Markers that IEI mostly agrees with, while LIE mostly disagrees:
1. I am highly influenced by emotions and feelings.2. It's true that I feel insecure in situations where I need to prove something verbally.3. I usually prefer to be alone.4. My dreams are typically filled with emotions and feelings that I experience while dreaming.5. I am somewhat slow by nature.6. I spend most of my free time at home on the couch or in a chair.7. I often dream in color with a fairy-tale or fantastical plot.8. I am more reserved and shy compared to others.9. I often regret both the situation and my decisions in it.10. I have a vivid imagination – it feels like it can see through walls.11. I often feel prolonged despair and hopelessness.12. I frequently have a sad mood.13. I clearly lack optimism in life.14. It's hard for me to plan my budget over time and adjust it to current financial circumstances.15. I avoid being in the spotlight in company.16. At work, I poorly sense the acceptable boundaries – I don't know how much work and what quality is needed to meet the required level.17. I am a master at catching the 'emotional vibrations' of another person.18. It is very difficult to get me to act, especially actions that create changes around.19. I often feel lazy to start doing something.20. It's hard for me to manage my desires and needs, adjusting them to current financial possibilities.21. The same thoughts often run in circles in my mind many, many times.22. I often remember my dreams.23. I rarely initiate contact with someone.24. It's very difficult for me to be economical and make sober calculations in business.25. I often feel bored, and at the same time, I don't want to do anything.26. Compared to most people, I am more restrained, unobtrusive, quiet, and slow – in my speech, movements, contacts, and work.27. I often focus on enjoying delicate pleasant smells.28. Sometimes the voices in my head become uncontrollable and intrusive.29. I can manipulate the mood of the interlocutor in conversation at will.30. I have more moral fortitude than talent for business.31. It's hard for me to think and move quickly.32. I feel embarrassed and 'out of place' if I suddenly find myself in the center of attention.33. I start a project confidently, but as I approach completion, I lose interest, desire, and strength.34. I am silent and rarely start talking out loud on my own initiative.35. I am slow and unhurried at work, I don't like or know how to speed up the pace due to time pressure, and therefore I won't do it.36. Choose in which issues you are more picky and prone to criticism - IEI: in how interesting and original (or banal) the statements and thoughts of my friends and acquaintances are. LIE: in how prudent and how they spend their and my time.37. Sometimes I think, 'Let everything collapse and Armageddon come.'38. I can easily single out one instrument in the orchestra's sound and focus on perceiving its part, not hearing all the others.39. I would like to be the director of a grandiose night celebration on the solemn demise of all humanity.40. I know how to communicate with suffering people.41. Sometimes, when I am completely alone, I suddenly clearly hear a voice in my head calling my name.42. I really dislike all obligations associated with time planning.43. I prefer that someone else makes decisions for me.44. The concept of a mystical soul is dearer to me than the concept of rational reason.45. I often put off until tomorrow what I can do today.46. I get irritated if I am interrupted while listening to music.47. In my behavior, I am often unreasonable.48. I often feel some inner protest, disagreement.49. In communication, I am more of a listener than a talker.50. I am uneconomical and impractical in everyday life.51. When communicating with friends, I listen more than I speak.52. Sometimes I fall into emotional hysterics or something similar, especially if I feel some danger and instability.53. The feeling of hopelessness and futility often bothers me.54. I love watching the water flow.55. It's hard to please me.56. Sometimes I tease animals.57. I can easily remain silent all day.58. I don't know how to start a conversation with people I don't know.59. I love fantasizing about something very unusual, sometimes even shocking.60. I often can't make a choice or take action because none of the options suit me.61. I quickly notice anxiety in another person's voice.62. I am more of a listener than a speaker.63. Sometimes I want to destroy something of someone else's – just out of spite.64. At work, I first do the easiest or most interesting part, and delay completing it for a long time.65. I rather dislike working 'at full capacity.'66. People are crap, I often want to kill them all or myself.67. I usually have a high level of negative emotions.68. It's hard for me to part with my dissatisfaction.69. I am uneconomical and capricious with money, ready to spend the last money on a sudden purchase 'for the soul.'70. I can easily tell if an 'attack' on a person worked, if it worsened their mood.Markers that LIE mostly agrees with, while IEI mostly disagrees:
