LII Markers / Socionics

LII Type Markers

1. Characterized by shyness with the opposite sex, difficulty in initiating contact.2. Often exhibits elements of abulia—weak desires and motivations, struggling to earnestly want something.3. Tends to remain 'unnoticeable' among people, feels embarrassed and awkward when attention is directed at him.4. Avoids direct eye contact.5. Strong inductive reasoning skills, identifying common traits and laws in phenomena.6. Possibly lower sexual desire and libido than average.7. Poor and weak visual memory for faces and their individual differences.8. Has a scientific mindset and heightened interest in scientific knowledge and research.9. Often chooses and excels in programming as a profession.10. Preferred serious music over dance parties in youth.11. Lacks natural dancing ability; if learned, faces difficulties in mastering dance movements.12. Increased likelihood of anticipatory fears (fear of accidental touches, cuts, burns, scalding, flu, etc.).13. Strong research instinct, driven by intellectual curiosity and a desire to understand underlying causes.14. Lacks joy and pleasure, avoids heart-to-heart conversations, and feels uncomfortable with physical expressions of affection like hugs.15. Due to weak cognitive empathy, faces challenges in social interactions with people unlike himself.16. Poor attention to visual details—struggles to remember faces, inattentive to minor environmental changes.17. Easily recognizes similar traits across different phenomena, skilled in abstraction and generalization.18. Capable of quickly identifying common traits and mechanisms in different phenomena.19. Rational thought influences behavior more than primal instincts.20. Indifferent to purely physical pleasures like fitness, bodybuilding, massages, saunas.21. Likely dominance of the left cerebral hemisphere in visual processing, often leading to poor color and face recognition but good at recognizing general object classes.22. Slowness in muscle mobilization and low reaction speed.23. Reduced mobility of attention and difficulty in quick switching and flexible distribution of attention.24. Not brash or rude; rather cautious, indecisive, and shy.25. Highly erudite, possessing extensive knowledge in various fields.26. Unable to evoke repentance in others through non-verbal means.27. Typically modest and shy.28. Creative rather than consumerist in orientation.29. Focuses on the inner aspects of things, people, and phenomena; pays little attention to appearances.30. Often stares at objects or people but doesn't scrutinize them, looking 'through them.'31. Lacks Machiavellian traits like manipulation and cynicism; far from treating people merely as means to an end.32. Lacks talent for expressing feelings through body language and mimicking others convincingly.33. Struggles with cognitive empathy, making it hard to adapt flexibly to people or influence them.34. Dislikes flattery and excessive praise.35. Excellent at organizing, categorizing, and systematically analyzing complex phenomena.36. Thought process characterized by 'stickiness' and slowness, often hesitating in decision-making.37. Dislikes being surrounded by many people, especially those dependent on him.38. Feels uncomfortable among people, thus lacks a circle of useful contacts.39. Inattentive to others' faces and unable to read their emotional expressions.40. Generally weak in the visual processing areas responsible for perceiving human faces and individual visual differences.41. Dislikes jobs involving frequent interaction and service to others (e.g., bartending, tourism, hairdressing).42. Inattentive to personal and others' appearance; dresses conservatively and often carelessly.43. Lacks the psychological traits needed for network marketing.44. Exhibits distinctly polite communication, always formal, without slang or familiarity.45. Unsuitable for manipulating public opinion or spreading rumors.46. Quick to grasp the whole picture, perceiving situations and phenomena in their entirety.47. Visual memory images are generalized, imprecise, and blurry.48. Dislikes ostentation; no need to demonstrate superiority.49. Quickly tires and becomes distracted in noisy gatherings.50. Incapable of and disinterested in intriguing or manipulating others.51. Avoids noisy gatherings like weddings or discos.52. Easily restrains impatience and anger, avoiding aggressive outbursts.53. Unable to flatter or offer insincere compliments, even when it might be advantageous.54. Tends to have less muscle mass than average.55. Lacks desire and ability for mimicry or imitation.56. Deliberates actions carefully before reacting, not prone to impulsiveness.57. Not very persistent, with weak breakthrough capabilities.58. Highly adept at systematic and hierarchical classification, causality analysis, and formal logic.59. Does not accumulate irritation and anger, releasing frustrations gradually rather than explosively.60. Impartial and honest, avoids deceit and flattery, values truth and integrity in all dealings.61. Avoids drawing attention, does not interfere in others' matters, and acts without ostentation.62. Highly inquisitive and curious.63. Low sociability and contact; does not mind prolonged solitude.64. Weak color vision, pays little attention to