Markers that ESI mostly agrees with, while LSI mostly disagrees:
1. Human rights and social equality are definitely more important than the imperial might of the country.2. I usually immediately understand when my friend starts to get angry.3. I like being in an environment where no one depends on anyone else, where there are no 'elders' and 'authorities.'4. Any manifestations of inequality among people irritate me.5. I easily notice someone's bad or selfish attitude towards me, even if they hide it.6. It's easy to offend me.7. I usually immediately see if another person is happy.8. It is extremely unpleasant for me when I am 'built' according to some rules.9. I perceptively see bad or selfish attitudes towards me, even if they are hidden.10. I instantly distinguish between a sarcastic 'thank you,' a grateful 'thank you,' and an angry 'thank you.'11. I am used to interacting with others on equal terms and can't imagine any other way of interaction.12. I am intolerant of any restriction of my personal rights and freedoms by authority.13. Equal 'horizontal' relationships are always more pleasant and preferable than hierarchical subordination relationships.14. I usually find it easy to tell if another person is lying or telling the truth.15. Integrating into a group hierarchy and becoming its inseparable part is rather unpleasant than pleasant for me.16. I easily guess a person's interests and goals from their individual actions.17. I despise cultures where offending the weak is considered a virtue.18. I easily and quickly notice hostility towards me in someone's behavior.19. If I were in Napoleon Bonaparte's place and had the same popularity and power as him, I would - ESI: use my power to implement a system of regular and guaranteed renewal of the highest authority in France through democratic procedures within a few years. LSI: proclaim myself the lifelong ruler of France.20. I can't understand and empathize with the disdain of nobles for the common people among whom they live—it always amazes and outrages me.21. I easily overcome any national or cultural barriers in communication—they are no obstacle to me.22. Individualism is good, not bad.23. I usually notice earlier than others when someone is tired or feeling unwell and am always ready to help them unobtrusively.24. I am more inclined to object than to obey.25. I believe people can self-govern and live happily without kings, leaders, and masters.26. Sometimes I immediately feel hurt and irritated by someone's words, even before thoughtfully understanding the meaning of the phrase.27. I usually quickly and immediately see when a person is being crafty.28. I often worry about what others think of me.29. I am an individualist and am interested in personal qualities in myself and others, not belonging to a collective.30. In a normal society, people should not march through life in step and 'in sync' because they are all different.31. I often strive to act according to my own will and independently, rather than within the framework of mutual subordination and collective rules.32. I have experienced a moment when, having risen quickly from a lying position, I felt everything spinning before my eyes and my legs not holding me for a few seconds.33. Being free and independent is a hundred times more important than being high-ranking.34. When someone does something disgusting to people I don't even know, I almost always intervene because I can't do otherwise.35. I can be quick-tempered like a match when provoked and may not always regulate the proportionality of my responses, and in response to a minor 'jab' I can immediately deploy the 'heavy artillery.'36. Strict respect for moral norms of mutually honest and conscientious behavior of people is more valuable and necessary than even the respect for state laws.37. Any hierarchy and mandatory respect for people 'by their status'—position, age, etc.—irritate me; in my opinion, this is in any case more bad than good.38. I always have an acute painful reaction when I feel injustice, observe inequality, or see someone's deprivation.39. I don't need any leaders or chiefs, I am self-sufficient.40. I always try and usually manage to interact with everyone on equal footing, regardless of their position relative to mine (i.e., I try to maintain an equal position both with my subordinates and with socially recognized authorities).41. I find it easy to have quick conversations.42. I sometimes experience injustice towards others more acutely than injustice towards myself.43. If someone's patriotic pride condemns the population to long-term material hardships, then that's crap, not patriotism.44. I am more often guided by the fear of failure or punishment than by the hope of triumph.45. I often feel worried and tense.46. I often show impatience.47. I judge a person solely by their abilities; their diplomas and titles always mean nothing to me.48. I am more selfless than others in defending justice.49. Melancholy, resentment, regret, 'stubbornness out of spite' are frequent feelings for me.50. I could never be an unthinking silent executor in someone else's army.51. I can be accommodating in logical matters and easily compromise in business, but it's very hard for me to compromise on what is good or bad, decent or disgraceful.52. Light shades of dissatisfaction and condemnation in the interlocutor's voice can be enough to knock me off course or upset me.53. I can be accommodating in matters of who obeys whom, but it's very hard for me to compromise on what is good or bad, decent or disgraceful.54. I often rush things—it's a habit.55. I clearly lack optimism in life.56. In the phrase 'the tiger was killed by the lion,' it's hard for me to instantly figure out which of the two animals died.57. Sometimes the situation seemed hopeless to me.58. I often show anger or aggression.59. Something often drives me to anger.60. Great wealth is more desirable to me than great power.61. I often worry about the immoral actions of my acquaintances.62. I don't forgive close people for selfish and neglectful behavior towards others.63. If my friends are scared, I usually understand it immediately, though I don't share their fear.64. In the most interesting life topics for me, I am an expressed nonconformist, practically always adhering to my own opinion, different from the majority.65. I am invariably repelled by any manifestations of laziness, lies, cruelty, and injustice in people.66. I am touchy.67. I often think or talk out loud about the ugly and unethical behavior of randomly met people.Markers that LSI mostly agrees with, while ESI mostly disagrees:
