Markers that IEE mostly agrees with, while IEI mostly disagrees:
1. I am more talkative, sociable, and communicative than my acquaintances on average.2. In most cases, I am a person of action, not deliberation.3. It's easy for me to interact with people - they almost always seem nice to me, and I feel no fears or barriers.4. I am almost always cheerful; bad mood is expressed only in occasional bright flashes of irritable, shouting emotions (quickly passing flashes).5. I am more talkative and verbally active than many others.6. I live 'here and now.'7. In conversations with friends, I usually talk or tell something more than half of the total conversation time, i.e., I speak aloud more than my interlocutor.8. I would do well as a toastmaster, managing fun at a feast or banquet and keeping everyone at the table entertained.9. Quite often, I intervene with my help or opinion in other people's affairs out of the best intentions.10. I love to instruct new workers or novices in some activity.11. In casual conversations with fellow travelers, I usually talk more than my interlocutor.12. I am a very balanced and realistic person.13. I have an invigorating effect on others.14. It's easier for me to talk than to listen to someone.15. I enjoy talking - I can talk for a long time.16. I prefer talking to listening to someone.17. I often initiate lively conversations with fellow travelers or friends, enjoying telling them something.18. I often experience nausea (and occasionally vomiting) for various reasons - in the morning from excitement, or after eating, or even with slight motion sickness.19. I very firmly and confidently defend my position against people of greater power and status.20. I am a person with little anxiety.21. I usually express my thoughts willingly and at length.22. I am not attracted to pathos or tragedies in books.23. I can quickly find what to respond or how to jest in response.24. Ideally, each nation should have its own state religion.25. An offense caused by a random stranger is quickly and easily forgotten.26. I often speak louder than necessary in public.27. In most group situations, I am quite satisfied with my status and relationships with other members of the group.28. I am a very realistic person; abstractions far from the experience of real life do not interest me.29. I like to tell everyone which path to take and which of the available opportunities they should use.30. I prefer literary works that do not raise pathos but, on the contrary, mock pathos, playing 'downward.'31. In discussions, I win mainly due to sharp, ironic language.32. It is true that I rarely experience troubles that would disrupt my emotional balance.33. I speak fast, often almost without pauses between words.34. When I start to express my point of view, it's hard for me to stop.35. I dislike any escalating build-up of experiences - neither in life nor in books.36. If necessary, I can demand very strictly, in such a way that not only subordinates but also those higher in status will take me seriously.37. Most of the time, I feel calm and self-sufficient.38. Any circling of unpleasant thoughts in my head quickly subsides, past grievances quickly lose relevance, replaced by a feeling of satisfied tranquility and confidence.39. I often talk a long time on one breath, not stopping for a breath or to think.40. I've noticed that my presence in a group sometimes mysteriously suppresses others' initiatives.41. It's true that I am not an anxious person.42. I live in the immediate moment.43. I often visit guests and various gatherings.44. I never daydream during the day; if I have any fantasies, they occur only before sleep, when I'm already falling asleep.45. I often change the setting in my home.46. My principle is: 'If I don't see it, it doesn't exist.'47. I couldn't sit and do something alone for three consecutive days - I constantly and necessarily require communication, even if just by phone.48. My brain works very fast, swiftly.49. How many pieces of chewing gum do you use on average per day? IEE: Ten or more. IEI: None.50. I believe that if a person moves across the direction of movement of their herd, it is not sensible at all.51. I fear the sight and sound of others' physical suffering.52. It is difficult for me, being with people, to remain silent for a long time, not uttering a word.53. I have a boisterous laugh, and almost every day there are reasons for my 'Ha-ha-ha!..'54. I have a sharp wit, equally ready to quickly find the right example or to describe someone in a funny and ironic light.55. I quickly get involved in any work.56. Any fright passes without consequences within five seconds if it turns out to be false (for example, if I mistook a branch for a snake and immediately realized the mistake). Without consequences means that neither my breathing changes, nor my heart rate increases, nor do my palms sweat.57. I often need communication to speak my mind.58. It's true that I don't hesitate to speak my mind.59. I am a pillar in the lives of people.60. I think faster than others.61. I would be very suited to be a journalist, matchmaker, or a reviewer in a department of sensational news.62. I often think about the upcoming week, rather than what the world will be like in three years.63. I often point out to people how their actions do not match public morality.64. Difficulties do not confuse or discourage me - I know how to act, ignoring unpleasantness.65. I believe that society can exist and develop peacefully even without those who constantly stand out sharply.Markers that IEI mostly agrees with, while IEE mostly disagrees:
