ESI vs SEE Compared by Markers

ESI vs SEE Compared by Markers

Markers that ESI mostly agrees with, while SEE mostly disagrees:

1. I cannot understand and feel the contempt of nobles towards the common people among whom they live, it always surprises and outrages me.2. It is always more pleasant to create something myself than to lead from above.3. If I were in Napoleon Bonaparte's place and enjoyed the same popularity and power as he did, I would - ESI: use my power to implement a system of regular and guaranteed renewal of the highest power in France through democratic procedures within a few years. SEE: proclaim myself the lifelong ruler of France.4. I feel uncomfortable if I accidentally cause someone significant discomfort (by being late, an awkward word, etc.).5. I prefer to walk the same familiar paths, wear familiar clothes, and generally prefer a measured and predictable life in everyday matters.6. My skeleton is rather thin than thick - at least my hands are thin compared to other representatives of my gender.7. I am more guided by fear of failure or punishment than hope for triumph.8. Key concepts for me: stability, a close circle of friends, morality, honor, responsibility, consistency, condemnation, accuracy, memory of inflicted harm, social justice.9. Always ready to help unnoticed and without self-promotion.10. I belong to the more conservative half of people in habits - loyal to the same unchanging company, work, place of residence, hobbies.11. It would be disgusting to bathe in luxury at the expense of others, without creating anything myself.12. If I disassemble and unscrew something, I will definitely reassemble it somehow, I won't leave it disassembled.13. Key concepts for me: spirituality, guilt, sensitivity, compassion, attentiveness, decency, morality, reliability, modesty, responsibility, consistency.14. I view possible surprises with suspicion, always fearing them.15. I am scrupulous in matters of decency, unobtrusive, but always come to the aid of those in need.16. I admit I am secretive, stubborn, and inflexible in relationships, very much dislike uninvited guests and cannot entertain them; I persistently maintain the relationship system I am used to.17. I am sensitive to awkward moments in communication, then I worry for a long time - who said what.18. I really dislike those who 'stick out' and show off their 'I.'19. True, I really dislike permissiveness.20. When others shout and get excited, I become bored, everything seems indifferent, and I don't want to do anything.21. In public, I am usually pointedly dry and can even be somewhat rude.22. My self-esteem constantly jumps, and it is often very low.23. It's easy to offend me.24. I am little sensitive to the sweet temptations of winning and luck promised by this or that situation, I pay more attention to the danger of losing and punishment.25. Often everything new is perceived by me as a source of threat.26. 'Slave of honor' - that's about me.'27. My weight is somewhat below normal for my height and age.28. Honesty and keeping one's word are my main virtues.29. I highly value constant order in my things.30. Experiments 'blindly' (hoping something will work out) are categorically not for me.31. Injustice towards others sometimes affects me more than injustice towards myself.32. Typically, I am a person of honest word, I value justice and the reasonable order based on it.33. If I give my word, I will keep it always, regardless of circumstances.34. In anxiety, I often feel my heartbeat quickening.35. In my thoughts, I always return to what I said in an important conversation, then I mentally replay these phrases several times, check them, remember the reaction of listeners and interlocutors.36. I cannot stand being stared at directly in the eyes, I divert my gaze to the side.37. I lack self-respect.38. All my life I have strictly followed a sense of duty and clear, constant principles.39. I have a lean, elongated figure.40. I tend to consider everything in advance and develop solutions for all possible scenarios.41. I tend to be lean rather than full.42. I am more often sad than cheerful and joyful.43. Compared to others, I am a meticulous person in small things, neat, pedantic, inclined to scrupulously follow established rules.44. I often worry about the immoral actions of my acquaintances.45. It is very difficult and unpleasant for me to communicate with mean and selfish people.46. In the company, I have a reputation for being 'dry.'47. I always subject what is done to control and double-checking.48. I avoid playing games with high stakes.49. I believe that if a person is homosexual, they should at least live very quietly and hide it from others.50. I am a more organized than impulsive person.51. It is difficult for me to be flexible in dealing with bad people.52. My own internal logical argument usually yields to someone else's request or tear.53. In most of my states, I am closer to 'minor' than to 'major' in mood.54. Unlike many, I cannot make insincere compliments (it goes against my whole being).55. I am distinguished by impeccable honesty.56. I hate selfishness and indifference to common interests in people.57. I try not to owe anyone and therefore principle never make purchases on credit and rarely borrow from acquaintances.58. In sexual relationships, I have always been very conservative.59. The word 'can't' is a very important, key word for me.60. Perhaps sometimes I devote too much time to 'mental chewing gum,' too often weighing, thinking over, and evaluating, reasoning around instead of just doing and moving on.61. It's always hard for me to start, hard to 'get into' new activity.62. I have firm and unambiguous moral principles.63. I can perfectly control and keep my desires and impulses in check.64. As a rule, I manage to keep my attention on only one thing at a time.65. Key words for me are: executiveness, timeliness, neatness, fairness, and active hard work.66. It's extremely difficult for me to adapt to new circumstances.67. Safety is generally more valuable than various freedoms.

