Markers that ESI mostly agrees with, while EII mostly disagrees:
1. I am often unrestrained, showing anger or aggression.2. I am a person resistant to pressure.3. Sometimes I lose my temper and start to get angry.4. Instead of justifying or apologizing, I usually start accusing.5. Disappointing me is very dangerous – I can react very sharply, and if someone loses value for me, I won’t consider them and can treat them very harshly.6. I am more inclined to argue than to obey.7. I have aggressive-impulsive traits.8. I won’t miss a chance to reproach someone for incompetence.9. I am as quick-tempered as a match when provoked, not always regulating the proportion of my responses, and in response to a minor 'jab,' I can immediately launch 'heavy artillery.'10. Sometimes I get angry and furious.11. If something is comfortable for me personally, I don’t care what others think.12. I like to speak quickly.13. I often verbally express my dissatisfaction with close ones on various occasions.14. I generally react aggressively if my authority is questioned.15. No one can be trusted; you have to rely only on yourself.16. I know how to humiliate someone with words if they have annoyed me.17. I often lack patience, tolerance, and the desire to compromise and forgive in dealing with others.18. It is important for me to respect myself, while others' respect is much less significant.19. There is no need to 'educate' people, but it is necessary to give them a hard time and harshly retaliate for offenses.20. Compared to people of my age, gender, and circle, I am rather more 'rough' than more gentle and 'tender.'21. For being late, sometimes I want and am almost ready to tear the person apart.22. I often criticize or make biting remarks.23. My mission is not to bring stability and peace but a cleansing storm.24. If a person does something bad to me, it means they are a bad person.25. I know how to sharply defend my interests when someone tries to deprive me of something.26. I very much dislike when unpleasant and bad forecasts are imposed on me – I can 'explode' in response.27. I often behave aggressively and uncontrollably.28. For the sake of the common good, I do not hesitate to be rough.29. Sometimes bad words or harshness slip out of my mouth.30. I feel furious indignation more often than hurt or shameful awkwardness.31. I like to criticize.32. I doubt my correctness less often than others.33. If necessary, I can be very strict, so that not only subordinates but also those of higher status will consider me.34. In a heated discussion, I invariably stand my ground and never compromise.35. My fighting spirit and aggression greatly increase in situations of problems and troubles.36. I know my rights and powers in relationships very well and know how to defend them.37. If I find a new love, there will almost certainly be no friendly relations with the former partner.38. I can easily go against public opinion if I want to.39. I show great care for 'my people' (more than is usual for many others), and 'outsiders' do not interest me.40. When someone or something opposes me, I automatically focus a steady, unblinking gaze on the opposing object.41. I make almost no mistakes, so I don't have to check myself.42. I go into conflict if I am not shown respect and reverence.43. I never even try to find an excuse for people who show me any even minor dishonesty.44. If a stranger rings the doorbell, I immediately and efficiently 'block their way with my chest' until I find out what they want.45. I do not consider it necessary to hide my negative opinion about certain people; on the contrary, I like to declare and show it.46. Others' attacks and aggression usually leave me unperturbed and cannot knock me off course.47. I am always ready to immediately rebuke some youngster or some brat.48. I often speak contemptuously and sharply about some people.49. If needed, I can be cruel and unceremonious.50. I very much dislike when the person I deal with has no time and is in a hurry.51. I respect only people who can resist; spineless people bore me and make me uninterested.52. Absolutely all the people I would seriously sacrifice for are my personally and closely acquainted people or relatives (there are no public figures among them who are not personally acquainted with me).53. I always dominate in relationships, and I always establish the distance of communication with another person myself.54. If equals offend me, I almost always react immediately, without hiding or trying to 'veil' my attitude.55. It is impossible to persuade me to do something I do not want to do.56. If someone reproaches me, appeals to my conscience, or teaches me a sense of tact, I can easily and often get furious in response.57. Sometimes it is difficult for me to see things from someone else's point of view.58. I will definitely make a remark to a person who tries to cut in front of me without a queue.59. I am always stubborn and persistent in my demands.60. I like to point out someone’s mistakes and argue with them.61. I instantly notice everything, remember it, and just as easily forget everything that has ceased to be important.62. I am attentive to making sure no one cuts in front of me without a queue.63. If the result does not please me personally, then I am absolutely not interested in whether it pleases others or not.64. I am the only judge of my beliefs and words.Markers that EII mostly agrees with, while ESI mostly disagrees:
1. I have a gentle and patient nature, giving the impression of being very easy-going.2. I appear shy and bashful.3. I like nurturing and calming others.4. I rarely express hurt immediately; instead, I carry it silently for a long time.5. In arguments, I usually agree with my opponent on the discussed issues.6. I like reconciling other people (around my age).7. I often (or at least sometimes) have difficulty swallowing or chewing solid food, feeling like my jaw muscles are weak and unwilling to work.8. When I sense someone’s growing aggression, I usually reflexively 'slow down' to calm the situation.9. I am sentimentally careful and caring about the memory and traditions of my 'homeland.'10. I often escape from unpleasant tasks into more pleasant dreams.11. My life is dedicated to the common good.12. My main desire is to enjoy a world full of stability and peace.13. My frequent reaction to someone’s aggression is not to confront but to try to uplift, smile, agree, or encourage them.14. Even having my own opinion, I often yield to my opponent just not to upset them.15. I sometimes try to understand my friends better by imagining how things look from their perspective.16. I often have obsessive, repetitive thoughts, including in the evening, which keep me from falling asleep.17. I am very patient with the weaknesses and flaws of others.18. Sometimes I feel a strange heaviness in my legs, making it hard to move them.19. I sometimes feel guilty for my happiness or good luck.20. I find it hard to stop eating on time, sometimes overstuffing myself.21. When someone upsets or hurts me, I usually try to 'put myself in their shoes' mentally for a while.22. I sometimes entertain myself by imagining how others see me at the moment.23. I often persuade people of the benefits of humility and various compromises.24. All people are good, and minor sins shouldn’t be noticed to avoid spoiling one’s mood – this works for me.25. I am sometimes haunted by loud, obsessive thoughts accusing me of sinful behavior.26. Before criticizing someone, I try to imagine how I would feel in their place.27. Almost every day, I mentally imagine myself in someone else's place and mentally play out situations.28. I often ignore minor violations of my personal rights and do not react.29. It is easier for me if someone I respect makes decisions for me.30. I can humbly accept humiliation in a Christian way.31. Often something vaguely 'spins' in my head – whether fragments of words, thoughts, or something else, making it hard to concentrate and causing discomfort.32. I work for others in this life, and that suits me.33. In childhood, I walked poorly and got tired quickly.34. Sometimes the surrounding world starts to seem threateningly intense, as if everything in the room is baring its teeth at me.35. Any objection automatically makes me reconsider the problem attentively.36. My desires are usually vague and lack strength.37. I often stare at the same picture or object for a long time, experiencing a trance-like and hard-to-explain pleasure.38. Sometimes I feel a pressing sensation in my heart and a lack of air.39. I am tolerant of others' misconceptions.40. I sometimes automatically repeat the same obsessive movement many times, like clenching and unclenching fists or bending and straightening arms, as if checking if they obey my will.41. I like mentally sifting through heaps of seemingly meaningless facts.42. Sometimes I fear swallowing solid food, afraid I won’t be able to and might choke.43. Loud voices and vivid images from memory sometimes frighten me.44. In my thoughts, I constantly 'play different roles,' living many lives that are not mine.45. I have a good sense of where events will lead in the near future, and I like to think about these things in silence, peace, and relaxation.46. I often mentally play out fantasy versions of historical past centuries.47. I think I am easily suggestible.48. I often, automatically and involuntarily, bite my tongue or the inside of my cheeks (EII: Happens daily. ESI: No such habit at all).49. By the end of a line, my handwriting usually starts to slope downwards, so the line drops at the end (check this).50. I am sometimes haunted by intrusive images of my imagination.51. I have noticed that it’s much easier for me to remember events and moments associated with my movement in space (e.g., while walking or in a moving car).52. I often imagine myself in someone else’s place.53. I often consider another person almost as an extension of myself.54. Without looking at the clock, I can easily and accurately tell how much time has passed (error of no more than 5 minutes per hour).55. I often spend nights thinking about interesting ideas.56. I am easily startled by sudden sounds.57. I sometimes have headaches that go away for a while if I eat something sweet.58. I sometimes have an unpleasant, obsessive, illusory feeling as if someone is forcibly taking my thoughts out of my head, leaving emptiness.59. Sometimes I have a strange feeling of losing all connection to the understanding and feeling of tomorrow – I can’t think about it, and I don’t feel any threads connecting me to it (neither positive nor negative). Even the ability to foresee the next few minutes disappears – normally, you subconsciously feel what will happen next, but in such moments, this 'sense' strangely vanishes.60. I have some habitual obsessive movements, automatic and rhythmically repeated, which are easier to give in to than resist.61. Periodically, I suffer from a lack of appetite for many days in a row – I eat very little, and none of my usual dishes appeal to me.62. I have had (or currently have) any rheumatic diseases (EII: Yes. ESI: No / Don’t know about this).63. It’s easy for me to empathize with someone else's point of view, try it on myself, and even adopt it as my own for a while, just for a test.64. I often save interesting information from news sites on my computer (almost every time I visit news feeds).