1. I often feel prolonged despair and hopelessness.2. I am often irritated and distracted by background noise.3. I am touchy.4. The same thoughts often run in circles in my head many times.5. I am very sensitive, with a tragically intense reaction to the world.6. I remember some grievances from several years ago.7. I often feel lonely.8. I often get 'stuck' on certain thoughts or fears that begin to haunt me for a long time.9. I clearly lack optimism in life.10. I experience periods of dreaminess.11. I have masochistic tendencies.12. True, if I'm not asked, I never feel the desire to intrude with advice and comments.13. When making important decisions, I usually listen to what my heart says, ignoring the external logic of things.14. Failures make a strong impression on me.15. In communication with people, I often feel either aggressive or, conversely, inhibited.16. In childhood, I was dreamy and anxious.17. I find it difficult to free myself from some obsessive memories of old grievances.18. I am usually dissatisfied or disappointed by people's attitudes towards me.19. Despondency, offense, regret, 'stubbornness in spite' are frequent feelings for me.20. I have had suicidal thoughts several times in my life.21. I tend to take offense and feel it for a long time.22. I often feel guilt or worthlessness.23. I often remember past horrors.24. I love strong emotions.25. I react painfully to any awkward situations in social contacts.26. I experience 'stagnant' states, where I am long captivated by some feeling.27. There are situations that automatically cause intense fear in me that is impossible to resist.28. I have a very sensitive self-esteem - I have always been very afraid of being rejected.29. I often regret both the situation itself and my decisions in it.30. I tend to dwell too much on certain ideas.31. Almost any thought that comes to my mind immediately causes a strong emotional engagement.32. I find it hard to control my desires.33. Trivial things can put me into an excited or upset state.34. It is easy to provoke irritation and a bad mood in me.35. If there are two possible paths to a destination after leaving the door (left and right), I usually prefer to turn right.36. Society needs strict and even fierce leaders.37. I like to watch running water in a stream.38. I enjoy thinking about abstract ideas.39. I like assertiveness, push, and strength in people.40. I am easily offended, often feeling slighted.41. I often immerse myself in fantasies about the past.42. I am often so internally tense, as if ready for immediate fight or flight.43. I find it difficult to work in a team where frequent and quick switching in communication mode is necessary.44. In relationships with the opposite sex, I usually wait for others to take the initiative.45. Sometimes all sounds I hear are unclear, poorly distinguishable, colorless, and dull, as if they reach my ears through cotton.46. I am easily embarrassed.47. I have a good sense of time.48. When thinking about the future, I usually see it in a 'rosy' light.49. Discovering something new for myself is usually more exciting than sharing something new with others.50. When I talk for a long time, my muscles get tired, and by the end of the conversation, it becomes hard to pronounce sounds like 'R', 'Sh', 'S'.51. Sometimes it's pleasant to feel my subordination and experience humiliation.52. I prefer someone else to make decisions for me.53. I get irritated when distracted from something because it's hard for me to quickly switch attention.54. I experience emotions more vividly and deeply than most people.55. I devote little time and energy to my work.56. With close people, I usually behave more lively and emotionally than in public or in casual company.57. After watching an emotional and exciting movie, I still feel its impact hours later.58. Sometimes voices in my head become uncontrollable and intrusive.59. I have a habit of biting my nails or peeling the skin around my fingernails.60. My fantasies usually have a developed, time-extended narrative character - they resemble movies or theatrical scenes.61. I often have acute reactions of disappointment and dissatisfaction.62. I often can't make a choice or take action because none of the options satisfy me.63. Sometimes I obsess over something, regardless of whether it's good or bad.64. I sometimes find myself subconsciously enjoying playing a dependent role in relationships with strong and aggressive people, slightly capricious and provoking them.65. Almost every day, I think about the impression I make on others.