Markers that SEE mostly agrees with, while ESI mostly disagrees:

1. The sweetest thing in life is power over others.2. I have the coolest things and I am the coolest myself.3. External appearance of a person (my partner) is more important to me than their inner 'soulfulness.'4. I have a large, flexible, and diverse set of techniques to start a conversation.5. It's easy for me to communicate with people - they almost always seem nice to me, and I feel no fear or barriers.6. I almost daily feel proud of my achievements, my position, and the authority I have earned.7. I believe that 'slandering' my enemy or opponent is normal and not a sin, because lies are also a permissible weapon.8. If it's safe, I consider it possible to slander someone opposing or hindering me to neutralize them.9. I can pursue my goals, completely trampling on the interests of others.10. I have more right, power, agility, and desire than others to enjoy all the material abundance of this world.11. I feel like a winner several times a day.12. My weight is above normal.13. Cunning and the ability to pretend is what intelligence is.14. I have nagging problems with excess weight.15. I am great at telling stories.16. There are many joys and anticipations of joyful events in my life; I know how to enjoy life.17. If I see an obvious weakling, I often automatically want to put them down, 'kick' them, ridicule them, etc.18. For a worthy reward, I could quite lead propagandist-trash topics on the internet, based on lies and twisting the truth.19. Prestige is a very important quality in the things I buy.20. I respect people who can deftly and inconspicuously shuffle the deck of cards during a game.21. It's pleasant to feel like an expensive painting in a golden frame, hanging on the wall, looking down at everyone with contempt: like, you all are freaks!22. One of my brightest qualities is that I love to play with dangerous elements, learning about the world and improving myself in this game.23. Sometimes I entertain myself with flattery towards someone - without any particular goal, just to observe how the person's mood improves.24. I can watch a movie on TV from any point - from the beginning or the middle, it doesn't really matter to me.25. Sometimes I dream about state awards.26. I often do things in a hurry if I'm rushing and there's no time left.27. I like to organize celebrations.28. I have a rather stocky, 'big-boned' physique.29. To slander an enemy or intended victim is an acceptable method of struggle.30. I almost always feel confident.31. I can skillfully implement chains of intrigues based on consistent logical calculation.32. Choose the more appropriate - SEE: I often look self-satisfied. ESI: I often look self-critical.33. I quickly see and understand how to interest a particular interlocutor.34. My character is somewhat arrogant.35. I have a tendency to obesity.36. Sometimes on internet forums, I pretend to be another person, and even alternate these personalities - I love this game, it's very pleasantly exciting.37. I drink a lot of water every day.38. The main thing for me is to make a positive emotional impression on others.39. I would make a good diplomat.40. Sometimes I deceive people.41. What is more valuable in human character? - SEE: Foresight above average. ESI: Loyalty above average.42. The role of a 'rich life-waster' would suit me.43. My character is characterized by carefreeness.44. Even when I do something wrong, embarrassment, shame, or guilt are clearly not my feelings.45. I love and appreciate variety in sex - there's nothing forbidden for me here.46. I never judge anyone for any actions - you could say I have 'elastic' morals in this sense.47. I love variety, movement, and changing impressions in everything.48. I love reading stories about violence.49. I am rather an optimist than a pessimist.50. Sometimes I like to hint first and then disappoint someone's expectation on purpose to cause them disappointment.51. It's quite easy for me to pretend in my feelings, showing agreement with the interlocutor.52. During meals, it's hard for me to stop in time, hence sometimes I 'stuff myself' more than necessary.53. I think of myself first, then others.54. I like extreme sports - I love testing the limits of my bravery.55. In my emotional dreams, I have often imagined myself as a leader of a large group of people.56. By character, I am more of a spender and a squanderer of material values than an accumulator.57. If I walk down the street with a friend, I often out loud evaluate the people of the opposite sex we encounter.58. If my friend tries to 'cheat' and deceive someone, I won't interfere with criticism and won't hinder them.59. I like to tell and show others how well and efficiently my life is organized, according to the best 'glamorous standards.'60. I would like professional service in the army if it paid well.61. I strive more often - SEE: To come somewhere. ESI: To leave somewhere.62. I usually eat with some greed.63. Most of the time, I feel strong, confident, free, and protected.64. I have good business skills.65. Sometimes I'm not always neat regarding commonly accepted rules and break social norms if it suits me.66. I make life decisions easily - all the best and only possible comes to mind immediately.67. I believe that in some situations, one has to step over others to get to the desired place.