Markers that EII mostly agrees with, while LSE mostly disagrees:
1. Every individual is a vast inner world of memory and fantasy, and this world is no less important than the larger real world.2. Inside me, there often seems to be a condemning voice – it always shames me for the same thing.3. Any 'trading' in others, any talk of benefits and investments often causes me dislike and irritation.4. A very accurate and complete set of concepts characterizing me: feelings, agreement, peace, humanity, commandments, conscientiousness, shame, politeness, responsibility, human soul, forgiveness, poetry, destiny.5. I have obsessive thoughts that are hard to escape or refuse because of their already habitual pleasantness.6. Sometimes I seek suffering and self-sacrifice.7. It's true that I don't love myself.8. I navigate poorly in unfamiliar places, even with a map.9. If I talk to a friend who is sad, I feel sad afterward too.10. I am interested in mysterious phenomena and love to ponder the meaning of life, the past, and the future in solitude.11. To admit, I learn poorly from my life experience.12. Key concepts for me: spirituality, guilt, vulnerability, compassion, attentiveness, decency, morality, reliability, modesty, responsibility, consistency.13. Sometimes I get stuck in my mental search for just one specific thing for about twenty minutes.14. Before criticizing someone, I try to imagine how I would feel if I were in their place.15. Mysticism helps me think because it generates thoughts and moves them forward.16. I feel uncomfortable if I accidentally cause someone significant discomfort (by being late, a clumsy word, etc.).17. I can 'feel' any person or phenomenon from within.18. I am compliant, affectionate, romantic, and unpredictable.19. I often feel my loneliness against the whole world.20. Compared to others, I have a special talent for patience and responsiveness, upbringing and self-sacrifice.21. I am very tolerant even of 'difficult people,' able to feel their motives and adapt to their weaknesses.22. I often fear that I might spoil relationships with someone.23. I have a tendency to direct my aggression at myself.24. I am haunted by guilt for some of my actions.25. I am drawn to others' tears – always ready to 'soak' them with my sympathy or help.26. It’s true that I don’t know how to criticize and grumble; I get no pleasure from it.27. I am somehow attracted to people with pain in their eyes.28. It's true that I don't love myself.29. To maintain mental stability, one must always feel that someone strict is above them – if not a boss, then at least God.30. Probably, in other times I could have become a religious fanatic.31. If sympathy arises for a near or far person, it is usually stronger for me than business interest.32. Sometimes I notice that it’s hard to carry out a sequence of various alternating movements – either pauses form when transitioning from one movement to another, or the old movement begins to repeat automatically several times.33. Strength, record, nobility, charity, vulnerability, and resentment – most of these words are more significant to me than concepts like calculation and awareness, justice and equality, indignation, hatred, and delight.34. In childhood, I was more afraid of everything new rather than eager to explore it with curiosity.35. Sometimes I look in the mirror, and my face seems foreign.36. In unpleasant events, I often see the hand of fate.37. At least deep down, I believe in the power of a witch's curse.38. It is always more pleasant to create something myself than to manage from above.39. I would like a career as a singer-guitarist, performing for a small fee with mini-concerts at friends' and fans' homes.40. It's true that I have a slightly 'viscous' character.41. When given a choice, I prefer to communicate with 'strange,' unusual people.42. At least once a month, in a familiar place (e.g., on the street near home), I experience a strange and piercing sense of novelty – a house I’ve seen many times seems as if I’m seeing it for the first time, a car I’ve seen many times appears as if I’m seeing it for the first time. As a result, there is a sincere, piercing surprise from this illusory sensation.43. I sometimes enjoy communicating with unhappy, sick, humiliated people.44. I believe more in esotericism than in materialistic simplicity.45. I often pay respect and interest to someone's completely 'wild' fantasies that contradict the canons of modern science.46. Life is uncomfortable without orders or guiding instructions from above.47. I have an unconventional aesthetic perception; I can see the unusual in the ordinary.48. I often feel anxious and tense.49. My mind more often sets tasks for my imagination than evaluates something.50. When writing, my hand sometimes shakes.51. Sometimes I feel that my arms, legs, and whole body seem heavy, and my face seems frozen and petrified, and even breathing has to be forced specially.52. I like listening to people and relieving their emotional tension.53. Sometimes I have a sudden sense of estrangement, of the surrounding environment being motionless and dead.54. I have suicidal thoughts.55. Imagination helps me catch subtle threads of interconnections in people's relationships and actions.56. I usually speak slowly and leisurely.57. I am a slow person in movements and speech.58. In conversations, I often have 'descending volume' intonations when by the end of the phrase, my words descend almost to a whisper, becoming very quiet.59. My speech is poor and restrained because I often struggle to find the right word – it spins in my head but I can’t recall it, and I understand this, so I often repeat the same word several times or simply fall silent.60. I remember the 'tone' and intonation of speech better than its content.61. I usually say very little about myself.62. I read people like an open book.63. I speak little in communication.64. I keep my thoughts to myself.65. I have gloomy thoughts, for example about murder or suicide.Markers that LSE mostly agrees with, while EII mostly disagrees:
