Markers that ILE mostly agrees with, while EIE mostly disagrees:
1. I usually find it difficult to determine if a person is genuinely upset or intentionally making themselves cry.2. I easily get distracted by quick pleasures like various games.3. Many of my actions are more aimed at helping others than at my own interests.4. I often don't understand the mood and intonations of my interlocutor.5. Equal relationships 'horizontally' are always more pleasant and preferable than hierarchical subordination.6. I am forgiving and easily dismiss past and irrelevant matters.7. I don't have a strong need for others to respect me.8. I am equally tolerant of all people, no matter which 'cell' in life or on the map they occupy.9. I don't always understand what the interlocutor is offended about in a conversation.10. I like doing good and pleasant things for people, even if it slightly harms my time.11. I constantly ask myself some questions inside.12. I generally prefer improvisation over long preparation.13. I usually feel carefree and cheerful.14. I inadvertently forget many events within 5-10 minutes after they happened.15. I leave many tasks unfinished because fine-tuning them to 'perfection' is of little interest to me.16. I am much more often in a high and major mood than in a 'lowered' and minor one.17. If my strong points are efficiency, activity, intuition for new things, and high practicality, then my weaknesses are lack of attention to appearance, lack of tact, and psychological intuition.18. Honest praise from others is more valuable to me than money.19. I almost always have a bright, optimistic mood.20. True, I don't strive to put others in a subordinate position and never desire to live at others' expense.21. The threat of punishment should be used as a stimulus as rarely as possible, and better not used at all.22. My characteristic traits are benevolence, simplicity, chivalry, optimism, and indifference to intrigues.23. I mostly treat offenses without malice, tend to ignore or just joke about them.24. I can name at least 5 people to whom I owe a lot.25. I find it difficult to read a person's mood by their eyes and facial expressions.26. I am 'thick-skinned' regarding any negative forecasts from others.27. I am a supporter of a classless society based on equality.28. Schedule and I are incompatible things.29. I have always been responsive to requests.30. I like helping others.31. When I can't 'catch' the necessary idea for a long time, I lie down for a nap; at the end of the nap or sleep, I often wake up with a clear and ready solution.32. There are many days (about half or more) when I think more about the general or others' well-being than about my own.33. I like conducting mental experiments, combining the incompatible.34. I often make plans at the very last moment.35. Thirst for intellectual knowledge, with an emphasis on the new and unusual, is my characteristic feature.36. I am always happy to get new experiences.37. I forgive people for almost everything.38. My speech is not very clear and consistent; sometimes I jump from thought to thought and lose the main line of the story.39. The need to plan my day is completely alien and repugnant to me.40. Considerations of convenience are much more significant to me than considerations of external beauty.41. When they show the animated series about the adventures of the pilot-bear Baloo on TV, I sometimes linger at the screen and watch an episode to the end with pleasure.42. I like helping people, I always enjoy it.43. Common language is more important than skin color and common national origin.44. I often make 'gaffes' in communication, which I regret only later when my unreasonable tactlessness becomes apparent.45. On my example, praise and sincere gratitude are the best motivation.46. I am used to interacting with others on equal terms, and I can't imagine any other way of interaction.47. I often feel guilty or useless.48. I am not envious at all - if someone is lucky, it's just a fact, not a reason for envy.49. I can achieve my goals and live for my pleasure without getting irritated.50. It's been a long time since I planned anything - there's no pleasure in it.51. Common interests are always much more important than people's citizenship and nationality.52. In my purposeful and cheerful optimism, I sometimes commit tactless acts without even noticing it (until friends point it out).53. I evaluate both ideas and people as impartially as possible - without considering my personal likes-dislikes and anyone's social status.54. A person who accidentally put a pan on their head and a person who fought windmills for an idea - all this is exactly about me, albeit slightly exaggerated.55. I often enjoy a wild flight of fantasy.56. I am patient and tolerant of people whom many consider unpleasant.57. I almost never have a bad mood - I am, like an Airedale terrier, an optimist by nature.58. People who forcibly instill obedience and submission are despicable and inferior, for the human race is worthy of uniting only by the noble consciousness of brotherhood.59. I usually have a consistently confident, calm, and optimistic mood.60. I am better than many at reviewing and updating logical decisions and models, moving away from the familiar and established.61. I am very altruistic and almost always ready to help those in need.62. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity - these are sacred concepts for me.63. In general, I behave the same way with all people, without specifically adapting to their status.64. True, I never hold grudges against people for long - sooner or later, I forgive everything.65. Power should be built from the bottom up, according to democratic canons, and not from the top down.66. I often perform good deeds because my mood noticeably improves after that.67. I often make thoughtless promises.68. I love films with treasures and exciting adventures.69. I believe that criminals should receive help, not punishment.70. I allow others to criticize me.Markers that EIE mostly agrees with, while ILE mostly disagrees:
