Markers that ESI mostly agrees with, while ILI mostly disagrees:
1. I have firm and unambiguous moral principles.2. In matters, I love concreteness and certainty.3. I can't stand any disrespect, even in the form of small hints at it.4. I am easily offended.5. A good or bad person is for a long time, and it doesn't depend much on the current situation.6. I always need an immediate answer!7. If my close person is in a good mood, I see it instantly.8. The changed mood of a close person immediately changes my mood too.9. I can be accommodating in logical matters and easily go for a compromise in business, but it's very hard for me to compromise in the assessment of what is good and what is bad, what is decent and worthy, and what is disgusting.10. I am uncompromising and picky about how people behave and how they treat me.11. I am always infuriated by people who, instead of answering 'yes' or 'no' to a specific question, start messing with different versions, options, and possibilities.12. I experience strong indignation when faced with something obviously wrong and harmful.13. I am invariably repelled by any manifestations of laziness, lies, cruelty, and injustice in people.14. I don't tolerate cold well.15. I quickly notice hostility directed at me in a person's behavior.16. If there are two equally possible paths to the goal after leaving the door (main entrance, front door) – left and right – I usually prefer to turn right.17. I usually pay attention to the actions of others only from the point of view of how much they correspond to moral norms and general expectations.18. Deep emotional connection is incredibly important to me in relationships.19. I categorically can't stand deceit and any inaccuracies.20. It's very hard and always painful for me to abandon planned things.21. I really dislike it when unpleasant and bad forecasts for the development of events are imposed on me – I can 'explode' in response.22. It's unbearable for me when I don't get what I want.23. I can be hot-tempered like a match if provoked – then I don't always regulate the proportionality of my responses, and in response to a small 'jab,' I can immediately launch 'heavy artillery.'24. Successes and achievements usually don't leave me indifferent; I almost always feel a 'sense of flight,' a feeling of excited elevated joy from them.25. I fulfill my promises strictly.26. If someone has done me wrong, it means they are a bad person.27. I simultaneously respect almost everything unusual and new, but I can't stand chaos, as well as any cheating and any instability.28. I quickly notice signs of dissatisfaction in a person's behavior.29. Certain moments in movies can involuntarily bring tears to my eyes.30. I immediately become fierce if someone 'attacks' my close people or people on my 'team' in my presence.31. I love cohesion and organization in everything, I can't stand uncertainty, improvisations, deviations, and discord.32. I am characterized by impeccable honesty.33. I have always strictly guided my life by a sense of duty and clear, constant principles.34. I always need complete clarity in relationships – I can't stand a state of uncertainty.35. I am sensitive to awkward moments in communication, then I long ponder over who said what.36. I usually immediately understand when my friend starts to get angry.37. I usually immediately see if another person is cheerful.38. I get nervous and 'slow down' if I have to revise established views.39. Honesty and keeping one's word are my main virtues.40. I could probably be an acrobat – perform various flips, walk on hands, etc. (in general, my body listens to me well and 'feels' space).41. By the behavior, facial expressions, and voice of another person, I quickly recognize their mood.42. To start a new task or activity, I definitely need to finish the previous one first.43. I get tired of long serious, purely scientific conversations.44. I am painfully sensitive to any incompleteness in tasks.45. Any manifestations of social injustice irritate me.46. I have always fought and will fight against immorality.47. I value concreteness and practicality more than the ability for abstract reasoning.48. I am easily angered.49. Regulations are always very important to me; adherence to any deadlines is crucial.50. My important virtues are loyalty and devotion; I do not approve of selfish cunning people.51. I need everything right now and exactly as I planned.52. I instantly distinguish between a sarcastic 'thank you,' a grateful 'thank you,' and an angry 'thank you.'53. I easily determine whether a smile is sincere or deliberately 'made up.'54. I am easily enraged.55. When I see that someone has been unfairly used, I usually feel a desire to protect that person.56. I generally react aggressively if people express doubts about the authority of what I said.57. I easily catch whether an 'attack' on a person affected them, worsening their mood.58. In a tense conversation, I easily switch to raised tones.59. I am not interested in theoretical discussions.60. I am prone to impatience and quick irritability if I have to repeat the same thing several times or wait for something monotonously.Markers that ILI mostly agrees with, while ESI mostly disagrees:
