EII vs ESE Compared by Markers

EII vs ESE Compared by Markers

Markers that EII mostly agrees with, while ESE mostly disagrees:

1. Things often seem a bit foggy around me.2. When nervous, my hands feel uncertain – I don't know what to do with them.3. I often feel dissatisfaction or fatigue.4. Sometimes my heart feels pressured and it's like I can't get enough air.5. Even after a small amount of food, I feel like my stomach is full, with a heavy sensation.6. I often experience quiet melancholy and a feeling of oppressive heaviness in my soul.7. I frequently lack mental clarity – my attention is scattered, it's hard to comprehend the meaning of phrases, my muscles are tired and sluggish, and I generally feel a sense of inadequacy at the moment.8. Often (or at least sometimes) I have difficulty swallowing or chewing solid food – it feels like my chewing muscles are weak and unwilling to work.9. I often stumble over words or mispronounce them.10. In most states, my mood is closer to 'minor' rather than 'major.'11. Even after making a decision, I often waver and change it.12. Sometimes I suffer from a lack of appetite for many days in a row – I eat very little and none of the usual dishes appeal to me.13. Before saying anything, I always consider whether it will lead to conflict and worsen my relationship with the person.14. I am more often sad than cheerful and joyful.15. I often fear making mistakes.16. Sometimes I suddenly feel a sense of detachment, an immobile deadness of the surrounding environment.17. I often feel tired for no particular reason.18. A loud emotional scandal almost always throws me off balance.19. Recently, I have been constantly suffering from a severe lack and weakening of motivations: nothing excites or affects me, all life goals and surrounding people seem meaningless, alien, and dull, although my mood is almost even, without depression.20. I easily concede in conflicts, showing enormous patience even to completely unjustified grievances and reproaches.21. I often experience a hindering sense of shame that doesn't lead to constructive actions but just 'gnaws at me inside.'22. I have trouble pronouncing the long and drawn-out sound 'U-u-u-...'23. Breathing is often restricted, as if the air has changed and there isn't enough of it on each inhale (sometimes feeling a sort of tightness in the lower neck and chest).24. Stubbornness is not my thing; I can always see the problem from the opposite perspective.25. Compared to others, I am calm and tolerant of different viewpoints and lifestyles.26. The world often seems dull and monotonous to me rather than bright, noisy, and colorful.27. It's hard for me to assess the quality of speech, both mine and others', but my acquaintances say my speech is usually unintelligible.28. I have a gentle and patient nature, so I come across as a very compliant person.29. I am bothered by a feeling of hopelessness and futility.30. I often have depressive states where everything seems bleak and hopeless.31. I frequently engage in spiritual 'self-flagellation.'32. I have a habit of repeatedly double-checking myself.33. I am diplomatic and never 'cut the truth to the quick.'34. It's very difficult to irritate and 'get to' me.35. There is a kind of brokenness in my character.36. It's true that I don't love myself.37. It's true that I don't love myself.38. When I sense someone's growing aggressive attitude, I reflexively 'lower my tone' and try to gradually calm the situation.39. I have a compliant nature.40. Sometimes (at least a couple of times a month) my whole body aches, and there is pain inside my muscles.41. I maintain a consistently peaceful mood and inner calm, even when dealing with fools.42. Even having my own opinion, I often yield to my opponent just not to upset them.43. Sometimes it's hard for me to take a relaxed pose even in my sleep.44. It's hard for me to quickly switch from one task to another at work.45. My thoughts are almost constantly focused on organizing the world around me through guesses revealing connections in relationships of acquaintances.46. Sometimes my lips and mouth cramp up – so that I sometimes bite my cheek.47. I would have liked living in a tribe of settled farmers more than in a tribe of hunters or herders in ancient times.48. I often feel embarrassed.49. My manner of communication with people is characterized by courtesy and politeness.50. I often feel ashamed, even when I'm not guilty of anything.51. I often have something vaguely 'spinning' in my head – either fragments of words, thoughts, or something else, which prevents me from concentrating, and it's generally intrusive, uncomfortable, and unpleasant.52. I find it difficult to concentrate in everyday situations.53. Lately, almost nothing interests me.54. I often get nervous because I feel vulnerable or dependent.55. If I were the lifelong ruler of a country, I would try to pass on power - EII: not necessarily to my kin, but definitely to my like-minded people. ESE: only to my children or close relatives.56. Sometimes I get stuck in my 'sufferer's' feelings for a long time and can't get out of this role.57. I often think and reflect on past events.58. Recurring bouts of anxiety are common for me.59. I almost always consider the requests and interests of strangers.60. I often have thoughts about spirituality and morality, about God and fate.

