Markers that EII mostly agrees with, while LII mostly disagrees:
1. I enjoy listening to people and relieving their emotional tension.2. When solving a general task, I focus on the perception of the other person rather than the task itself – it is very important to me what my partner feels, thinks of me, or whether they love me.3. I am very sensitive to the feelings and needs of others.4. Feelings are more important to me than thoughts.5. Each person has their own 'flavor' and significance to me.6. I usually feel another person's experiences as my own.7. The world of people, emotions, and feelings is much more interesting to me than the world of machines and natural laws.8. Powerful passions and feelings rule the world and are generally stronger than reason and us.9. I always automatically pay attention to any changes in the relationships of my acquaintances.10. I worry about the misfortunes of others.11. In books, I am more interested in relationships between people than the plot.12. I usually notice earlier than others if someone is tired or unwell and am always ready to help unobtrusively.13. I am a master at catching the 'emotional vibrations' of another person.14. I don't like judging and resolving conflicts, but I can reconcile people.15. If someone has trouble, I immediately feel an emotional response in my soul to this sad event, even if I don't know the person.16. Often and with pleasure, I engage in 'finding an approach to people.'17. Almost everything that happens around me stays in my memory for a long time, evoking evaluation and vivid feelings.18. I am a very empathetic person.19. Professions like social worker, psychologist, educator, or veterinarian would suit my character very well.20. The anticipation of someone’s 'thank you,' sincere gratitude, almost always motivates me to act.21. I am sensitive and observant to sudden small shifts towards more negative, cold, minor, or dissatisfied moods in my partner or interlocutor.22. A very accurate and comprehensive set of concepts characterizing me: feelings, agreement, peace, humanity, commandments, conscientiousness, shame, politeness, obligation, human soul, forgiveness, poetry, fate.23. A person is fundamentally incomprehensible – there is too much unknowable and changeable in them.24. It's easy for me to feel relationships between people; I quickly distinguish genuine feelings from pretentious ones.25. I often notice changes in the relationships of my acquaintances.26. I enjoy nurturing and pacifying.27. Key concepts for me: imagination, empathy, compassion, soul, traditions, commandments, duty, tact, self-sacrifice, accuracy.28. I often try to guess the carefully hidden motives behind someone’s behavior and words.29. I can 'feel' any person or phenomenon from within.30. I like reconciling people (around my age).31. There are things that, if I start talking about them, make my voice tremble and even bring tears to my eyes.32. I often worry about what someone thinks of me.33. I still remember many important visual or auditory details of events experienced long ago but during which I felt intense emotional tension (check yourself, try to recall).34. Sometimes I am haunted by loud intrusive thoughts accusing me of sinful behavior.35. When I communicate with a person experiencing trouble, I start feeling anxiety and depression almost as they do.36. I often pay attention to changes in the relationships of familiar people.37. My mood is highly dependent on the support of my actions by others.38. I always pay attention to who knows whom and what the basis of their closeness is.39. I am dependent on public opinion (at least no less, and rather more, than others).40. I like finding out what my friends feel and what they really need.41. I sometimes enjoy patronizing people from a position of benefactor.42. For my motivation, it is crucial that my achievements and merits are noticed and acknowledged by those close to me.43. Mere trifles can often put me in an agitated or upset state.44. I always note and remember who knows whom and what the basis of their closeness is.45. My thoughts are often occupied with regrets about my mistakes and how others might react to them.46. In my youth, I was very lenient and empathetic towards others while being very critical of myself.47. My temporary lack of demand from people, the absence of positive 'reinforcement' through external approval, quickly leads me to depression and lowered self-esteem.48. Persistent feelings of guilt often plague me.49. I often take an interest in the affairs of my relatives.50. I have some frequent and obsessive memories.51. I can communicate with suffering people.52. Compared to others, I have a special talent for patience and responsiveness, upbringing, and selflessness.53. I often worry about what hasn't happened yet but could potentially occur.54. Sometimes I experience prolonged feelings of guilt with self-reproach and pangs of conscience.55. Stressful states occur regularly for me, at least once a week.56. Sometimes I focus on thoughts about how worthless I am.57. I am haunted by some shameful memories.58. I can usually explain why another person I know acted differently in a situation than I would have.59. Sometimes I cannot distract myself from a disturbing fantasy.60. I like helping others.61. I regularly (at least once a week) have excessively anxious states without good reason.62. When meeting friends, I always ask them about something.63. I often engage in spiritual 'self-flagellation.'64. Sometimes I heap insults on myself.65. I spend all my time with pleasure working and caring – but caring not for myself, but for 'my people': family, friends, colleagues, the common cause.66. One person, intending to say 'Nelson Rockefeller,' once said: 'Nelson Nockenfellen, that is, Relso Rickenfeller, that is, Felso Nockerfelson.' I often have similar errors when trying to pronounce some complex word.67. Others are constantly trying to use and manipulate me.Markers that LII mostly agrees with, while EII mostly disagrees:
