Markers that EIE mostly agrees with, while LIE mostly disagrees:
1. I tend to hold grudges.2. I easily feel disgusted by something.3. I have a certain nervous irritability towards everything unpleasant or wrong.4. I often feel angry and grumpy.5. I often feel accumulating irritation from certain things.6. I think I feel disgust or revulsion more often than others.7. I am easily angered, especially by close people.8. At least two or three times a week, I have prolonged bad, angry moods that I want to take out on someone.9. I am a dreamy person, cannot stand dullness and standardization, for me the main thing is beauty in art and life.10. Troubles and wrongs done to me are very vividly and long etched in my memory – I wish I could forget them, but I can't.11. Sometimes I entertain myself by psychologically 'attacking' another person – to see how they get nervous and how their mood slowly worsens.12. Almost every day something in the information field around me causes a reaction of at least strong irritation, if not disgust.13. I cannot tolerate shortcomings and imperfections of the existing state of affairs.14. I always react irritably when someone teases me.15. I am often enraged by various small irritants and inconveniences that people in the room know how to create for me perfectly.16. There are old scenes of wrongs inflicted on me in my memory that still cause hidden anger.17. I am easily irritated.18. There are people who cause almost a physiological feeling of disgust in me.19. I have sensitive skin that reacts to pain and even simple touches.20. Jealous suspicions are characteristic of me – I have experienced the torments of jealousy in almost all my relationships.21. I can't live without grievances, quarrels, and conflicts with anyone.22. I often remember my dreams.23. I have some very persistent preferences and antipathies that are stronger than me.24. At least a couple of times a week, I have emotional outbursts of rage and anger in my relationships with close people.25. I am prone to conflicts and aggression, especially when I am bored.26. I can beautifully express my feelings: from elevated intonations to subtle irony.27. I can evoke a sense of remorse in another person with a look, tone, and even silence.28. I am squeamish, and it often happens that after shaking hands with some people, I try to go wash my hands as soon as possible.29. Emotional closeness and emotional response are absolutely necessary in my communication.30. I dress tastefully, can demonstrate sophistication in manners and elegance.31. Many surrounding phenomena or people shock me and seem unpleasant and therefore intolerable.32. Internal body signals and some weak physical sensations sometimes become obsessive for me.33. I instantly respond to someone else's aggression and impudence with powerful and stubborn threefold aggression, based on mobilizing all my acquaintances and using the psychological weaknesses of the enemy.34. I often initiate 'wars' and quarrels with relatives.35. Any discomfort greatly irritates me.36. I categorically cannot stand when someone touches my things or interferes in my affairs without permission.37. I am squeamish and irritably uncompromising towards everything bad, stupid, obviously wrong.38. I love tragic movies.39. I often experience almost physical disgust – towards some products, smells, animals, or the behavior and speech manner of some people.40. I often express dissatisfaction with something.41. I do not miss an opportunity to cruelly mock the weak side of an unsympathetic person.42. I have the ability to seek and find enemies for myself and then punish them.43. Love and hatred occur more often than states of happiness or despondency directed at no one in particular.44. In a bad mood, I always become more 'prickly' and conflict-prone.45. It is quite possible that I have a somewhat 'quarrelsome' character.46. I am undiplomatic and easily come to a state of indignation.47. I can and love to speak exaltedly and passionately about my feelings.48. I like to play an active, leading role in emotions and feelings.49. I often use a mirror for a long time.50. The smell and sight of scattered excrement or particularly dirty garbage with wriggling worms can easily cause almost nauseous disgust in me.51. I always notice subtle changes in the speed of the interlocutor's speech, the placement of pauses and accelerations, with which the interlocutor emotionally emphasizes individual words.52. Periodically in conversations with my acquaintances, I try to 'put down' someone preventively, so they don't get conceited.53. Sometimes I use demonstrative ignoring, demonstrative disrespect, and contempt to achieve my goals in relationships with people.54. I quickly notice when an interlocutor starts to get nervous by the tone of their voice.55. I love to sing.56. I often stay in detached contemplation.57. Various physical discomforts (such as tight clothing, smells, hangnails on fingers, inappropriate room temperature, uncomfortable light, hunger, etc.) usually strongly distract me and interfere with my work.58. I hear even very weak sounds that other people don't notice.59. Compared to me, other people don't understand human psychology at all.60. Other people's luck has driven me to indignation or almost hysteria.61. I can hear and understand people's voices even if the conversation is happening far from me.62. When reading internet forums, I very often feel the urge to write something in the form of an objection.63. I often compare the historical past with the present of our world.64. I closely feel the similar characters of people like me who brought emotional challenge and passion into politics or life like Caligula, Nero.65. I can accurately describe the difference between anger and rage.66. I instantly sense dissonances and 'key sliding' in someone else's singing by ear.67. My love is usually tinged with jealousy.68. A certain arrogance is characteristic of my character.69. Some demonstrativeness, 'theatricality' of shown experiences is characteristic of me.70. I like the atmosphere of tragic passions.Markers that LIE mostly agrees with, while EIE mostly disagrees:
1. I can be compared to a locomotive that has gained speed and is rushing into the distance – I am always in working motion and not easy to stop.2. In communication with people, I am closer to calm acceptance of their flaws than to rejection and irritability (even if it's hidden by me).3. It usually happens that I more often rejoice and laugh cheerfully at various unexpected things than get angry and indignant.4. I am almost unfamiliar with the feeling of physical disgust.5. My emotionality exists at the level of a light-hearted, cheerful mood coming from me, my mobility, my unobtrusive friendly advice to people, light jokes, and mild moralizing, but it does not pretend to teach everyone publicly or draw public attention to myself.6. The logic of business, the logic of struggle – this is what I can handle and really like.7. I have a wide range of personally acceptable things – that is, everything I easily tolerate or agree with and that hardly irritates me.8. My productivity hardly depends on the people present in the room.9. What is most characteristic of me? I am a cheerful, active, and enterprising person, I have an open character and an 'American' smile that invites interlocutors to a conversation, I easily get carried away with adventurous ideas, and I tend to make rough jokes and ironic remarks.10. No stress will scare me – from stress, my business energy and enterprise only grow.11. It is true that there are no people among those I know who I sincerely and deeply hate for their views.12. I usually set myself and others up to believe that everything will be much better and more successful than one could expect from common sense considerations.13. I quickly come to terms with circumstances – a feeling of dissatisfaction does not last long with me.14. If I am teased in a company, I hardly notice it and usually just ignore it.15. Even when I had no money in my pocket, I was always confident in the possibility of earning a high income for myself in the future.16. I can easily put off all pleasures 'for later' for the sake of a job that will bring me more substantial benefits in the future.17. I am not vindictive and, depending on the circumstances and tasks, I can easily adjust my moral assessments and system of relationships with people.18. I am a cheerful optimist and easily take risks, relying on my intuition.19. It is true that in my attitude towards the views and beliefs of other people, I am not squeamish at all.20. I easily adapt to any social changes.21. I can ignore everything that might be unpleasant.22. My position: let everyone live as they want.23. I can adapt to any life conditions, even complex and difficult ones – and even in them, I can enjoy life.24. I usually feel like a carefree and cheerful person.25. I am a calculating and consistent person in using my time.26. If I were in Napoleon Bonaparte's place and enjoyed the same popularity and power as he did, I would - LIE: use my power to implement a system of regular and guaranteed renewal of the highest authority of France through democratic procedures within a few years. EIE: also proclaim myself the lifelong ruler of France.27. I don't understand people who see and find some 'problems' in everything.28. I would enjoy working as a commercial director.29. My immune system is in order.30. The background of my mood is mostly major and carefree.31. I am very patient with the weaknesses and shortcomings of other people.32. I usually forgive a person regardless of whether they deserve forgiveness or not.33. My first reaction to any new ideas is always positive and interested.34. I am very practical; I can gain trust and show my necessity; I quickly adapt in any social environment, easily find a convenient high-ranking niche for myself there.35. I am always very interested in ideas for improving the efficiency of various enterprises – for this, I often suggest technical innovations, unusual ways, and willingly take business risks.36. Current efficiency in matters is always more important to me than principles.37. Every minute of mine is filled with the bubbling energy of life and happiness.38. Business trips and any trips in general are one of the most pleasant moments in the work process for me; I love traveling very much.39. I have a high readiness for cooperation with other people.40. My slogans: live and let live, do not strive for dominance, and respect others' freedom.41. I can combine tasks and use every minute of my time.42. I am worse than others at recognizing people's moods by their faces.43. I can adapt to any established state of affairs.44. When there was a chance to earn well, I immediately gained momentum and began to rush uncontrollably somewhere, using everyone close at hand (without much ceremony) in my affairs.45. I would never keep money in a piggy bank – they should always work.46. I try to manage other people not through willful pressure, but using economic methods.47. As a boss, my style of leadership would be democratic, not command-administrative.48. I am restless, inclined to enjoy hiking, tourism, mountaineering, running, etc.49. I am satisfied with my health.50. I often browse internet forums dedicated to finance and investments.51. In the evening in bed, I always fall asleep easily and quickly.52. I am constantly active, always among people, always on the run.53. On a bet or for a prize equal to a day's earnings, I could easily put my hand in a jar filled with gray woodlice (without experiencing much disgust) to get a key from the bottom.54. When the chain of events begins to change according to a scenario not provided by the initial plan, I am completely calm about it – I can take advantage of any development of events.55. I find it annoying to fill out long questionnaires with 'a lot of letters' – I don't even know how I managed this time.56. My rules are: 'everything is nonsense' and 'don't get upset over nonsense.'57. I always live by the principle: do not interfere with others' lives.58. I rarely feel the desire to object and argue.59. I am more in favor of moderate than radical solutions.60. My benevolence towards people is rather vague and broad than chosen for a specific defined circle of people.61. Family and collective problems are more interesting to me than societal problems.62. I can imagine myself in any profession.63. When I tell a story, I usually involuntarily smile.64. I always feel a strong sense of joy and inspiration from the successes of a close relative.65. My active business qualities are appreciated by those around me.66. I spend a lot of time on my professional growth.67. I make life decisions easily – the best and only possible immediately comes to mind.68. I see nothing shameful in admitting my mistakes.69. I can easily communicate on equal terms with a person I don't respect.70. As a rule, I act immediately and promptly after making a decision.