1. I am a materialist and believe that existence determines consciousness, and the lower level of the structure always sets the state of the upper level.2. I easily remember and find my way in an unfamiliar city or forest, even without a map or compass – I am confident in this ability and know that I cannot get lost.3. In childhood, I fought more often and more willingly than many other peers.4. I am much better than most other people.5. It's true that I never feel ashamed in front of doctors and walk around naked without trying to cover up.6. I sympathize with the physical pain of others more than their emotional pain – I immediately want to stop physical pain.7. I know how to bypass rules and know how to use it.8. When I am angry, I start rushing around the space – and it's best not to get in my way, at best I will shove you aside.9. If I see flaws in the work earlier than others, I almost always point them out and make them known.10. I always quickly and easily recall a suitable example illustrating the manifestation of some rule.11. My memories are more often associated with successes rather than disappointments.12. I like shooting at the range.13. I have good spatial memory for the way back – after a long walk in an unfamiliar city, I can easily find my way back without asking passersby.14. I am often cruel and intolerant in communication with close ones, and in an extreme situation, I leave no room for pity and compassion.15. I can easily draw a map of the area or a plan of the room from memory.16. In a company, I often tell jokes more than others – I remember many of them.17. I can combine several tasks at once.18. I like browsing internet forums dedicated to home repair and construction or automotive topics.19. I sometimes boast a little.20. I often criticize or make biting remarks.21. I like telling and showing others how well and efficiently everything is organized in my life, according to the best 'glamorous standards.'22. I am more often satisfied with the results than not satisfied.23. Even from disparate, cut-up pieces, I quickly assemble the necessary object with my eyes, as if restoring it as a whole from memory.24. Key concepts for me: administration, care, healthy body, energy, benefit, loss minimization, organization, production, dynamism, professionalism, competence, practicality, best quality, good presentation, consistency, order, stability.25. I love to criticize.26. I am attracted to activities related to the most advanced and expensive tools and technologies.27. I drink a lot of water daily.28. I can easily track several processes at once, quickly switching my visual and auditory attention between them.29. I feel at home in situations where I need to quickly learn some new sequences of movements and actions.30. Even when I do bad things, embarrassment, shame, or guilt are clearly not my feelings.31. I am primarily oriented towards concrete enjoyment of real life – living 'to the fullest.'32. I usually find it difficult to 'step into someone else's shoes' and understand the source of their misconception.33. Pity is secondary for me when there are significant logical facts and arguments.34. For me, in any knowledge, the most important thing is that it is technological, easily applicable in the form of a sequential chain of actions.35. I do not tolerate equality at work when both good and bad employees are almost in the same position.36. I always compare my actions in terms of benefit, profit, and maximum efficiency.37. Any waiting causes impatience and immediate protest.38. In a company, I tend to joke and humor a lot, playing with words.39. I am always interested in questions of money, product prices, and earnings comparisons.40. I easily and quickly switch from one operation to another, from one action or movement to another.41. The criterion of truth is practical benefit. Therefore, what is beneficial is true.42. I am quite satisfied with life.43. I am calm about others' immodesty – modest people are usually hypocrites and do more harm.44. When I work or speak, I usually (or very often) do so at a particularly fast pace and with a somewhat excited 'nervousness.'45. Severely punishing an offender is a matter of honor for a person if they have such an opportunity.46. My emotions and feelings are often egocentric.47. What would you like to give people? - LSE: Freedom of choice. EII: Freedom from doubt.48. When deadlines are suddenly postponed without warning, I get furious and usually arrange verbal reprimands.49. I understand economic laws of society better than many others.50. I often curse with bad words.51. I easily notice characteristic landmarks on the terrain, and thanks to them, I always remember the route well.52. What is more valuable in a person's character? - LSE: Foresight above the average level. EII: Loyalty above the average level.53. My arguments often end in harsh and offensive tones.54. I like to brag and show off.55. I instantly assess which pile has more candies, nails, or coins.56. I easily get irritated.57. I like to change and transform things around me.58. I will easily sacrifice the interests of strangers for the interests of my family.59. I joke a lot.60. Sex, food, good resorts, fashionable clothes, a prestigious home, and a healthy body are the core values of my life.61. My sense of sight is better than my sense of time.62. My behavior probably looks a bit more unruly than normative and well-mannered, if compared to most around me.63. I like to talk about myself.64. I can easily and instantly remember and hum the melody of my country's national anthem.65. After eating, I almost always feel pleasant satisfaction.