Markers that ESE mostly agrees with, while LSE mostly disagrees:
1. I understand the world through feelings, emotions, and empathy.2. I easily evoke vivid emotional memories.3. Every person, every event has its own emotional taste and significance for me.4. I am characterized more by emotionality than cold rationality.5. My emotions are deep, dramatic, and persistent.6. I experience emotions more vividly and deeply than most people.7. I always sense the emotional significance of what's happening, the 'flavor of life' in every situation.8. In company, I often observe people to determine their mood.9. The world of my inner ethical feelings and experiences is where decisions are made.10. The world is ruled by powerful passions and feelings, which are usually stronger than rationality and us.11. I can and love to speak elevatedly and passionately about my feelings.12. My thoughts about the near future are filled with an automatically felt emotional flavor, significance, and meaning.13. I am a person of deep experiences and feelings.14. Choose the appropriate option - ESE: The same feelings can dominate me for a long time, and all facts will be subordinate to them. LSE: Facts are always stable for me, and emotions are fleeting and transient. 15. Sometimes every event, every impression seems incredibly emotionally rich and therefore very significant, either beautiful or terrible.16. I understand feelings and relationships, behavior rules better than business logic.17. My speech contains many adjectives.18. My enthusiasm is often uneconomical and senseless, lacking cold analysis and calculation.19. When making important decisions, I usually listen to what my heart says, ignoring the external logic of things.20. My life is always emotionally colored and filled with dreams, expectations, fears; every person, every event has its own special taste and significance.21. Remembering an episode from my life, I immediately relive the exact emotional feeling I had then.22. Compared to many others, I can love more deeply and selflessly and hate more intensely.23. Working as a cashier in a store or a telephone operator would suit me more than being a judge or programmer.24. Even years later, I can recall the intense pleasure I once felt and feel the same urge again.25. Remembering key moments of my past, I relive all the emotions I experienced then.26. My mood often fluctuates.27. I love strong emotions.28. I preach emotional engagement, not conviction, and during this time, I become insistent and imperious, turning from kind to stern and wayward.29. I constantly want something, always emotionally drawn to something.30. I am very artistic.31. I am a dreamer, I cannot stand dullness and standardization, for me, beauty in art and life is paramount.32. I love to be capricious.33. I usually told friends about my love affairs.34. I am always ready for aesthetic enjoyment, ready to admire beauty and be outraged by ugliness.35. Feelings and intuition are much more important than rational thinking and planning.36. Key concepts for me: fun, emotional outburst, love, indignation, family, bringing joy, lifting spirits, beauty, celebration, sorrow, sociability, passion, treat, constant activity.37. I always experience strong positive emotions from good news, victories, and any personal success or achievement.38. I am compliant, affectionate, romantic, and unpredictable.39. I am helpless when acting independently.40. It is sometimes difficult for me to restrain some of my impulses, even when I understand they are dangerous for me.41. I am good at maintaining long-term relationships.42. I love to lift people's spirits and dispel their boredom.43. I hold in memory for a long time and often mentally relive the sensations, touches, and smells I experienced a few minutes ago.44. In a group of friends, I love to talk about my personal experiences in youth and the past.45. I believe there is much correct and useful in astrology or the occult, underestimated today.46. Bright positive emotions are the main value of life for me.47. I am attracted to the strength and passion of emotions.48. This resonates deeply with me: 'And hearing the midnight chime, intoxicated by the music of iron, we rush in a round dance over the opening abyss.'49. Sometimes I deliberately behave provocatively and contrary to expectations.50. Any mysticism helps me think because it intrigues, generates thoughts, and drives me forward.51. I liked the Japanese full-length cartoon about two children – Pazu and Lusita – as well as about the military and pirates on airships (led by the pirate mother) and the magical flying castle Laputa.52. When I want, I can write almost calligraphically.53. I hear such 'thin' and high sounds, on the edge of ultrasound, that others don't hear.54. Everyone should have someone who gives them orders and doesn't let them get confused.55. I love to forcefully instruct those around me, trying to teach them my approach to life.56. In my desires, in my 'I want', I am persistent and sometimes prone to stubborn maximalism.57. After experiencing horror, I often feel a 'rebound' in the form of blissful joy spreading through my body.58. I am often fascinated by weapons.59. My self-esteem fluctuates very little and almost does not depend on my current level of demand or external approval.60. If there's something to reproach a colleague for, I'll definitely do it – in front of witnesses.61. I'm ready to boldly engage in activities like skydiving or motorcycle racing.62. I rarely worry and almost never fret about consequences or the possible reactions of others to my actions.63. By the middle of a lesson or lecture, my attention is usually more focused than at the beginning.64. I would be curious to observe a dying person.65. I almost never joke.66. The anxiety and depression of some of my friends and relatives sometimes lift my own spirits.67. I'm not afraid of making mistakes and don't worry about them – that's what searching is for.68. I usually say: 'Start explaining from the end.'Markers that LSE mostly agrees with, while ESE mostly disagrees:
1. I always follow logical consistency and rely on facts, not emotions.2. I make decisions without emotions, considering only necessity and benefit.3. I use facts and reason more often than feelings.4. Knowledge and facts interest me more than beauty and emotions.5. I never talk about my feelings – I just don't know how.6. I often ponder, weigh, and evaluate things with a cold mind.7. It's hard for me to talk about my feelings because I don't understand them well – I might not even experience what people call anger, sadness, or strong joy.8. If I rewatch a film, it's not to relive the emotions but to understand the plot details I missed the first time.9. I rarely empathize with the problems of movie characters – it's all make-believe.10. I always demand to back up any statement with a source.11. I lack excessive sentimentality.12. I avoid any strong emotions and experiences.13. My emotions are 'broad strokes' – my attention quickly disperses when it comes to emotional nuances and details.14. When making decisions, I almost always rationally rely on calculation and scientific knowledge.15. I am a kind person, but I put business above personal interests and relationships.16. I can handle everything independently without anyone's help.17. My logical chains of reasoning are always accurate and precise.18. Wishing well for others, I often bet on skepticism rather than hope.19. TV programs about news or science and technology interest me more than singers or comedy shows.20. I haven't felt a strong attachment to parents or romantic partners.21. I have more logic and rationality than other people.22. My worldview is purely scientific, alien to any magic or religion.23. When telling something to people, I become more logical and 'dry' than usual.24. I usually have difficulty describing the feelings and emotional experiences of others.25. I understand the economic laws of society better than most.26. I try to manage others not through willful pressure but through economic methods.27. I live in a way to depend on no one.28. The strongest feelings I experience are from tasty food; I am poor at understanding other emotions.29. I would like professions such as a railway locomotive engineer or a supply department head in a manufacturing firm.30. My usual speech is characterized by a 'telegraphic style': short, concise sentences, often consisting of nouns alone ('Night. Street. Lamp. Pharmacy. Dark.', etc.)31. I can work for many hours without getting distracted or losing interest.32. I am more capable of solid friendship than love.33. It's true that nothing surprises me.34. When I talk, my head usually remains strictly motionless – no need to nod, raise eyebrows, or turn my neck.35. I am a person of clearly defined opinions, always knowing what's right and wrong.36. I surpass many in my ability to make correct, beneficial decisions.37. I dislike any poetry; its images are foreign to me. I see no point in attributing the properties of one object to another – calling grass silky (it's not silk), the sky deep (a well can be deep, not the sky), or comparing hair to the sun and eyes to stars. All this is absurd and incomprehensible.38. I rarely see a serious subject for argument since I'm initially convinced of my correctness – it always turns out that way, even if the other side continues to disagree.39. Serious people are those who control their emotional states.40. Being an ethnographer would interest me more than being a musician.41. I get more irritated than sympathetic when I see someone crying.42. I always prefer even emotions in others, without 'outbursts'.43. If I don't need anything from a person, showing overt sympathy is tactless, improper, and bad manners.44. I have trouble pronouncing a long and drawn-out 'U-u-u-…'45. I value stable systems of necessary acquaintances and connections more than people's sympathies.46. I never buy something sold even slightly above its real price – it disgusts me.47. I have a high and almost directly rising forehead.48. It's true that I don't like cooking.49. My pupils almost don't react to light (they hardly change size if you look at a lamp) – if you're unsure, check in the mirror with a lamp nearby.50. I am more 'trouble-free' than other people.51. What would you like to give people? – LSE: Freedom of choice. ESE: Freedom from doubts. 52. Someone else's success irritates me greatly, especially if fools are lucky.53. Stubbornness is not my thing; I can always take the opposite viewpoint and look at the problem from the other side.54. On a plane or bus, I quickly fall into an irresistible doze from the monotonous noise of running engines.55. Even with a small amount of food, I sometimes feel a sense of fullness in the stomach, with a feeling of 'heaviness' under the spoon.56. I love pickled foods and often eat a lot of them (herring, pickles, sauerkraut, salted mushrooms, etc.).57. My face sometimes reddens from a rush of blood to the skin.58. I sometimes feel painfully helpless if I'm in a group of people experiencing a common misfortune.59. A person nearby with a sad, depressed face usually spoils my mood as well.60. I am very sensitive to condemnation and the threat of punishment.61. I often get nervous.62. I would like a life completely devoid of any problems.63. I have hypochondria – I often think about illnesses, fearing them in advance.64. I'm afraid of walking along the edge of a cliff.65. I often have a restless-irritable mood.66. After making a decision, I often start doubting and change it.67. I never miss an opportunity to praise someone for something on the internet if there's a reason.68. I have a pronounced sense of guilt.