1. Only a system of subordination can be fair, not a system of equality.2. A citizen should belong to the state like a child belongs to a family.3. The world is divided into plebeians and aristocrats, and that is right.4. I feel comfortable if I am part of a 'pack' with a strong authoritative leader.5. If the interlocutor's mood changes during a conversation, I usually find it difficult to understand why.6. The world is cruel, and I always side with the winners, not the victims.7. The triumph of the strong over the weak is a normal and quite acceptable basis of life.8. It's hard for me to guess if my friends are happy.9. Bowing low to the strong and powerful is not a sin.10. I always seek my place in the general order and need to constantly feel it.11. I have trouble quickly understanding if my friends are happy or in a good mood.12. I like it when order is solid, structured from top to bottom, and resistant to time.13. I always feel part of a larger human whole—nation, state, collective.14. It's hard for me to read another person's mood from their eyes and facial expressions.15. I'd rather hold leadership positions in a large established system than in my own business.16. It's very hard to spoil my mood.17. I admit that sometimes I'm curious to observe someone else's physical pain.18. People who criticize their country are traitors.19. I love weapons and everything related to them.20. It's usually hard for me to understand the mood of a group of people and their attitude toward me if it isn't directly stated.21. I usually find it difficult to understand why one of my acquaintances dislikes another.22. People who disagree with the state's policy have no right to live in it.23. I very rarely talk about my own feelings and experiences.24. Life is uncomfortable without orders or guiding instructions from above.25. Fearing war or constantly calling for friendship with other nations is a path to defeatism and treason.26. I usually see no dangers or problems and, in any case, don't pay attention to them—life is wonderful!27. I like to read stories about various violence.28. I can easily detach myself from old emotions and past emotional shocks.29. The external appearance of a person (my partner) is more important to me than their inner 'soulfulness.'30. The interests of one's own nation must be higher than the interests of all other nations.31. Victory in a game is pleasant because it humiliates the opponent.32. I often wait for others to take the initiative.33. I believe that 'slandering' an enemy or opponent is normal and not a sin because lying is also an acceptable weapon.34. Weak and stupid people should share with the stronger and smarter ones.35. I usually remain calm when others are already getting irritated.36. I can easily ignore any unpleasant loss or deprivation, as if these deprivations didn't exist.37. I very rarely focus on people's bad actions—this topic simply doesn't interest me.38. To be the first to yield and apologize means to lower oneself in one's own eyes.39. I am balanced, serious, and calm—it's very hard to irritate or upset me.40. I obey orders better than others.41. It's true that I almost never feel guilty for any of my actions.42. Delicacy is usually called intellectual stupidity and inability to stand up for oneself.43. If a person trusts you, they are at your full disposal.44. I can calmly and even for a long time listen to various lies without reacting to them internally.45. I believe that mandatory assignment of ranks to all civil servants in ascending order, depending on years of service and individual merits, is a good and necessary thing.46. Equal rights for native residents and immigrants in work, education, and social security is a harmful stupidity.47. It's true that others' rudeness and impudence don't shock or bother me.48. Subtract 7 from 100 in your mind. Subtract 8 from the result. Now subtract 9. And again subtract 7. (Do these operations strictly in sequence in your mind). LSI: It's 69. ESI: The answer didn't match 69 on the first try.49. I find it hard to speak quickly.50. I am usually blind, deaf, insensitive, and naive regarding the intrigues around me.51. Usurping power at the first opportunity is more normal and natural than not.52. My self-control is clearly above average.53. I believe there was more good than bad in systems of serfdom before the 19th century.54. Sometimes I catch myself thinking that thoughts about work, career, children, or close people strangely don't evoke any feelings in me.55. I love uniformity in everything.56. In my opinion, there are too many fans of Western liberalism in the domestic media.57. It's very hard to irritate me—I don't even remember the last time it happened.58. I am usually in a relaxed and calmly cheerful mood.59. I am very measured, even, and unhurried.60. I have an exceptionally respectful attitude toward all established rules.61. I like looking down on people.62. I don't react to sharp remarks directed at me or always respond calmly and thoughtfully.63. It's hard to irritate me.64. If I need something from a person, it won't be a problem for me to temporarily agree with even their vulgarities.65. I would enjoy working in a state bank on a special job—sorting counterfeit banknotes from real ones.66. Anxiety is not inherent in me.67. In my behavior, I always follow the leader or chief (as he does, I will do within my place in the general order).