Markers that EIE mostly agrees with, while ILI mostly disagrees:
1. I can't stand disgusting smells. I can't do anything properly while they are present.2. I closely feel characters similar to mine, those who brought emotional challenge and fervor into politics or life like Caligula, Nero.3. The smell and sight of scattered excrement or especially dirty garbage with writhing worms can easily cause me almost nauseating disgust.4. In communication, I absolutely need emotional closeness, emotional response.5. I get angry at the slightest provocation.6. I always get very angry and don't hold back either in response to any provocation or when someone ruins my plans.7. I easily experience feelings of disgust towards something.8. I love an emotionally rich life.9. I constantly want something, constantly feel emotionally drawn to something.10. Instantly flaring sharp reactions of dislike are characteristic of me.11. It is very important for me to achieve some victories every day, and for them to be noticeable to others.12. I love regularly receiving signs of respect and recognition and, I must say, I really need it.13. I am a romantic in feelings, artistic and elevated.14. I avoid looking at people's injuries - it's a very unpleasant sight for me.15. In conflict situations, compared to the usual state, I forget about arguments and start relying much more on pure emotions.16. I instantly respond to others' aggression and arrogance with powerful and stubborn triple aggression, based on mobilizing all my acquaintances and using the enemy's psychological weaknesses.17. My emotions from resentment unfold very quickly and irreversibly.18. I always feel thrilling excitement from the victory of my favorite sports team.19. Unexpected situations always evoke an emotional reaction in me.20. I quite often experience anger or rage.21. I react aggressively to criticism.22. I always feel part of a larger human whole - a people, a state, a collective.23. If nothing is happening around, it always depresses me.24. In a tense conversation, I easily switch to raised tones.25. I love patriotic movies.26. The sight of diseases with open wounds and injuries causes me the strongest desire to immediately move away and run from it, to run so as not to see anything like that.27. I am quite squeamish and avoid sick people.28. Others easily and gladly obey me.29. I almost always flinch from injections or other pain.30. I can recognize familiar people by the sound of their walk with my eyes closed.31. In social networks or in life, I often 'chase' for approval from others.32. I can fiercely hate.33. If a present person is unpleasant to me, I can't ignore them; they constantly irritate and upset me.34. I don't like to lend my things to other people.35. I react very painfully if someone surpasses me in rewards and recognition.36. I am disgusted by any dishonesty in people.37. I am very sensitive.38. I have a certain nervous irritability towards everything unpleasant or wrong.39. It is very important for me to constantly feel approval from the group to which I belong (collective, company).40. I easily take offense at remarks.41. I love situations with increasing emotional tension.42. I have many emotionally rich memories from childhood.43. I prefer to command rather than obey.44. When speaking in front of people, I always significantly raise my voice.45. The correct power structure should be 'top-down,' and talks about democracy are for the feeble-minded.46. It is extremely disgusting for me to listen to jokes about the backside and gas emissions from it.47. A citizen should belong to the state like a child to a family.48. I am squeamish, and it often happens that after shaking hands with some people, I try to go wash my hands as soon as possible.49. I almost daily feel a sense of pride in my achievements, my position, and the authority I have gained.50. I am very sensitive to pain and punishment.51. Love has driven me to a complete neurosis when I completely 'focused' on one person and my desire for them.52. Bright positive emotions are the main value of life for me.53. If a present person is unpleasant to me, I can't ignore them; they constantly irritate and upset me.54. I often feel internal excitement with deep breathing for various reasons.55. In choosing a line of behavior, the main and primary thing for me is always that others recognize my rank, respect me for my strength and virtues.56. I almost always feel myself not as an individual but as part of a family, tribe.57. Usually, in response to any reproaches or criticism of what I have said, I instantly get irritated and respond aggressively.58. I am squeamish and irritably uncompromising towards everything bad, stupid, obviously wrong.59. I almost always immediately 'snap back' at criticism.60. I think I more often feel feelings of disgust or revulsion.61. It is very hard and always painful for me to abandon what I have planned.62. If I am dissatisfied with something, it usually quickly shows on my face.63. I need friends more when I am nervous and anxious.64. I get upset when something doesn't go my way.65. I am jealous of those who become the center of attention in a company of my close friends.66. I always feel my belonging to a collective.67. There are people who evoke almost a physiological feeling of disgust in me.68. I emotionally and painfully react if my plans are disrupted.69. I feel strong indignation when confronted with something obviously wrong and harmful.70. In my speech, I often use words reflecting the superlative degree of something. For example: outstanding, genius, amazing, great, enormous, fastest, tireless, etc.Markers that ILI mostly agrees with, while EIE mostly disagrees:
1. I am almost unfamiliar with the feeling of physical disgust.2. It's hard to make me angry.3. I don't have a strong need for others to necessarily respect me.4. My position: let everyone live as they want.5. If I am teased in a company, I barely notice it and usually just ignore it.6. I am very restrained towards any enthusiasm - it never helps anyone, only disorients people.7. I usually have a 'cold' look.8. I really dislike scandals - because I simply don't know what to do in such situations.9. I think I wouldn't be shocked by the work of a pathologist - dissecting and preparing corpses.10. Better than others, I can 'keep my mouth shut,' even when chatting actively with someone.11. I only react to things that directly and specifically concern me; other irritants won't make me 'bat an eye.'12. In a company, I avoid coming to the forefront.13. From the outside, I sometimes seem very disorganized and inactive - indeed, it is more customary for me to wait for the right moment when everything falls into place than to go against the current at the wrong time.14. I really dislike being involved in any new relationships.15. The state, ideally, is just a temporary social contract between citizens, nothing more.16. Generally, I am a 'laid-back' person.17. I can remain unbothered and achieve my goals and live to my pleasure because of this.18. Sometimes I consider excessively emotional people hysterics and jesters and prefer not to involve them in my work.19. Most often, I feel indifference, lack of strong desires, and interest in anything.20. My ability for self-criticism without emotional turmoil and honestly admitting mistakes is higher than that of others.21. I am a lazy skeptic; my favorite activity is philosophical-strategic thinking, figuring out what bad things might happen on the path of some imaginary actions.22. I am suspicious of compliments when given to me.23. Different kinds of sensitivity and sentimentality are almost always whims unworthy of a serious person.24. Generally, I am a skeptic and a doubting Thomas.25. I am very tolerant of others' negative emotions.26. I often enjoy wild flights of fancy.27. I have a broad range of personally acceptable things - that is, everything with which I easily reconcile or agree, and that hardly annoys me.28. In most cases, I am guided by usefulness, expediency, and necessity, ignoring momentary feelings.29. My productivity is very little dependent on the presence of certain people in the room.30. I am excellent at logically-critically and vividly criticizing others' initiatives.31. I better and longer endure all sorts of unpleasant or painful sensations - maybe I am simply more indifferent to them.32. I often fear that my emotions might be ridiculed.33. I don't value others' respect much and don't need it much.34. I am indifferent to patriotic pride values; I have other interests and concerns.35. I am a gloomy type who always sits in the corner and looks into eternity.36. I think it wouldn't particularly bother me to work as a lab assistant in a biological lab, cutting off laboratory mice's tails with scissors to take blood samples for analysis.37. I am tolerant of situations of ambiguity and uncertainty where the outcome is unknown, and no one knows the best line of behavior. In such situations, I even feel more confident than others.38. Sometimes I stop feeling and perceiving not only others' but even my own mood.39. I am not demanding towards people.40. In communication with people, I am closer to imperturbability and acceptance of their shortcomings than rejection and irritability (even if I hide it).41. I don't take anything on faith, I double-check everything.42. Emotionally, I often feel uncomfortable, as if 'out of my element.'43. Often it seems like I feel nothing (no emotional response to the environment), and at the same time, I don't want to do anything, even talk and socialize.44. My favorite roles are observer of fleeting moments, wanderer along the river of events.45. I constantly ask myself some questions inside.46. I am not much interested in what people think about my soulfulness, but I like hearing praise for my ability to operate facts clearly.47. In my character, there is probably more indifference and imperturbable nonchalance than in others.48. I don't care about others' opinions.49. I have a talent for popularization - I love and can 'play' with complex logical things, showing them from different angles.50. I think I wouldn't be embarrassed to work as a proctologist (in particular, constantly palpating the rectum in patients' anus with gloves).51. In my most frequent mood, I don't want to see anyone.52. I rarely stick to a plan or schedule.53. If I try to do everything I promised, I often quickly start feeling physical exhaustion and apathy.54. I calmly and easily ignore trolls who attack me on the internet.55. When a chain of events starts changing according to an unforeseen scenario, I treat it completely calmly - I can extract benefit from any development of events as it unfolds.56. I would prefer to live in a society where there is no division into aristocrats and plebeians, masters and slaves, bosses and subordinates.57. I like being in a society and environment where no one depends on anyone, where there are no 'seniors' and 'authorities.'58. Individuality is above all; I am alien to any hierarchy, pack mentality, and groupism.59. I have a tendency towards 'black humor,' pessimism, and apathy; often, instead of cheering another person up, I fall under their minor mood.60. I can better than many review and update logical decisions and models, departing from the familiar and established.61. It's true that it's very hard to provoke me to laugh or rejoice strongly.62. I can easily hide my views - I can do it effortlessly.63. I am patient and tolerant of people whom many find unpleasant.64. I easily notice, easily displace, - float through life as an observer.65. Key concepts for me: convenience, attention to comfort, stubbornness, intransigence, benevolent coldness, fearlessness, sense of measure and taste, laziness, skill, practicality, striving to rationalize work and workspace, sensitivity to situations of emotional tension.66. I am always willing to discuss which technology will have a greater effect, which business decision will yield higher profits.67. Without moving, I look at the worldly bustle and philosophize through a dream.68. It's true that I would never say a person's voice is 'sweet' (a voice is not sugar and cannot be sweet).69. I allow others to criticize me.70. When I see someone being hurt, I usually remain calm.