SEI Markers / Socionics

SEI Type Markers

1. Loves animals, enjoys interacting and caring for them.2. Movements are usually very smooth.3. Likely enjoys work as a makeup artist or beautician.4. Creatively passive in work, often defers to others' explanations when things go wrong.5. Uninterested in technological innovations, business risks, or ways to improve business efficiency.6. Lacks logical agility and flexibility to easily find supporting arguments for any thesis, is good at giving compliments and displaying kindness.7. Muscles usually relaxed, not ready for immediate action or stress.8. Dislikes setting complex logical or organizational tasks.9. Likely has well-developed motor inhibition, can quickly stop movements.10. Unlikely to pace during excitement or contemplation.11. Disoriented under stress, struggles to quickly recall information or formulate arguments.12. Characterized by passivity, suggestibility, and conformity, often follows more assertive leaders.13. Indifferent to erudition, intellectual pursuits, and values.14. Considers self less logical than others.15. Oriented towards internal ethical world and emotions.16. Not ambitious, avoids initiative, prefers blending in and conforming.17. Requires more sleep, deep sleep at night, often drowsy during the day.18. Often has elevated cortisol levels, which can lead to decreased immunity, cravings for sweets and fats, and obesity.19. Lives in the present or past, indifferent to future and ideas of progress.20. Focused on current moment's pleasures and conveniences.21. Tends to start work with the simplest tasks.22. Needs prolonged sleep.23. Poor at managing through formal administrative methods, better in informal settings.24. Lacks strategic or political thinking.25. Often thinks of close ones, kind, enjoys caring for others.26. Uninterested in deep intellectual issues, focuses on other concerns.27. Movements are restrained and unhurried.28. Enjoys nature's beauty, such as streams, bird songs, and animals.29. Prefers maintaining stable conditions rather than managing dynamic processes.30. Easily distracted by environmental stimuli.31. More interested in reducing production errors than in increasing economic efficiency.32. Values harmony in immediate surroundings and personal relaxation.33. Indifferent to time management, often spends it unproductively.34. Enjoys physical comforts and avoids discomfort and stress.35. Handwriting is either small or average, not large or expansive.36. Easily distracted by minor environmental stimuli, which interferes with focusing on primary tasks, especially under stress.37. Can distinguish one person's voice in a noisy crowd.38. Statistically, more likely to use the right ear predominantly.39. Enjoys simple life pleasures and shows affection through caregiving.40. A food enthusiast who understands culinary nuances.41. Facial features are likely soft and rounded.42. Enjoys physical affection like hugging and touching not only partners but also children and close people.43. Does not set radical or ambitious goals.44. Generally uninterested in politics.45. Struggles to distinguish primary from secondary information.46. Better at identifying problems than at devising solutions.47. Enjoys cooking and hosting meals for friends.48. Highly aware of body signals, sometimes can even feel the state of internal organs, takes good care of bodily needs.49. Lacks the talent to seize 'the best moment' for effort efficiency.50. Never works through significant fatigue, focuses on avoiding exhaustion at work.51. Embraces a tranquil and enlightened mindset, avoiding conflicts and harsh realities.52. Finds great enjoyment in tasty food, comfort, and nature.53. Indifferent to financial gains in career, values harmony and pleasure over money.54. Does not derive intense pleasure from achieving goals, often finds the journey more interesting than the outcome.55. May experience periodic muscle weakness and quick physical fatigue.56. Lacks entrepreneurial spirit, decisiveness, and stress tolerance.57. Very attentive to personal well-being.58. Highly empathetic to others' positive emotions, good at recognizing mood shifts.59. Less focused on the efficiency of actions when making decisions, often acts on whims or general principles.60. Indifferent to the future, lives in the moment.61. May enjoy or have enjoyed meditation or breathing exercises for self-improvement.62. Often acts whimsically or for the sake of beauty rather than utility.63. Visual perception is detail-oriented, starts from particulars to the whole, often not reaching the big picture.64. Statistically, has enhanced sensitivity to taste, smell, and tactile sensations.65. Excellent at recognizing and remembering individual voices.66. May struggle with quick auditory processing and constructing complex verbal expressions.67. Finds it hard to concentrate on mental tasks, often forgets initial conditions, lacks clarity in understanding.68. Sensitive to auditory nuances, quickly grasps intonations in speech.69. Strong development in the right hemisphere of the auditory analyzer, sensitive to music and vocal tones.70. Likely has low stress tolerance, performs poorly under stress, and tires quickly.71. Typically enjoys social roles involving care, emotional comfort, such as veterinarians, psychologists, or social workers.72. Non-dogmatic, acknowledges errors and accepts opposition smoothly.73. Highly sensitive to taste, discerns even faint