the need to serve society.17. I love poems and ballads with heroic sentimentality.18. I can and love to speak about my feelings in a lofty and passionate way.19. I like people with strong emotions.20. I love reading and studying history and almost automatically know what was happening in different parts of the world at the same time a hundred or two hundred years ago.21. I often make concessions just to avoid criticism and arguments.22. What kind of job in a staffing agency would you prefer - SEI: Candidate selection. ILI: Candidate rejection.23. I am concerned about my health.24. I love watching figure skating performances at championships and usually watch these programs from start to finish.25. In films and books, I remember not so much the plot details but the overall emotional component (so if asked to describe a film or book, I first try to convey its emotional message as I understood it).26. I am usually immersed in the sensation of the present moment, the 'here and now,' and imagining things I can't see right now is difficult for me.27. I am mostly in a relaxed and calmly bright mood.28. The present is more or less clear to me, while the future is unclear and therefore not very interesting.29. I am meticulous about decency, unintrusive but always ready to help those in need.30. I can easily emotionally adapt to others.31. I usually immediately understand when my friend starts to get angry.32. In communication, I absolutely need emotional closeness and emotional feedback.33. I am rather enthusiastic and light-minded than prudent.34. I can only be interested in tasks that are really needed by someone and truly useful—money is far from the main thing for me here.35. I have to strain to think about the future and make forecasts.36. When walking with someone, I like to talk along the way, walking silently is not interesting.37. I prefer situations of rising passions rather than those where enthusiasm and passion are ridiculed and brought down.38. Public recognition and others' gratitude are much more important and necessary to stimulate my activity than money or the threat of punishment.39. Public interests have always worried me more than personal ones.40. Unlike my peers, I have more curiosity and 'childlike' perception.41. To feel good, I need a lot of laughter and fun around.42. Some songs bring tears to my eyes.43. I try to ensure that no one feels offended by my actions.44. I am often guided by a sense of pity.45. I am very demanding about the quality and taste of food.46. In emotions, I am attracted by their strength and passion.47. I still enjoy the genre of children's riddles.48. I can easily flare up when encountering someone's meanness and injustice towards simple and weak people.49. I am a soft person who knows how to forgive.50. For my mood, the support of my actions by others is extremely important.51. Problems and unpleasantness make me more passive or inhibited, and I need close contact with another person and comfort.52. If there is no trust in communication, I feel very uncomfortable.53. I am sincere and fair, with much less duplicity and greed than others.54. My world is the real world; imaginary worlds are not mine.55. I always feel part of a larger human whole—people, state, collective.56. I am a team player and always rely on its cohesion and division of labor.57. I often get overly excited about current events.58. I would be very suited to being a psychotherapist, actor, or radio show host.59. I don't pay attention to how I spend my money, I count it little.60. I easily determine whether another's smile is sincere or deliberately 'fake.'61. I often discuss my or others' well-being, pleasant or unpleasant sensations, and ask about what hurts where—for me, these are normal topics of conversation.62. I am used to subordinating everything to my strongest needs, desires, and drives.63. Compared to others, I am a very peace-loving person, even free from thoughts of violence.64. I mostly live in the present moment.65. I have more moral fortitude than talent for business.66. I couldn't sacrifice the life of one person today to save a thousand people tomorrow.67. I have nagging problems with excess weight.68. What is better and more usual for you? - SEI: Striving to integrate, connect with others. ILI: Maintaining your independence.