colors, and experiences rapid onset of color blindness in dim light.65. Dislikes films that mock or embarrass characters, empathizing with them and sensitive to awkwardness.66. Less emotionally expressive and energetic than others.67. Does not engage in psychological attacks on others and struggles to gauge victims' reactions.68. Lacks talent for voice imitation, including specific vocal mannerisms, timbre, and intonations.69. If not engaged in logical tasks at work, enjoys solving crosswords and logic puzzles for leisure.70. Prefers abstract and general over specific and concrete.71. Lacks activity, sociability, and vitality; tends to be reserved and shy, quickly fatigued by social interaction.72. Likely has a stooped posture, far from a military bearing.73. Shows low initiative.74. Painfully reacts to awkward social situations.75. Develops psychological dependencies (addictions) more slowly than others, showing resilience to risks like gaming, shopping, or substance abuse.76. Rarely, if ever, shares personal romantic details with friends.77. Not very hospitable or sociable.78. Does not experience hypomanic states, marked by thought acceleration and potential irritability.79. Dislikes boasting.80. Weak observational skills, missing many visual details and grasping only the general impression of seen objects.81. Enjoys collecting and organizing items, or sorting routine trivialities into categories.82. More impartial and fair than others.83. Typically develops speech later than average in childhood.84. Would find sales or customer relations roles challenging due to difficulty in forming warm, friendly contacts.85. Lacks decisiveness; hesitant and slow in decision-making, often wavering and reconsidering.86. Neglects physical and skincare.87. Generally uninterested in others.88. Values personal creative and constructive work over consumption and manipulation.89. Prone to long-standing fixations on fears, doubts, and awkwardness.90. Quickly assesses the direction of main forces in any given situation, exhibiting strong strategic and political thinking.91. Struggles to single out a specific voice in a noisy crowd.92. Unable to entertain or lift others' spirits, needing external stimulation to boost his own mood.93. Seldom buys new clothes, indifferent to shopping.94. Feels a constant energy deficit, conserving both physical and emotional resources.95. May have a higher incidence of stuttering, either in childhood or even currently.96. Highly sensitive to logical connections between objects and events, skilled in formal logical analysis.97. Lacks the need to be first or most prominent, indifferent to status.98. Poor long-term visual memory for surroundings.99. Dislikes physical contact during conversations, even with friends.100. Significantly less talkative, sociable, and approachable than others.101. Prefers to build wealth through personal creative work rather than exploiting others.102. Experiences ecstatic revelations frequently, deriving joy from discoveries.103. Sincere, just, truthful, honest, not greedy, lacks manipulative skills, straightforward in interactions, and disinterested in deceit or duplicity.104. Low competitive behavior, avoids rivalry and dominance, does not seek leadership or affirmation of his position.105. Not jealous in relationships, trusts partners and grants them significant personal freedom.106. Likely prefers deep, calm blue as a favorite color.107. Avoids discussing his connections and acquaintances.108. Extremely phlegmatic, hard to provoke.109. Likely very patient.110. Excels in abstract thinking, enjoys using philosophical concepts of high abstraction.111. Struggles with switching tasks quickly due to delayed alternative motor excitation.112. More likely to have a lower melanin content in the skin, resulting in typical paleness and poor tanning ability, often having blue eyes.113. Strong social and altruistic interests, keenly follows politics and global developments, driven by a desire for social justice.114. Does not demand respect based on status or accomplishments, indifferent to external signs of respect.115. Avoids situations that might lead to public disputes or confrontations, not inclined to provoke them.116. Takes initiative in a group only if necessary, knowing the best course of action but reluctant to lead.117. Intensively thinks nearly every moment, always engaged mentally.118. Tends to have weaker orgasms than average.119. Peaceful and balanced, unsuited for roles that provoke or unsettle others.120. Non-demonstrative behavior—restrained and modest, avoids emotionally charged situations, adapts slowly to new social environments.121. More reflective than action-oriented.122. Introverted subtype dislikes public speaking, lacking confidence and the ability to project his voice.123. Very low facial expressiveness.124. Does not express excitement during pivotal moments in sports, remains quiet.125. Struggles in conflict-ridden environments.126. Slower simple motor reactions.127. Consistently uses formal logic in reasoning, nearly flawless in logical strictness.128. Face tends to be narrower rather than wider compared to average.129. Likely has a reduced appetite.130. Least likely among his sociotype to have tattoos, reflecting a general aversion to body modifications.