flavors and nuances.74. Interested in listening to others, values their experiences and emotions.75. Rarely provides logically compelling arguments, often lacks firmness in arguments.76. Struggles in situations requiring rapid mobilization of attention and energy, often overwhelmed by immobility in such scenarios.77. Highly developed cognitive empathy for recognizing and understanding others' moods and nuances.78. Highly sensitive to emotional nuances in others' behavior.79. Likely less informed and interested in political and social issues.80. Exhibits a 'Buddhist mentality,' avoids life's seriousness, prefers dreamy contemplation and detached observation.81. Especially enjoys the sensations from eating, drawn to the flavors and smells of food.82. Characterized by benevolence, inherently sympathetic and helpful towards most people.83. Often focused on bodily sensations, pays attention to special or dynamic changes in these sensations.84. Highly empathetic to others' negative emotions, easily 'catches' these feelings, often feels a resonant empathy.85. Lives by the principle of everything being transient and meaningless, typically relaxed and lacks the drive for immediate action.86. Highly tactilely sensitive, skin sensitive to touch, can easily imagine various tactile sensations.87. Tends to have an increased appetite, often thinks of food soon after eating.88. Lacks persistence in demanding immediate needs.89. His perception of the future is 'diluted,' showing little desire or skill in planning, focuses more on the present.90. His general knowledge is limited, showing little inclination towards expanding his knowledge base.91. Remains aware of his surroundings, even when deeply engaged in work.92. Dislikes working with information analysis, tends to avoid information streams.93. Passively drifts through life, prefers resolving problems only after they arise, often through delay.94. Often reminisces about past pleasant sensations like sounds, smells, colors, and touches.95. Seeks protection and patronage from others.96. Fits the role of a passive and indifferent observer, lacking in vitality and ambition.97. Statistically, may struggle with understanding long complex phrases or written sentences.98. Slow to notice contradictions and inconsistencies because he rarely attempts to logically connect information.99. Characterized by slow movement and work pace.100. Highly focused on comfort, prioritizes maximizing comfort in his thoughts and interests.101. Exhibits increased laziness, apathy, and lack of motivation, leading a languidly contemplative life.102. More attentive to the tone and intonation of speech than to its content.103. Dislikes formulating responses, often asks questions instead to avoid stating his position and provoking discussion.104. Statistically, tends to physically mature earlier than others.105. Highly empathetic to others' negative emotions, adept at recognizing bad moods and their nuances based on behavior, facial expressions, and voice.106. Generally has a slow pace of thought, struggles with quickly switching thoughts or focus.107. Thinks slowly, often delays in reaching decisions or conclusions.108. Slowed perception of the semantic content of speech, struggles with logical inconsistencies, but has enhanced perception of music and vocal tones, primarily through the left ear.109. Not perceived as emotionally cold or aloof, seen as friendly and approachable.110. Predominantly inhibited, characterized by thoughtful patience and restrained movements. Speaks rarely and unhurriedly, easily maintains self-control.111. Less prone to jaw muscle spasms.112. Prefers slow, meticulous activities requiring calm and patience, like crafting miniatures or assembling puzzles.113. Reacts calmly or not at all when his authority is questioned.114. Does not experience hypomanic states characterized by rapid thoughts and irritability.115. Focuses more on safe retreat strategies than on profit-making methods when starting a business.116. Avoids conflicts, seeks compromises, and manipulates situations to prevent confrontations.117. Highly developed emotional empathy, resonates easily with others' emotions, spontaneously sympathizes and empathizes.118. More effective at influencing the mood of an individual than a group.119. Weak sensitivity to logical connections between objects and events, lacks skill in formal logical analysis.120. Likely has more lines on the left palm than on the right.121. Rarely dreams of receiving state awards.122. Lives reactively, easily distracted by immediate sensations or idleness.123. Statistically, less likely to consume caffeine for stimulation.124. Prefers to use requests or pressure rather than economic methods to manage others.125. Indifferent to logical definitiveness in relationships, understands people well enough for everyday interactions without needing to verify their feelings towards him.126. Non-confrontational, tends to pacify rather than stimulate disputes, brings peace and agreement to his group.127. Accommodating and not stubborn, often too easily influenced by others' opinions, tends to agree too quickly.128. Always considers the group or leader in his actions, not particularly independent.129. Deliberately avoids negative information that could upset him, adheres to the principle of 'less knowledge, more peace.130. Passive and somewhat slow-witted, avoids debates and situations requiring the expression of his viewpoint.