Markers that ILE mostly agrees with, while IEE mostly disagrees:
1. I am weak at determining if another person can cause me trouble.2. I tend to get too fixated on certain ideas.3. I often have sharp reactions of disappointment and dissatisfaction.4. I enjoy 'playing' in arguments and discussions using formal logic.5. From my example, praise and sincere gratitude are the best motivation.6. In my memory, there are old scenes of fear I experienced that still evoke the same feelings of horror in me.7. I am a dreamer and often fantasize.8. I often 'immerse' myself in the future, indulging in dreams, hopes, or fears.9. I am often strongly drawn to sugar and other sweets.10. I love the atmosphere of struggle, chivalry in the defense of justice, love movies about weapons, but my main calling is revolutionary discoveries and inventions.11. I often make mistakes in people because I idealize them first, 'invent' them.12. Honest praise from others is worth more to me than money.13. I am better than many at revising and updating logical solutions and models, moving away from the familiar and established.14. I like philosophy and science.15. There are periods of crying and tears.16. To stimulate my activities, public recognition and others' gratitude are much more important and needed than money or the threat of punishment.17. I am often overwhelmed by curiosity or inquisitiveness.18. Small things often lead me to an excited or upset state.19. My hands and feet often become cold, 'like ice.'20. It is often very difficult for me to tear myself away from a started game, even though more important things are waiting.21. I am often excited or irritated.22. Often, from a mental find or some external irritation, I start to feel an inner 'devil' trying to burst out - I want to immediately jump up, speak out, object, express indignation, or shout 'Eureka, I found it!'23. It often happens that I reacted too quickly or strongly to something, leading to undesirable consequences.24. I love abstract reflections on detached topics.25. I have a good imagination and always have many original ideas.26. I easily lose my temper.27. I perfectly remember the entire multiplication table by heart.28. The same thoughts often run in circles many times in my head.29. I often 'get stuck' on some thoughts or fears that begin to haunt me for a long time.30. I have bouts of sobbing.31. I am a nervous person.32. I always keep something unfinished and contradictory in my head - because without perspective, without the presence of something open and unfinished, life is boring for me.33. I like starting something new.34. I have a very developed imagination.35. I am a historical optimist, believing in progress and the development of humanity towards mutual respect and good.36. I can be interested in doing only those things that are really needed by someone and truly useful - and money is far from the main thing here for me.37. I am not a conservative regarding new non-standard theories and solutions.38. In a state of angry excitement, I often start waving my arms involuntarily.39. I am more likely to engage in something cool, interesting, exciting, and enjoyable than in something that brings me direct practical benefit.40. I have a habit of biting my nails or peeling the hangnails on my fingers.41. I often make mistakes in people.42. I perfectly remember the signs of divisibility of any whole numbers by 3 and 5.43. I have a talent for popularizing - I love and can 'play' with complex logical things, showing them from different angles.44. I have a very sensitive ego - I have always been very afraid of being rejected.45. I am obsessed with any work I undertake.46. I lack flexibility in behavior.47. Thinking about the future, I usually see it in a 'rosy' light.48. I generally react to many things too excitedly.49. I was usually very trusting of people.50. I often have mood swings.51. In a state of angry excitement, I sometimes start to 'jump,' dance on the spot.52. There are things that, when I start talking about them, make my voice tremble, and sometimes even bring a tear to my eye.53. I am a person who is not indifferent, I am not characterized by apathy.54. My character is characterized by nervousness and irritability.55. I am undiplomatic and easily get indignant.56. What do you pay more attention to? - ILE: The smell of food. IEE: The smell of other people.57. It is easy to awaken interest and focused attention in me towards something.58. I often get nervous.59. I am often so internally tense as if ready for immediate fight or flight.60. Stressful states occur regularly for me, at least once a week.61. If I sit in a hall and listen to a speech I disagree with, I almost always start to fidget or fiddle with something in my hands.62. All sorts of minor defects in some systems, structures, or classifications often 'scratch my eye' by themselves, even without my desire.63. I tend to overplan and worry too much about the future, sometimes 'getting stuck' on it.64. I am often irritated and distracted by extraneous noise.65. After watching an emotional and exciting movie, I still feel its influence even several hours later.66. I often got into trouble because I overestimated people's good attitude towards me.67. I react painfully to any awkward situations in social contacts.68. I am deeply concerned about the fate of the country.69. I am easily angered.70. I constantly want to acquire new knowledge.Markers that IEE mostly agrees with, while ILE mostly disagrees:
1. I don't like to get lost in dreams and fantasies for a long time.2. I usually find it easy to tell if someone is lying or telling the truth.3. I often notice changes in the relationships of my acquaintances.4. I'm not interested in theoretical discussions.5. What is beneficial at the moment is true.6. I would make a good diplomat.7. I think more about the next week than about what will happen to the world in three years.8. I can avoid trouble because I see through people insightfully.9. In conversations, I am very good at 'relaxing' my tense and worried partner, reducing the drama of the situation for them.10. I'm indifferent to gratitude and praise; they are a weak incentive for me.11. I am friendly, attentive, and empathetic with everyone, I am good at sensing other people's states, and I can subtly adapt to my interlocutor.12. I am a person with little anxiety.13. I never daydream during the day; if I do have fantasies, it's only before falling asleep.14. In discussions, I mostly win due to my sharp and ironic tongue.15. I live 'here and now.'16. I instantly distinguish between sarcastic, grateful, and angry 'thank yous.'17. My talent is to get in 'sync' with the feelings and experiences of another person.18. Most of the time, I feel calm and self-sufficient.19. While interacting with people, I sense them well, easily predicting their future words and actions - on a subconscious level, I feel the people around me 'like the back of my hand.'20. I am good at harmonizing relationships within a team.21. I can easily read another person's intentions by their eyes and face.22. I am a very empathetic and kind person, keenly sensing the nuances in relationships.23. I can work well with very different people.24. I successfully foresee the reactions of another person, accurately guessing what they will do in a certain situation or in response to an action.25. I always pay attention to who knows whom and on what the closeness of their relationships is based.26. I always instinctively sense what to expect from a particular person at any given time.27. How many pieces of chewing gum do you use on average per day? IEE: Ten or more. ILE: None.28. I can hide my true feelings towards a person behind my facial expressions.29. I believe that no reforms should break what is long-established and supported by prevailing public opinion - even if reformers have the power and resources to overcome it.30. I don't worry about trivial matters.31. I am better than others at calming and relieving emotional tension from another person.32. I can 'smooth talk' a person at the right moment (intentionally and usually insincerely) just to gain their trust.33. I would make a good diplomat.34. I am sensitive to others' states and can smooth out sharp edges in communication.35. My rules are 'everything is nonsense' and 'don't worry about nonsense.'36. Irony and sarcasm are closer and more understandable to me than optimistic romance.37. If my friends are scared, I usually understand it immediately, although I don't share their fear.38. I have a peculiar 'arithmetical blindness' - perceiving numbers and operating with them is probably harder for me than for many others.39. I am a very balanced and realistic person.40. When watching movies, I rarely empathize with the victims, even if I follow the relationships of the characters with interest - I am good at separating my feelings from those of others.41. The criterion of truth is material benefit; only what is personally useful to me is right.42. I easily adjust emotionally to those around me.43. If movies and books contain magic, they usually become uninteresting and often even unpleasant to me because of this alone.44. The ideas of humanism only corrupt people.45. In explaining things to others, I always use more vivid pictures and illustrations than logical reasoning.46. In most cases, I easily manage my emotions and control their external expression without problems.47. Knowledge must bring immediate benefits, otherwise, it's useless.48. I believe that if a person moves against the direction of their herd, it is completely unreasonable.49. Even in nervous situations, I remain cool-headed.50. I am diplomatic, especially good at negotiating with people in an informal and heartfelt setting, without any pressure.51. I can timely 'butter up' the right useful person.52. It is true that I usually have a poor attitude towards those who 'stick out' and cause disputes.53. I can easily sense people's relationships with each other, quickly distinguishing true feelings from artificial ones.54. I wouldn't preserve old buildings too much if it hindered the growth and development of cities.55. I am a very realistic person, uninterested in abstractions far from real-life experience.56. When I see someone behaving inappropriately, I look at them with disgust for a long time, to make them feel ashamed.57. I have no fetish for scientific knowledge - it's far more important to do something simply useful and working.58. I am sociable, diplomatic, and emotional, but emotional without flaunting my feelings, without noise and brightness - I always manage to be charming and find an approach to any person.59. I always feel a sense of belonging to a team.60. The job of a sanitary inspector would appeal to me more (in terms of the nature and content of the work) than the job of an architect.61. I prefer when others highly appreciate - IEE: The current result of my work. ILE: The potential of my work.62. I know well what specific interests unite the people I know.63. I usually don't keep inconvenient and unpleasant thoughts and guesses in my head for long and easily drive them away.64. In any situation, I have good diplomatic skills - I never 'dig in my heels' and don't stay in a disadvantageous position for long, foreseeing the consequences and further development of events, able to advance, retreat, and maneuver.65. I often immerse myself in the feelings of my friends.66. I don't like any rising intensity of emotions - neither in life nor in books.67. Whenever possible, I almost always have some kind of news talk radio on in the room.68. Opposing the world is pointless, you can only adapt.69. There is no particular point in racking your brain over why something happens and how something works.70. Sympathizing with a competing country or a competing company of your employer is already betrayal.