Markers that ESE mostly agrees with, while EIE mostly disagrees:
1. I love creating comfort for myself and my friends.2. My role in life is a peaceful and unobtrusive optimist, easy to communicate with.3. I love helping others.4. I enjoy sports, good food, adventurous risks, and all tangible pleasures of the material world.5. A bright joy or joyful enlightenment is my usual daytime mood.6. Sports and manual labor are natural everyday needs for any healthy organism.7. I am good-natured and usually content.8. I know how to relax, appreciate pleasures and life's joys, and can create comfort in my close surroundings.9. In the physical, material world, I feel like a fish in water, possessing everyday practicality and good manual skills.10. I almost never have a bad mood; I'm an optimist by nature.11. I handle routine tasks like cleaning and maintenance without stress.12. I have a cheerful, easygoing, and unobtrusive nature, enjoying life and sharing that joy with others.13. My home usually has various knick-knacks and figurines that make it cozier.14. I am a person of habitual pleasures and simple life joys; this is essential to me.15. Most of the time, I feel comfort, satisfaction, happiness, relaxation, and optimism.16. Every minute of mine is filled with the vibrant energy of life and happiness.17. I am always friendly and pleasant to communicate with, spending much time on comforts for myself and friends.18. My purpose is to improve the tangible material world around me, bringing joy to others.19. I like to show my affection by helping with life's needs—feeding, ensuring a good night's sleep, and comfortable rest.20. Kindness, loyalty, and diligence are my constant, brightest qualities in any situation.21. I am an optimist, confident in my health and strength, seeking pleasant sensations, and generally feeling great.22. I easily focus on manual labor.23. I am very practical in everyday life.24. My hands never shake.25. Most of the time, I feel peace, well-being, and satisfaction.26. There is not much I want to change in my life; everything is good as it is.27. I like cooking.28. I can work physically for quite a while before getting tired.29. I usually forgive people, regardless of whether they deserve it.30. I enjoy showing care for others.31. I am forgiving and easily let go of the past and irrelevant matters.32. The smell of food always excites me, usually making my mouth water.33. I readily respond to requests to do household chores.34. I enjoy spending time working and caring for others—family, friends, colleagues, and common causes.35. I am very caring towards my family and close ones.36. Being a surgeon would suit me more than being a bureaucrat.37. I feel great joy and inspiration from the successes of a close relative.38. I like most of the people I know.39. I don't have a fetish for scientific knowledge; it's more important to do something practical and functional.40. I am a warm, soft person, reconciling, liking to consult, eat, enjoy home comfort, and money.41. If I see a close person is ill or unwell (and I almost always notice immediately), I will almost certainly offer my care and advice on treatment.42. I love being useful and needed by someone.43. It is true that I lack the talent for intrigue, always aiming for the common good and naively expecting the same from others.44. I avoid statements that embarrass others.45. I am a bit lazy but love fussing over cooking and creating home comfort.46. I can quickly switch attention between sensations in different parts of my body.47. I would enjoy working as a groom, caring for horses.48. I love myself, and people love me for my friendly and unobtrusive nature.49. I am very altruistic and almost always ready to help those in need.50. I usually look at someone or something specific rather than staring into endless space.51. I sometimes feel the urge to care for someone fragile and vulnerable, wanting to guide them.52. My talents are being cozy and bustling when in the mood, knowing how to relax, and avoiding others' conflicts.53. I often feel sympathy and care for people less fortunate than me.54. It's true that since childhood, I almost never had outbursts of anger.55. I love kitchen work.56. I have excellent coordination and a precise eye.57. I love and can listen to jazz improvisations for a long time.58. For me, sensations are very important; I can say I think not in words or pictures but with my whole body.59. Most dissatisfied people need to change their attitude towards reality, not their surroundings.60. I am always ready to help.61. When I am wrong, I honestly admit my guilt without trying to twist the conversation to blame others.62. My body has good manageability and agility, with high tone.63. I have excellent coordination and instantaneous reactions.64. I am often drawn to sweets, which temporarily improve my mood.65. I am generous with feasts, love organizing rest and entertainment for friends.Markers that EIE mostly agrees with, while ESE mostly disagrees:
1. I often have a depressed, melancholic mood, sometimes without apparent reasons.2. I frequently suffer from spleen—bad mood.3. My character has some arrogance.4. I often catch myself feeling unpleasant sensations.5. I tend to 'exaggerate' illnesses, fearing the worst—up to a fatal disease.6. I can be grumpy.7. Sometimes I entertain myself with psychological 'attacks' on others to see how they get nervous and gradually worsen their mood.8. At least two or three times a week, I have prolonged bad, angry moods that I want to vent on someone.9. I am squeamish and often try to wash my hands quickly after shaking hands with some people.10. I occasionally feel numbness or cold in my extremities (at least once every two weeks).11. I take care of my close ones at home only when necessary, i.e., when things get really bad and critical.12. It's true that I don't like physical work.13. I can be ruthless towards people.14. I quickly get tired of manual labor.15. I think I criticize others more often than myself.16. I believe I feel feelings of disgust or loathing more often than others.17. I am resentful.18. I find it repulsive to deal with low-level household issues.19. I am often overcome with envy of someone.20. I sometimes feel numbness or coldness in my extremities.21. I think more about human flaws than about human virtues.22. Even when not sick, I sometimes have chills, where my body shakes as if from cold (at least once a month).23. When I see a piece of furniture, I don't pay attention to the details it is made of.24. I always feel resentful if I feel my opinion is ignored.25. I find it difficult to relax internally and feel at peace with the world and people.26. The scariest thing for me would be to suddenly feel like an unnoticed gray mouse in society.27. It's true that I rarely allow people to touch me or my clothes, no matter who I'm talking to, even among friends and in a crowd.28. Sometimes I enjoy spoiling someone's mood by adding my more pessimistic note to their optimism.29. What is more typical for you? - EIE: I often notice existing discomforts. ESE: I can enjoy comforts.30. I am not very practical and generally indifferent to household issues.31. Sometimes I use demonstrative ignoring, disrespect, and contempt to achieve my goals in relationships.32. My hands or forehead often become covered in cold sweat (I notice this at least once every two weeks).33. I have a sense of doom, sometimes even regret living in this world.34. Climbing a couple of flights of stairs, my pulse quickly jumps above a hundred beats per minute.35. I am often or always tense and ready to fight back.36. Admitting my guilt is foolish—I almost always manage to turn the conversation to the guilt of others.37. If I say 'thank you' to someone, it's almost always just out of politeness or to maintain a relationship, but I don't feel obligated.38. At least a couple of times a week, I have emotional outbursts of rage and anger in my relationships with close ones.39. There are bouts when my heart rate slows down, and my body becomes covered in sweat.40. In the past month, I have felt contempt, disdain, even disgust towards people.41. Bruises easily form on my body, even from minor bumps.42. Sometimes I enjoy negatively affecting the emotions of others, agitating people and taking them out of their usual comfort.43. Nettle burns quickly cause itchy blisters on my skin.44. Some people often feel negative, painful emotions coming from me.45. In the autumn-spring period, when many are sick, I easily 'catch' a cold or flu.46. When solving a life problem, I can intrigue, pitting people against each other.47. I am annoyed by others' success.48. I have a terrible character, but I can't do anything about it.49. My emotions and feelings are often self-centered.50. Sometimes I seek trouble or disappointment where there is none.51. I am generally not the person who admits my mistakes and, even more so, apologizes for my words.52. Among my acquaintances, there are at least three people I personally dislike.53. Sometimes I deliberately provoke people to respond aggressively.54. Admittedly, I often pretend to be a 'sensitive soul misunderstood by others' (though this is close to my essence).55. In a bad mood, I always become more 'prickly' and confrontational.56. My questions often have a sarcastic tone.57. In the past month, I have felt grief, sadness, melancholy, depression, almost despair.58. Many smells often irritate me.59. I much more often notice unpleasant sensations in my body (itching, tingling, numbness, vibration, pain, heaviness, etc.) than pleasant ones.60. At least several times a week, I feel disgusted by something.61. Sometimes I pretend to care about others.62. My chronic infections usually recur after hypothermia.63. Which plot do you prefer in adventure or sci-fi literature? EIE: A lone hero courageously opposes the surrounding environment and defeats it, forcing it to submit to his conditions. The hero is endowed with numerous initial virtues, and the hostile environment is limited and imperfect, and therefore deserves to be destroyed or remodeled. ESE: A lone hero faces an initially alien environment but gradually adapts to it, achieving perfection. Because this environment (forest, planet, unknown tribe) is better and more perfect than the hero who entered it.64. I usually avoid and certainly do not hurry to agree that I was wrong.65. I often tormented my relatives with angry 'scenes' and tantrums.