1. In my thinking practice, I often apply the 'razor principle' – of all possible explanations of a fact, I discard all those that are 100% impossible; what remains after all the eliminations is the truth, no matter how staggering, terrible, and unlikely it may seem.2. I am a smarter person than most of my acquaintances.3. I am often indifferent to the feelings of others.4. I am a well-educated person with a sharp, strictly analytical mind.5. I am not interested in the problems of other people.6. Logic always helps me make the world clear and structured, so I can be guided by general principles and ideas, ignoring details.7. I am hardly concerned with people's opinions – in pursuing discovery, I satisfy only my own curiosity.8. If I decided to buy a car and someone suddenly offered me a car of the right brand at half price, even though someone died in it, I would buy it willingly and without long hesitation.9. It's hard for me to feel anything towards people, I often feel indifferent.10. I live more by reason and calculation than by heart, and logic and order are my protection against bullies.11. I am indifferent to both praise and criticism from others.12. I was very interested in formal logical laws.13. I instantly notice minor logical flaws in others.14. I am more inclined to criticize than to reconcile positions.15. I have no time for other people's problems.16. I solve any intellectual problems faster than most of my acquaintances.17. I can fully focus only on the main information and main problems while ignoring all insignificant things.18. My logical chains in reasoning are always infallible and precise.19. I am indifferent to what others say about me – it is much more important what I think about myself.20. People who cannot reason strictly logically are, as I secretly believe, almost like monkeys.21. I am generally absolutely indifferent to any attempts at moralizing – they do not affect me.22. I mostly do only what is really necessary, so I do not like giving gifts.23. I would make an excellent analyst, mathematician, programmer, or geologist.24. I remember any damage inflicted on me almost forever, whereas verbal offenses are less memorable and are quickly forgotten.25. I consider myself intellectually superior to 90% or even 99% of all other people.26. I am objective and sharp in judgments and principled evaluations; structures, classifications, concepts are my style.27. Many unfairly consider me a dry and unapproachable snob.28. I consider belief in miracles, jinxes, someone's witchcraft talents, telepathy, etc., a sign of a superficial and naive mind.29. I generally do not interfere in other people's troubles with my help.30. I almost never make mistakes, so there is no need to double-check myself.31. I would like to work as a programmer, creating computer programs.32. I easily formulate and sequentially unfold my thoughts in speech or on paper.33. I am rarely drawn to food; the feeling of hunger is not typical for me.34. I evaluate both ideas and people as impartially as possible – without considering my personal likes or dislikes, or anyone's social status.35. I am interested in the structure of the state and its electoral system.36. I love classifying events and objects, comparing them based on some criterion.37. I have a very strong research instinct.38. I would like processing sociological statistics, identifying relationships and trends in people's preferences using mathematical methods.39. I always instantly understand and 'catch on the fly' the meaning of everything I read.40. Being a researcher in biology, physics, or mathematics would suit me very well.41. I strive more for separation than for unification.42. I live by the principle: I owe nothing to anyone, and no one owes me anything.43. My self-esteem fluctuates very little and is practically independent of my current level of demand or external approval.44. In conversations, I more often argue than support and agree.45. I am my own judge for both my beliefs and my words.46. My intelligence is higher than most of my acquaintances.47. I have my own opinion on almost any issue.48. I rarely worry and almost never get anxious about the consequences or about other people's possible reactions to my actions.49. I usually do not feel responsible for others – they should take care of themselves.50. If I don't like the outcome myself, then I don't care and am not interested if others like it or not.51. I criticize others in my thoughts, but almost never myself.52. When I read articles on the internet, I am always interested in the tables with numerical information provided in them.53. I would like the job of a technologist, where for each moment it is necessary to set the right parameters of a chemical process.54. My interests are usually separated and distanced from the interests of others.55. Most of the time, I feel calm and self-sufficient.56. I value my independence most of all.57. Doing something for someone, forgetting about myself – that's not about me.58. I believe that the collective and 'common opinion' are very rarely right (in fact – almost never).59. I think my calling is discoveries and inventions that overturn established notions.60. I see my task as discovering universal laws that are independent of time.61. In any endeavor, it is very important for me to maintain a sense of independence.62. I hate being dictated to or even simply advised on how to work.63. My speech, both oral and written, is full of long complex sentences.64. Scientific search and faith in authorities are absolutely incompatible.65. I would rather have a cat than a dog at home.66. An intellectual thirst for knowledge, with an emphasis on new and unusual things, is a characteristic feature of mine.67. I usually behave independently and originally – contrary to general opinion and the crowd.