Markers that ILI mostly agrees with, while IEI mostly disagrees:
1. In public, I am usually quite dry and sometimes even somewhat rude.2. Criticizing others' views and statements is always enjoyable for me.3. I can build flawless chains of reasoning for listeners better than most.4. I am more often dissatisfied with everything than very satisfied with anything.5. I always think ahead about the possible consequences of my actions.6. I defend my position very firmly and confidently in front of people of greater power and status.7. Essentially, I am a skeptic at heart, always prepared for the worst.8. I am a master at making gloomy forecasts.9. I am better than others at handling symbols of things and concepts, as well as managing time and money.10. For the sake of business benefits, I don't hesitate to be rude.11. I always approach the evaluation of my imagination's products soberly and critically.12. I eagerly discuss which technology will have a greater impact or which business decision will yield higher profits.13. I sometimes consider overly emotional people as hysterics and jesters and prefer not to allow them in my work.14. I don't know how to easily spend money; some accuse me of stinginess, but I just prefer to save something 'for a rainy day.'15. I am prone to predicting the worst.16. In any endeavor, I always have reserves ready to be deployed at the right moment.17. I can be called an erudite keeper of useful facts—people often consult my memory and knowledge for reference.18. I enjoy looking for weak spots in the logical constructs of those who claim exceptional logicality.19. I am suspicious of compliments when they are directed at me.20. My main principle is the principle of utility. Not beauty or harmony (whether in a scientific theory or in the soul—it doesn't matter to me), but precisely and only practical utility is what I value most.21. I often criticize or make sarcastic remarks.22. Sarcasm is often found in my texts.23. Minor logical flaws usually catch my eye even before errors in the general sense and overall idea of someone's work.24. I often think in terms of benefit, efficiency, and utility.25. I think quickly and always effectively and effortlessly concentrate my thoughts.26. After brief reflection, I can answer almost any question.27. I often use the phrase: 'So what's the problem?'28. I am better than many at reviewing and updating logical solutions and models, moving away from the usual and established.29. I enjoy criticizing.30. I am better than others at quickly grasping subtle nuances when comparing business profitability.31. In communication, I often emphasize my ability to structure logical material better than others and feel offended if this skill is challenged.32. Pressuring me with emotions is useless—it will only provoke my disrespect.33. I won't miss the chance to reproach someone for incompetence.34. I mostly have a bad mood.35. I am often ironic in my conversations.36. I have encyclopedic knowledge; sometimes I act as a 'walking encyclopedia.'37. I am a lazy skeptic; my favorite activity is philosophically and strategically contemplating what bad things might happen on the path of some imagined actions.38. I always insist on my point, achieving recognition of my correctness from others.39. In any task, I use many criteria for comparison and verification.40. I always assume the worst—let reality turn out better than my predictions, it will make me happier.41. I am flexible in discussions, easily finding logical arguments to defend any currently needed thesis.42. I always think ahead about the possible consequences of my actions.43. I am very sensitive to minor facts or legal details that remain unnoticed by many other colleagues.44. I more often dissuade friends from their intentions than persuade them to do something.45. In critical situations, I can completely block emotions, not allowing fear or panic.46. If necessary, I can demand very strictly, making sure even those higher in status take me seriously.47. I am a widely erudite person (the set of useful facts stored in my memory is larger than that of my peers).48. In others' logical arguments and supporting evidence, I often recognize well-known and forgotten old ideas.49. I always have 'strategic reserves' of money for special situations.50. I am often on guard and ready for any trouble.51. People will inevitably use anything they can learn about you against you.52. People often get offended by my words, even though I didn't intend to offend them.53. The motto 'Science and Humanism' is closer to me than 'Unity and Cohesion.'54. I tend to plan everything in advance and develop solutions for all possible scenarios.55. When I speak, it always seems like I am 'pronouncing' indisputable truths—I am not prone to questioning intonations.56. I can find weaknesses in any action and often surpass others in this ability.57. My ability for self-criticism without emotional turmoil (with a 'cold nose') and honest admission of mistakes is higher than that of other people.58. My worldview aligns with sayings like 'There's no defense against a crowbar,' 'Don't get caught,' and 'If you're not caught, you're not a thief.'59. I enjoy mentally identifying sources of errors and misconceptions in people I know.60. Everything in the world is determined either by money, power, or human physiology, and talk of ideals is for fools.61. My natural hair color is rather dark than light.62. I am better than others at detecting problems.63. I enjoy pointing out the mistakes of someone with a formally higher status in public.64. I always prefer even emotions in others, without 'outbursts.'65. If there is something to reproach a colleague for, I will definitely do it—in front of witnesses.66. I don't like interlocutors or partners with 'emotional outbursts.'67. In any endeavor, I immediately notice aspects that need serious improvement.68. Compared to others of my gender, my voice is more 'bass' (ILI: Yes. IEI: No, more high-pitched voice).69. I am very sensitive to minor facts that remain unnoticed by many other colleagues.Markers that IEI mostly agrees with, while ILI mostly disagrees:
1. I am more idealistic than skeptical.2. My main goal is to make a positive emotional impression on others.3. I love an emotionally rich life.4. In conflict situations, I forget about arguments compared to my usual state and rely much more on pure emotions.5. My inner ethical feelings and experiences are the field where decisions are made.6. I like to play an active, leading role in feelings and emotions.7. If I were a journalist, I would write more about the virtues of the surrounding life, not its shortcomings.8. My mood is almost always predominantly euphoric, and bile skepticism is practically never present.9. I am capable of passionate love (precisely passionate, up to the point of being ready for any madness)—the last time this happened was not long ago.10. I find it difficult to align desires with current financial possibilities.11. My imagination has a more joyful than anxious tone.12. I am a person with a kind, albeit sometimes sad, humor, soft and pleasant in communication.13. In films and books, I remember not so much the plot details as the overall emotional component (so if asked to talk about a film or book, I will first try to describe the emotional message I understood).14. I am much more often in a high and major mood than in a 'down' and minor one.15. I usually don't care about minor logical inconsistencies in facts.16. I have many bright hopes.17. I usually tune myself and others to expect things to be much better and more successful than can be expected from common sense considerations.18. I usually immediately see if another person is cheerful.19. I trust other people.20. Which word is used more often in speech? - IEI: Good. ILI: Bad.21. In emotions, I am generally attracted to their strength and passion.22. It is true that I never make mistakes in using my feelings and external expression of emotions—they are a very precise tool for timely impact on the surrounding masses.23. I almost always feel the pain of a close person as my own.24. I find it difficult to control my desires.25. When thinking about the future, I usually see it in a 'rosy' light.26. I usually see immediately when a person is in a good mood.27. It is true that I generally do not feel the need to criticize or argue with anyone.28. I like to create 'emotional whirlwinds' around myself, to be in the focus of human emotions and passions.29. Initially, I am more inclined towards acceptance than rejection.30. It is important to me that the profession I engage in has a certain touch of romance.31. I prefer situations of rising passion, not those where enthusiasm and passion are ridiculed and suppressed.32. I am easily frightened.33. By the behavior, facial expressions, and voice of another person, I quickly recognize their mood.34. Faith is more important to me than any doubts.35. It is difficult for me to remain calm when everyone is rejoicing—I usually rejoice with them automatically.36. If a close person is crying, I also get tears in my eyes.37. I am easily influenced by the emotions of those around me.38. Pleasant memories come to my mind more often than unpleasant ones.39. I am more inclined than others to the idea of selfless service for the benefit of humanity.40. I am primarily oriented towards my inner ethical world, the world of feelings and experiences.41. I feel genuine suffering if my favorite team loses or if a close person fails an exam and comes home upset.42. When a close person is in a good mood, I see it instantly.43. The changed mood of a close person immediately changes my mood too.44. I more often expect pleasant things than unpleasant ones.45. I quickly notice anxiety in another person's voice.46. Often it is very difficult to 'gather my attention,' but if I really push myself, I always manage to do it, even if only for a short time.47. I usually immediately understand when my friend starts to get angry.48. I almost always look on the bright side of life.49. I would feel uncomfortable without a sense of my involvement in a collective.50. In close communication, I easily catch the elevated mood of others.51. Sometimes, due to haste, I press the wrong buttons on devices instead of the correct ones.52. I am easily distracted.53. I easily yield in conflicts, showing great patience even to completely unjustified offenses and reproaches.54. I am easily embarrassed.55. In my thoughts and concerns about the fate of the world, humanity, or the nation, I am more of a selfless idealist than a pragmatist.56. I feel comfortable being a member of a 'pack' with a strong, authoritative leader.57. It is true that I always believe in success and take irritation at bad forecasts, I love for my faith to be shared and trusted without question, I dislike proving anything.58. When everything is going well for me (which happens often), I often feel euphoria—I feel almost weightless, easily flowing over any boundaries, and everything seems beautiful and already achieved, not sometime tomorrow.59. It is true that I never point out people's shortcomings.60. It is always very difficult for me to start a necessary but unpleasant task—in such cases, I can long engage in all sorts of other tasks, just to delay starting the main one.61. I usually assume others have good intentions.62. In everyday life, I am uneconomical and impractical.63. I can escalate emotions, making a mountain out of a molehill.64. I usually get bored if people around talk about politics or science.65. A person without their pack, not thinking about their tribe and nationality, is always a dangerous degenerate.66. In my behavior, I always unthinkingly orient myself on the leader (as he does, so will I—within my place in the overall structure).67. I like to regularly receive signs of respect and recognition and must say, I greatly need them.68. Strength, nobility, and charity are more significant words to me than democracy and equality.69. Even having my own opinion, I often yield to my opponent, simply to not upset them.