1. I can play along with people's moods when necessary.2. I always quickly sense changes in the interlocutor's mood.3. I quickly notice signs of dissatisfaction in a person's behavior.4. I like feeling my secret power over people, subtly manipulating their behavior, programming it with stimuli unnoticed by them.5. True is what is advantageous at the moment.6. I have a need for titles and statuses assigned by the collective - I'm not indifferent to them.7. I usually understand a person's feelings better than their words.8. I usually see and understand what a person feels before they say it.9. If a person is not rich and does not hold a prominent position in society, then they have not yet achieved anything in life.10. I can give 'from above' sometimes, but I don't like sharing.11. I notice and distinguish the slightest 'intonational nuances' in others' speech well.12. I often notice emotional nuances that others don't feel.13. If a wife leaves for another man, maybe it's okay, but the rival still needs to be set up and taught a lesson so that he doesn't covet others' belongings - this is sacred.14. Representatives of various social groups should remain representatives of those groups without mixing.15. Listening to my interlocutor, I 'automatically' fix and remember their emotional state and the general meaning of what they desire, including the emotional message of their speech.16. Even if I'm talking to someone not from my work, I still pay great attention to their position in the professional hierarchy.17. Free-thinking in the family is unacceptable, there must be one main authority who always has the final say.18. Some people provoke strong, intense hatred in me.19. I often slightly act, 'change masks' during communication with different people and even with the same person.20. I consider myself entitled to 'harvest' from people I have tamed.21. I think I experience feelings of disgust or repulsion more often than others.22. Without external coercion, most people will neither work nor obey laws.23. I always plan my actions for tomorrow in advance.24. I easily develop a reaction of disgust to something.25. I really dislike any schedule changes 'on the fly' and dislike communicating with people who are likely to cause such changes.26. The criterion of truth is material benefit, only what is personally beneficial to me is right.27. I am good at catching even weak negative 'emotional vibrations' of another person.28. Jealous suspicions are characteristic of me - in almost all my relationships, I have experienced the torment of jealousy.29. When I hear 'no' in response, I usually feel automatic inner anger.30. It annoys me when acquaintances surpass me in the 'status' of their things.31. In relationships with people, I can be flexible, i.e., I can play along where necessary and keep silent where necessary.32. I always quickly sense if a person is bored with a conversation and is trying to leave.33. I always eagerly await and track others' 'yawns,' allowing me to take away 'prey' or seize a higher position in the social hierarchy.34. It is critically important to me that my spouse has a high social status and public respect.35. I am often driven by instantaneous emotions.36. True, I am not among those who find pleasure in work that neither pays nor provides career growth.37. National values are more important and higher than so-called 'universal' ones.38. I can pretend and gain trust out of calculation.39. I always have a plan of action for the next day in my head.40. My desires are stronger and more constant than others', which is why I usually achieve my goals.41. I feel understandable and somewhat unpleasant envy towards people who have more fashionable and expensive things than I do.42. Someone else's misfortune can bring me pleasure.43. My emotions are an orchestra where each instrument comes into play exactly at the right and pre-appointed time.44. I have a very long memory for the harm done to me.45. Love and hate occur more often in me than states of happiness or sadness not directed at anyone specific.46. My decisions are always based on past experience, not on a random 'coin toss.'47. My talent is that I can get in 'sync' with the feelings and experiences of another person.48. I feel anger more often than joy.49. In the morning, I can always accurately list the tasks planned for the day.50. I know how to choose the best moment to approach someone with a request.51. To start a new task, I must first finish the previous one.52. I know how to use my grievances as a means of influencing others.53. I often suffer from spleen - a bad mood.54. I like to bring elements of scandal into discussions.55. I am quite squeamish and avoid sick people.56. I am always skillfully courteous to those I need at the moment.57. I don't trust others much because, even in the best scenarios, I tend to fear the worst.58. I love receiving regular signs of respect and recognition and need them very much.59. True, I don't like most people.60. I usually immediately see if another person is happy.61. People who instead of answering 'yes' or 'no' to a specific question start muddling things with various versions, options, and possibilities always annoy me.62. I always lack the useful and good possibilities in the studied object, the negative possibilities are immediately visible.63. I am rather organized than impulsive.64. I love cohesion and organization in everything, I can't stand uncertainty, improvisations, deviations, and discord.65. Deeply immersing myself in dreams and fantasies about something is not my thing.66. I don't like lending my things to other people.67. I am sensitive and observant to sudden small shifts towards more negative and 'cold,' minor or dissatisfied moods in my partner or interlocutor.68. I plan my time as a linear sequence of necessary actions - and scrupulously adhere to it.69. My strength is that my actions are always systematic, consistent, and regular.70. I am stubborn and persistent, sometimes to the point of conflict, when I encounter irrational behavior in my loved ones (e.g., children while doing homework).