1. I am diligent in any task I undertake.2. I love to rationalize work.3. I know how to properly allocate my work over time.4. I enjoy making my work more convenient and efficient—this is where I show my inventiveness first.5. I am better than others at operating with symbols of things and concepts, and managing time and money.6. I am always very interested in ideas for improving the efficiency of enterprises—I often propose technical innovations and unusual solutions, and willingly take business risks.7. In any task, I always have reserves ready to be used when needed.8. I am often very active, constantly striving for conversation and communication, and I feel excitedly happy while doing so.9. I can multitask and use every minute of my time efficiently.10. I fully understand the saying: 'A time for work, a time for play.'11. I strive to be more informed and competent than others, rely only on facts in conversation, love clarity and precision, and do not tolerate unreliability.12. I always think in advance about the possible consequences of my actions.13. If my conversation partner's mood changes, I usually find it difficult to understand why.14. I am highly cooperative with others.15. It's easy for me to communicate with people—they almost always seem pleasant to me, and I feel no fears or barriers.16. I would enjoy and be well-suited for the job of a coordinator organizing the implementation of innovations.17. My character is marked by liveliness and boldness in approaching new people.18. I couldn't engage in meditation—I can't sit idle and think of nothing, I must either create something or learn something.19. I am more talkative, contactable, and sociable than my acquaintances on average.20. I always approach evaluating my imaginative products critically and soberly.21. I pay more attention than others to meticulous quality in what I do.22. I can joyfully accept whatever life brings.23. I quickly notice any useful opportunities around me.24. I am inclined to make new acquaintances and friendships.25. I conclude faster than others that knowledge is ready to be used while others continue studying.26. It is typical for me to be a person of my word, valuing fairness and the reasonable order based on it.27. I often, involuntarily, weigh and consider the efficiency of my efforts and resources, pondering how to optimize them.28. When explaining something to others, I always use visual examples rather than generalizations and abstractions.29. I constantly perceive time as the most important resource and specifically rationalize and plan its use.30. I love to talk about 'work in general,' my various talents, skills, and abilities, how to cultivate and develop them, and how to achieve my goals.31. In terms of money, I always have 'strategic reserves' for special situations.32. I do not dwell on unpleasant things for long and can unite people with my optimism.33. My storytelling is characterized by an event-based sequence and continuity—mixing episodes from different times based on non-temporal criteria is unusual for me.34. Compared to many acquaintances and relatives, I am more economical and calculating with money—I weigh the benefits of purchases, plan expenses, and balance them with income, create reserves, etc.35. I try to manage others not through willful pressure, but by economic methods.36. I avoid any strong emotions and experiences.37. I usually follow a schedule and routine.38. I do not tolerate idle time and do not relax even when on vacation.39. I try not to accumulate clutter and give away or sell books and references that I won't need soon.40. I usually establish contact with new people by showing my sympathy and friendliness first.41. I find it difficult to remain silent for long when with people.42. My virtues are punctuality and discipline.43. Practical use is more important than any amount of perfect, static beauty.44. I am more talkative and active in speech than others.45. I solve any task not smoothly but in stages—once I make a decision, I stick to it as a firm platform.46. Professions such as political scientist, futurologist, and futures trader would suit me very well.47. I have a calm, confident voice.48. It is easier for me to speak than to listen to someone.49. I am always extremely focused on what I do.50. In which category do you think more often? - LIE: I think in terms of 'what do I already have to do this or that.' I choose goals for which I already have sufficient or nearly sufficient resources. IEI: It doesn't matter to me what I have available for some actions. What matters is what I want to create. And even if I have nothing, I will create everything needed for my goals by an act of will.51. I am usually poorly informed about my friends' feelings.52. I think faster than others.53. Internally, I am logical and love to calculate everything, but externally I am emotional, fussy, and restless.54. I need life around me to move and buzz.55. I have a calm, deep, and peaceful sleep with rare or no dreams.56. It often feels like the muscles in my legs are excited—as if ready to jerk, kick, or jump at any moment.57. I am almost always cheerful; my bad mood manifests only as brief flashes of irritable, shouting emotions (quickly passing).58. 'Always change something, boldly take the first step, not fearing it will be unnecessary' is my rule.59. I often poke my nose into things ahead of time.60. Meeting deadlines is always very important to me.61. I always think in advance about the possible consequences of my actions.62. I always check and recheck my work.63. I am an excellent technologist, thoroughly thinking through all stages of specific work, and preparing all necessary tools, materials, and documentation before starting.64. I feel most confident and comfortable when I am the center of attention.65. I use many criteria for comparison and checking in any task.66. I am willing and eager to invest in ventures that promise a distant but substantial return.67. When obliged to be somewhere, I always think about how to make the current time more efficient, to fulfill the duty and achieve something useful for myself.68. I often feel the urge to correct someone when I see them working inefficiently or ruining equipment.69. I like to discuss enrichment plans, potential gains and losses from actions out loud.70. I always have a backup plan in case other plans fail.