Markers that ILI mostly agrees with, while ILE mostly disagrees:
1. I am a lazy skeptic; my favorite activity is engaging in philosophical-strategic reflections, searching for potential negative outcomes of imagined actions.2. I easily notice, easily dismiss, and float through life as an observer.3. More than half the time, I have pessimistic and depressive thoughts.4. I feel a lack of energy.5. I more often dissuade friends from their intentions than encourage them to act.6. I often stay alert, expecting something bad to happen.7. I tend to lower others' enthusiasm or even mock it rather than raise it.8. I enjoy warning, grumbling, and criticizing while lounging in a chair with an impassive expression.9. People will definitely use against you everything they can learn about you.10. Unlike many others, I dislike radical measures – extremes and excess in decisions always cause harm.11. Humanity and its problems interest me little.12. I can't recall feeling excited joy from achievements or their anticipation in the past month.13. One should serve their employer, not humanity.14. I've learned to curb and hide my emotions.15. I sometimes consider overly emotional people hysterics and jesters, and prefer to keep them away from my work.16. When watching movies, I rarely empathize with victims, even if I follow the relationships with interest – I can separate my feelings from others'.17. I'm an expert at making grim predictions.18. The thought that 'everything is vanity and vexation of spirit' is closer to me than the idea that one should fight for their cause to the end.19. I tend to predict the worst.20. My movements are more often smooth and flowing.21. Without influential patronage and luck, you achieve absolutely nothing in this life.22. I would prefer to change any social structure quietly and gradually, not radically.23. I know how to wait patiently, staying resigned to fate.24. I often expect the worst.25. For me, 'speeding up' usually means 'spoiling'.26. I'm among the more cautious half of people, carefully considering possible consequences and tending to 'play it safe'.27. In communication, I can use a silent, disapproving look (and do so quite often).28. I can hide my true feelings about a person behind my facial expression.29. When I see someone being hurt, I usually stay calm.30. People obsessed with global justice irritate me; at least, I have little respect for them.31. Stagnation is better than revolutionary upheaval.32. I lack confidence in my abilities.33. I have many unpleasant memories of old, insignificant events.34. Everything in the world is determined by either money, power, or human nature, and talk about ideals is for fools.35. The criterion of truth is material benefit; only what is personally useful is right.36. The well-being of my home is more important than global welfare.37. I often think about how I can be harmed.38. In conversations with people I want to influence, I rarely speak directly, usually giving hints, as if 'testing the waters'.39. I look at the hustle and bustle of life and philosophize in a dreamlike state.40. I hold onto unpleasant memories for a long time.41. I react very reservedly to any enthusiasm - it never helps anyone, only disorients people.42. I have no one from whom I prefer to receive information over money.43. I often expect some kind of trick from reality.44. I often have recurring negative thoughts.45. Sarcasm is often present in my texts.46. I am very attentive to all sorts of details.47. It's better to always expect the worst than to be poorly prepared for it.48. Sometimes I enjoy successfully deceiving someone.49. If the situation is such that 'there is no defense against a crowbar', I know how to please the currently powerful, and for this, I can step over my former views and be insincere (because I believe that stubbornness in such a situation is not valor, but foolishness).50. I often calculate ways to avoid danger in my head.51. Deceiving to sell is normal.52. Public peace is more important than truth.53. I am always on guard in relationships with others.54. I often feel sad or depressed.55. I often fall into despondency.56. I often think about possible troubles.57. I know how to and enjoy luring someone into a trap of their predictable actions.58. I am often in constant anticipation of trouble.59. I often feel contempt for others.60. I often feel sad.Markers that ILE mostly agrees with, while ILI mostly disagrees:
1. Often, in a fit of enthusiasm and energy, I take on too much.2. I am more of a maximalist than a person of moderate views.3. In my activities, I spend energy without doubts and hesitation.4. I easily take on difficult tasks that pose an emotional challenge and commit to them passionately, forgetting about food and rest.5. I have a lot of impulsiveness.6. If there were theatrical knightly duels on holidays in my city, I would gladly take part.7. I am usually ready to fight for an idea even alone, although ideas that excite and inspire me often change to new ones.8. In my goal-oriented and cheerful optimism, I sometimes commit tactless acts without noticing it (until friends point it out).9. I often feel like I can do anything and the sea is knee-deep.10. When starting something, I think much more about the upcoming victory than about possible failures and dangers.11. If I lived in the past, I could have become a revolutionary.12. I often crave 'feats', otherwise I get bored.13. I am hot-tempered and easily lose my temper over minor issues.14. I like states of excitement and tension.15. I can easily get angry when faced with someone's meanness and injustice towards the simple-minded and weak.16. When starting a reform, I always expect only good from it.17. I often get involved in adventures without thinking.18. I have strong motivations and a strong drive towards goals that promise joy.19. In an attack on the enemy, I sometimes find it difficult to stop in time.20. I often get involved in risky ventures.21. I often talk to people in raised tones.22. In a tense conversation, I easily switch to raised tones.23. I am a defender of the weak and oppressed by nature.24. In my readiness to take risks, I sometimes go overboard.25. I constantly need something new, unexpected, and exciting.26. I can be obsessive in my behavior or desires.27. I never give up and, like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, am ready to start climbing again and again.28. I am more selfless than others in defending justice.29. I am a historical optimist, believing in progress and the development of humanity towards mutual respect and goodness.30. I expect pleasant events more often than unpleasant ones.31. If I disagree, I will argue even with my boss.32. I like when situations challenge me.33. I am impatient.34. When I see someone being unfairly taken advantage of, I usually feel a desire to protect that person.35. I hope that after my death, others will be able to benefit from my deeds and achievements.36. I enjoy a life full of emotions.37. In conversations, my voice is always involved and somewhat excited.38. I readily 'pick up' on others' positive emotions.39. I am a seeker of truth; one could say that the search for truth and defending it against lies is a significant part of my life.40. I usually don't like it when someone's merits are attacked in a discussion41. I am more of a 'radical', an advocate of extreme solutions, than a person of moderate views and a supporter of gradual changes.42. In matters, I am more guided by the expectation of winning rather than the fear of losing.43. Compared to my peers, I have more curiosity and a 'childlike' perception.44. I am very trusting in communication.45. I always rush to help a person whose life is in danger.46. My characteristic traits are good-naturedness, simplicity, chivalry, optimism, and indifference to intrigues.47. I am fearless and face danger calmly, without fearing anything in advance.48. The idea of selfless service for the benefit of humanity is closer to me than to others.49. I react very sensitively and painfully to any injustice, whether it is done to me or to others.50. When thinking about the future, I usually see it in a 'rosy' light.51. I almost always look on the bright side of life.52. I prefer not to hide but honestly show my intentions (I find it much more pleasant and interesting).53. I am almost always fully confident in myself and my friends.54. I usually trust the information I am given.55. I am an advocate of radical changes in the world order.56. I love the atmosphere of struggle, I love chivalry in the defense of justice, I love films about weapons, but my main calling is revolutionary discoveries and inventions.57. I usually see friends in people and am poor at recognizing enemies.58. I generally believe that others have good intentions.59. Hatred for enemies could well drive me to sacrifice my life in some heroic act.60. I love adventurous and even risky undertakings.