1. I often find it hard to sleep at night – I do something or wander around night cafes and then sleep during the day.2. My imagination often creates things with funny caricature-like features.3. Sometimes I intentionally do unexpected things, as if confusing my tracks over time.4. I like systems or objects with ambiguity in their structure and interconnections.5. I often engage in mental games.6. I often do things that others find strange.7. I love receiving excessive information to dig through it with my imagination.8. Sometimes the surrounding space and objects seem strangely distorted to me.9. I enjoy mentally rummaging through heaps of seemingly insignificant facts.10. When I see someone being hurt, I usually remain calm.11. I like conducting mental experiments, combining the incompatible.12. Others' misfortunes can be funny and lift my spirits.13. I am sometimes pursued by 'logical relativism' in my thoughts – it often seems that all our judgments about the world we live in are built on shifting sands and can be turned this way and that.14. I prefer slightly overcast weather – I don't like bright light.15. I have often been scolded for not following orders.16. Without moving, I watch the hustle and bustle of the world and philosophize in a dream-like state.17. I am a lazy skeptic; my favorite activity is to indulge in philosophical-strategic thoughts, seeking out what bad things could happen on the path of some imaginary actions.18. I often have vivid dreams with 'adventurous' plots.19. Sometimes I catch myself thinking that thoughts about work, career, children, or close people strangely evoke no feelings in me.20. I easily connect different phenomena or events in my mind, even those far apart in meaning.21. If I see people crying, my own sadness usually doesn't arise.22. I am rarely genuinely outraged by even obvious and deliberate human lies because, in essence, everyone sins a little with this, and everyone engages in it sometimes.23. Sometimes it's hard for me to focus my visual attention on my surroundings: everything seems strange, as if trembling, swaying, and shimmering.24. I enjoy exposing and devaluing others' values – at least more than inventing and defending my own. After all, any values are generally an illusion.25. I rarely notice others' elevated mood in advance, and therefore I often learn about the successes of my close ones only from their words.26. I like pondering abstract ideas.27. I feel better in - ILI: Cloudy weather. ESI: Sunny weather.28. I almost never empathize with movie characters – after all, it's all make-believe.29. I believe that cheating on minor things isn't really deceiving.30. It's hard for me to concentrate and focus my thoughts at the initial stage of work – thoughts tend to scatter back to philosophically eternal topics.31. I enjoy it if I manage to slightly deceive or 'trick' someone.32. Sometimes familiar objects and faces seem strange and distorted to me, somehow 'not right.'33. In arguments, I sometimes skillfully manipulate theses and arrange small 'logical provocations.'34. Everything depends on the situation; principles usually only hinder people.35. I am flexible in executing planned actions.36. I don't finish tasks.37. I am excellent at (and often enjoy) logically, evidentially, and vividly criticizing others' initiatives.38. I get enough satisfaction from the process of actions itself; I don't necessarily strive to the final result with all my might.39. I love intellectual games, even if they require prolonged thinking.40. My texts often contain sarcasm.41. I always like to look at any phenomenon from different angles and come up with several different explanations for what's happening.42. I am indifferent to travel; it's not my thing.43. Compared to others, I know the answers to many questions.44. I sometimes like to say outrageous things to others and enjoy their reaction.45. Sometimes I like to hint at something first and then deceive the expectation on purpose to cause disappointment in a person.46. I treat all 'subtle' feelings with irony.47. If I am accused of some actions and asked for an answer, I, if possible, avoid responding immediately and take a pause (for several hours or days) to prepare thoroughly.48. I feel a lack of energy.49. My mind is constantly buzzing with thoughts, generating questions and unexpected discoveries.50. In the course of work, I easily adjust my plans, adapting to the surroundings.51. Almost daily, in the most unexpected places and at the most inconvenient moments (like when I have already gone to bed), I am struck by some original idea.52. In my thoughts, I constantly 'play different roles,' living in detail through many not-my-own, others' lives.53. I like to complicate everything I work with, creating deviations from the usual norm.54. I would enjoy diligently and enthusiastically deciphering codes, finding the right key for them.55. Looking at what's happening around me, I often catch myself with a distinct and somewhat strange feeling of anticipating what will happen in the next second.56. My positive emotions are rarely noticed and understood by others from my facial expressions.57. I sometimes have dark thoughts, like about murder or suicide.58. I feel tired, sluggish, or slow in my movements.59. The capabilities of my mind are limitless – I love to reason, show off my intellect, and present myself in an interesting discussion.60. I can be called an erudite keeper of useful facts – people often turn to my memory and knowledge for reference.