Markers that ESE mostly agrees with, while EII mostly disagrees:

1. I am proud of my agility and versatility.2. I willingly spend time and money on fitness, bodybuilding, tanning, massage, and spa pleasures.3. I more often strive - ESE: To arrive somewhere. EII: To leave somewhere. 4. In communication, I easily become lively, restless, talkative, and playful in manner.5. I often like to prank and joke around, provoking people to laugh.6. In conversations with friends, I usually talk or tell something more than half the time, meaning I talk more than my interlocutor.7. I prefer the language of strong and clear emotions, not nuances.8. I love attracting attention, admiration, and surprise from others.9. If someone reproaches me, appeals to my conscience, or teaches me tact, I can easily and often fiercely respond.10. I know my rights and powers in relationships and can defend them well.11. I joke a lot.12. I have good clear diction with quality pronunciation of all letters and sounds.13. To solve my problems, I can be 'circumventively assertive.'14. I can easily tell someone to their face everything unpleasant that I think about them.15. My desires and biological needs are sacred to me; I never refuse them, always achieve their fulfillment, overcoming if necessary the resistance of others.16. I often poke my nose somewhere ahead of time.17. I can be unyieldingly stubborn in matters of setting up the room and arranging furniture.18. I have a very keen sense of smell.19. Measure seven times, cut once – that's not about me. I act quickly and with little thought.20. I could make a good dancer or ballet artist.21. I am restless, prone to engaging in hikes, tourism, climbing, running, etc.22. I do not avenge but immediately and promptly punish and teach everyone who tries to take something from me.23. I notice new smells in a room earlier than others.24. Sex, food, good resorts, fashionable clothes, a prestigious home, a healthy body – these are the core values of my life.25. I doubt my rightness less than others.26. The smell of food always excites and stirs my appetite; from the smell of cooking food, my 'mouth waters' immediately.27. I have almost eidetic visual memory – with closed eyes, I can imagine the recently seen image with many details and specifics.28. I easily get angry.29. I can easily draw from memory a map of the area or a plan of a room.30. I usually have a cheerful and upbeat mood.31. I can speak quickly, and when needed, almost like a tongue twister.32. I am picky about the quality of pleasures.33. Almost every day, there are reasons for me to laugh heartily – 'ha-ha-ha!..', with light 'chuckling.'34. It's hard for me to restrain negative emotions in relationships with people.35. In company, I tend to joke and play with words a lot.36. One look is enough for me to remember the arrangement of objects on a table well.37. I often need communication to express myself.38. I like to joke, intrigue people.39. I often swear bad words.40. I do not bring peace, but a sword; enthusiasm, not conviction; passion, not calculation – I rather provoke than pacify.41. I know how to relax, value pleasures and life's joys, and can perfectly establish comfort in my close surroundings.42. I often indulge in the pleasure, enjoying physical sensations.43. I like to clean shoes, wash windows, take care of household appliances, etc.44. I easily lose my temper.45. People say I have a difficult character – indeed, I often do not restrain myself.46. I like to tease my colleagues.47. My sense of humor is stronger than others – I can quickly spot and highlight the funny.48. I enjoy 'pushing' people to work, increasing their productivity.49. I like to regularly take care of my skin, cleaning it of black 'blackheads' in the pores.50. I easily remember and later recognize the shapes of car bodies, the spatial arrangement of rooms and furniture when visiting new acquaintances, etc.51. I am much better than most people.52. It is very difficult for me to refuse pleasures I have set my mind on.53. I know how to rest and relax.54. Compared to others, I am probably more aggressive than more peaceful.55. I am almost always cheerful, and my bad mood is only expressed in rare bright outbursts of irritable-shouty emotions (quickly passing outbursts).56. I have very sensitive touch.57. I am always very attentive to smells and taste sensations.58. Compared to others, I probably pay more attention to ensuring a constant supply of resources – so that necessary tools are always in the house, and the fridge is not empty.59. For the sake of business benefits, I am not shy about being rude.60. Disappointing me is very dangerous – I am capable of a very sharp response, and I won't consider the person who lost value to me and can treat them very harshly.