Markers that EII mostly agrees with, while IEE mostly disagrees:
1. I am often irritated and distracted by external noise.2. I tend to obsess over certain ideas.3. I have a fear of being suddenly ridiculed.4. If something goes wrong, I often blame and criticize myself, unleashing aggression on myself.5. I often 'get stuck' on certain thoughts or worries, which haunt me for a long time.6. I dwell on my mistakes for a long time.7. I get irritated when I am distracted from something because I find it hard to switch my attention quickly.8. I am often internally tense, as if ready for immediate fight or flight.9. I am often interested in my relatives' affairs.10. I experience stress regularly, at least once a week.11. My imagination often dominates me.12. The fate of humanity interests me more than most people around me.13. Unfinished tasks bother me greatly, and I find it hard to let them go.14. Loyalty, kindness, and diligence are my distinguishing traits.15. I like to plan my day, week, month, etc.16. I am always highly focused on what I am doing.17. I constantly ask myself questions internally.18. If you were to write a report or article about your favorite musical bands, you would likely group them by their stylistic similarities, regardless of the decades they performed in, or chronologically by the development and succession of their styles over time.19. I like philosophy and science.20. I easily get offended by jokes and criticism directed at me.21. My movements are always thought out in terms of their rationality and social appropriateness in given circumstances.22. Sometimes I can't distract myself from an anxious fantasy.23. I have a habit of always finishing what I start.24. In my youth, I was very lenient and sympathetically attentive to others, while being very critical of myself.25. Others constantly try to use and manipulate me.26. I am often plagued by a prolonged sense of guilt.27. I often 'immerse' myself in the future, indulging in dreams, hopes, or fears.28. Sometimes I experience prolonged feelings of guilt with self-reproach and pangs of conscience.29. When navigating through a marketplace, I never lose sight of my final destination in my thoughts, and if I get distracted, it's only for a second.30. I am very sensitive, with a tragic and emotional reaction to the world.31. Throughout the day, I often catch myself deeply pondering and 'falling out of reality.'32. I like concreteness and detail in everything, so that everything is visible and nothing has to be imagined.33. There are days (about half or more) when I think more about the general or others' well-being than my own.34. I like contemplating abstract ideas.35. It is difficult for me to speak quickly.36. In matters, I like concreteness and certainty.37. Because of my 'idealism,' I have often been deceived.38. I often get embarrassed.39. I always enjoy watching films about research and discoveries related to the origin of life on Earth and its geological history.40. It is easy for me to put off all pleasures 'for later' for the sake of a task that will bring me greater benefit in the future.41. I enjoy philosophical reflections.42. My speech is poor and restrained because I often have trouble finding the right word - it spins in my head, but I can't recall it, so I often repeat the same word several times or just fall silent.43. In the evening, I often think painfully about the mistakes I made during the day.44. 'Slave of honor' is about me.45. I remain true to a planned and calculated goal for many months or years, and nothing can knock me off course.46. The highest calling of a person is to contribute to the collective knowledge and facts of society.47. I often immerse myself in thoughts.48. When making decisions, I always carefully weigh the long-term consequences of my actions - how they will affect my reputation, what they might threaten, etc.49. The idea of selfless service for the good of humanity is closer to me than to others.50. My speech is not very melodic; rather, it is constrained, difficult, and tense, with pauses between words or even within a word.51. I am a person of strong moral principles.52. I am rather slow-witted; my thoughts lack impulsive quickness.53. I plan and 'schedule' my life for years ahead (or did so in my youth).54. If I relaxed briefly and something went wrong as a result, I only blame myself and see it as deserved - I shouldn't have relaxed.55. I am overly concerned with cleanliness and order at home.56. I often worry about things that haven't happened yet but could potentially happen.57. It is true that I have a somewhat 'sticky' personality.58. I see the future as gradual development, as evolution and planned ascent.59. Even minor things can get me excited or upset.60. I like activities that involve long-term responsibility.61. I usually speak to people quietly, softly - they will hear if they don't make noise.62. The lack of meaning in my life is torturous for me.63. I am a dreamer and often fantasize.64. There are things (thoughts, experiences, symbols) that I constantly 'get stuck' on.65. I have an obsessive habit of constantly evaluating and checking myself.66. It is easy for me to put off all pleasures 'for later' for the sake of a task that will bring me greater benefit in the future.67. I have some 'overvalued' ideas (as seen by some acquaintances).68. I often think and reflect on past events.69. I am a very goal-oriented and organized person.Markers that IEE mostly agrees with, while EII mostly disagrees:
1. I live 'here and now.'2. I live in the present moment.3. I live in the moment.4. Getting deeply lost in dreams and fantasies about something is not my thing at all.5. I think more about the coming week than about what will happen to the world in three years.6. I am not interested in theoretical discussions.7. I usually win arguments with a sharp and ironic tongue.8. I never daydream during the day; if I do, it's only before falling asleep.9. I have a well-developed sense of self-irony.10. I can easily relax and relieve tension.11. Long preparation and planning for events exhausts me; it's easier for me to orient 'on the spot.'12. I am quick-witted and can instantly find something to say or joke in response.13. I often run late or arrive at the last minute.14. Even with good thinking skills, I lack the ability and desire to plan my work.15. I don't strive for perfection; I just live my life.16. Sitting on a chair, place your feet so that only the toes touch the floor ('on tiptoes'), and the heels are raised. Place your palms on your knees. Sit like this for a minute. Did you experience uncontrollable trembling or periodic small vibrations in your legs' muscles? IEE: Yes, they appeared. EII: They did not appear.17. I don't think much about what will happen tomorrow.18. How many pieces of chewing gum do you use on average per day? IEE: Ten or more. EII: None.19. I can speak quickly, almost like a tongue twister if needed.20. Lying is easy for me if necessary and assigned.21. My lifestyle is characterized by a love for simply 'eating, drinking, and being merry.'22. I don't care at all what others think of me.23. I feel calm and self-sufficient most of the time.24. I am sociable and relaxed in communication, openly and eagerly expressing my opinions and telling stories I witnessed.25. I criticize others in my thoughts, but almost never myself.26. My presence in a group almost always stimulates others' initiative.27. To raise my rating in the eyes of the management, I sometimes intentionally and publicly make cutting remarks about people who are not favored by the leadership.28. If something is comfortable for me personally, I don't care what others think.29. I avoid minor and detailed classifications, usually preferring to divide objects into a few large groups.30. It is true that I am not an anxious person at all.31. I rarely stick to a plan or schedule.32. I haven't planned anything in a long time - there's no pleasure in it.33. I instantly notice and remember everything, and just as easily forget everything that is no longer important.34. I have excellent eye-hand coordination.35. In company, I tend to joke and play with words a lot.36. In work, I often get distracted by side conversations.37. I don't worry about trivial matters.38. At a new job, I first try to get to know the team and then focus on the work.39. I often speak for a long time in one breath, without pausing to rest or think.40. I prefer 'reading' people to reading books.41. I can easily figure out what will 'hook' another person.42. I am unpretentious in everyday life, and even in difficult conditions, I can always find something to enjoy and feel happy about.43. I rarely feel anxious, scared, or sad.44. In communication, I easily become animated, restless, talkative, and playful in manner.45. I have a ready wit, capable of quickly finding the right example and describing someone in a funny and ironic light.46. I would make a great scriptwriter, poet, or writer of action-packed works.47. In work, I often get distracted by little things and fail to complete the most important tasks on time.48. I often have a pleasant feeling that there are no problems, and everything can wait until tomorrow.49. I am sociable and easily make contact, eagerly talking about my connections, acquaintances, relatives.50. I like to talk - I can talk for a long time.51. My texts often contain sarcasm.52. I like talking more than listening to someone.53. The well-being of my home is more important than the global well-being.54. I don't need validation of my success; I always know my worth.55. I easily get distracted by quick pleasures, like various games.56. I am usually too lazy to think about the next day.57. I can mimic and show others' poses and mannerisms.58. I believe that if a person moves against the direction of their herd, it is not reasonable at all.59. I have a very good and quick sense of humor.60. I often get upset when I hear the word 'no' - sometimes such a response doesn't even register with me immediately.61. I can work well with all kinds of people.62. I often criticize or make caustic remarks.63. I really dislike obligations that involve planning time.64. In company, I often joke, inventing new names and words.65. In communication, I am very straightforward and loudly emotional.66. In fairy tales and cartoons, I was attracted to characters who wanted to rule the world, bringing it to its knees.67. I criticize others in my thoughts more often than myself.68. I don't like forcing myself into any plans or schedules.69. Irony and sarcasm are closer and more understandable to me than optimistic romance.70. Any waiting makes me impatient and immediately protest.