ILI Markers / Socionics

ILI Type Markers

1. Less concerned with being liked or receiving confirmation of popularity.2. Prefers dim, subdued lighting and dislikes bright light.3. Sometimes feels emotionally numb, with no desire to act or communicate.4. Prefers an inconspicuous 'grey cardinal' role in social interactions, strategically waiting to benefit from others' actions.5. Psychologically independent from groups, indifferent to ostracism or external opinions about his status.6. Individualistic loner with low social needs and dislike for team activities.7. Values individual over group interests, rarely feels a sense of belonging.8. Low need for social validation or collective involvement.9. Maintains a significant degree of independence, preferring solitary activities.10. Displays weak sense of duty and consideration for others' expectations or needs.11. Tends towards anhedonia, rarely experiencing joy intensely.12. Highly reserved and controlled, rarely sharing personal information.13. Dislikes physical contact, even from close individuals like family.14. Appears indifferent and nonchalant about most things.15. Shows weak affective empathy, rarely noticing or sharing others' joy.16. Feels uncomfortable when attention is drawn to him.17. Does not exhibit emotional outbursts in disappointing situations.18. Displays a very low need for interaction or relationships.19. Feels indifference, even towards close individuals, and maintains a belief in emotional independence.20. May show symptoms of alexithymia, struggling to understand or express emotions.21. Exhibits low facial expressiveness.22. Skilled at deferring and downplaying problems.23. Shy and awkward in initiating interactions with the opposite sex.24. Forms weak attachments and shows little desire for closeness or communal activities.25. Unable to empathize with others' joy, making him unlikely to give compliments or engage emotionally.26. Finds the presence and participation of others more discomforting than pleasant.27. Dislikes discussing or engaging in conversations about others' personal affairs.28. Typically remains calm when others are hurt, offering help without evident distress.29. Frequently feels bored, perceiving life as mundane and uninteresting.30. Lacks a strong sense of joy or pleasure, avoids deep conversations.31. Struggles with dancing and learning dance movements.32. Rarely shares personal emotional experiences or details with friends.33. Pays little attention to personal attire.34. Often serious-faced, rarely laughs or responds to humor.35. Commonly found criticizing or warning others while appearing unexpressive.36. More likely to have problems related to dry mucous membranes.37. Conserves energy, sparingly using physical and emotional resources.38. Shows little or no emotional enthusiasm or contagion.39. Avoids direct eye contact.40. Capable of anticipation and forward-thinking.41. Unwelcoming and somewhat asocial.42. Indifferent to collective judgments and lacking in sociability.43. Less talkative and sociable compared to others.44. Lacks expressive body language and mimicking abilities.45. Highly unsociable, valuing solitude over company.46. Emotionally flat, often maintaining a monotone voice and expressionless face.47. Dislikes noisy gatherings like weddings or parties.48. Unable to entertain or uplift others' moods.49. Shows signs of abulia, with weakened desires and motivations.50. May be indifferent towards children.51. Pays little attention to personal or others' appearance.52. Exhibits very low overall behavioral activity.53. Lacks vitality and sociability, quickly fatigued by social interactions.54. Indifferent to physical pleasures like fitness or massages.55. Lacks energy, responsibility, and organizational skills in behavior.56. Likely to have a slouching posture.57. May experience discomfort in open, spacious settings.58. Often stares through objects or people without focus.59. Generally speaks quietly.60. Prone to lethargy and distraction.61. Highly emotionally restrained, showing minimal outward emotional expression.62. Quickly overwhelmed and distracted by noisy gatherings.63. Possibly experiences reduced sexual desire.64. Typically modest and shy.65. Rarely feels responsible for others, generally avoiding taking on responsibilities.66. Speaks little, preferring silence.67. May experience weaker orgasms compared to the average population.68. Generally uninterested in others.69. Dislikes physical contact, even with close family or friends.70. Remains suspicious and untrusting of others, even after getting to know them.71. Rarely synchronizes his emotions with those of others.72. Displays low initiative.73. At risk of unclear speech and difficulty with rapid, clear word articulation.74. Gestures minimally, if at all.75. More likely to have had a stutter during childhood or currently.76. Finds emotional nourishment within himself, not requiring others for emotional support.77. Poor memory for sounds and voices.78. Does not express excitement during critical moments in sports or other events.79. More focused on the internal essence than external appearances.80. Pays little attention to personal grooming.81. Lacks freedom and spontaneity in behavior, often appearing emotionally flat.82. Economical in energy use, preferring minimal movement and avoiding stress.83. Typically has weaker color vision, especially in low light.84. Reserved, quiet, and minimally emotional in interactions.85. Rarely openly shares personal viewpoints, often concealing them.86. Exhibits weak emotional (affective) empathy, leading to limited sympathy or shared feelings.87. Unaffected by others' misfortunes unless directly involved.88. Lives by the motto 'All is vanity and vexation of spirit,' exhibiting laziness and a lack of readiness for immediate action.89. Embraces a principle of minimal effort for maximum results.90. Does not exaggerate emotions and avoids escalating passions.91. Likely dominated by the left hemisphere in visual processing, affecting color and face recognition but enhancing recognition of general object types.92. Prefers maintaining a long distance in interactions, slowly closing in on people and respecting personal boundaries.93. Generally dislikes singing, whether in karaoke, in groups, or alone.94. Struggles with retaining current information.95. Maintains composure when witnessing injustice or suffering, rarely feeling much empathy.96. Less influenced by others' moods or opinions, not adept at adjusting to others.97. Generally disfavors occupations requiring frequent social interaction or service roles.98. Distrustful of others, expecting interference rather than assistance.99. Exhibits 'anti-demonstrative' behavior, being restrained and avoiding emotional or tense situations.100. Lacks skills in harmonizing relationships within groups.101. Has poor visual memory for faces, often unable to recognize or remember individual differences.102. Acts as a passive observer, lacking vitality and ambition.103. Avoids drawing attention, remaining modest and understated in behavior.104. Generally experiences more negative than positive emotions, learning quickly from unpleasant experiences.105. Rarely laughs openly and is not prone to smiling.106. Exhibits high patience, often remaining still beyond necessary levels.107. Shows weak inclination towards movement, frequently remaining immobile.108. Has a notably unexpressive voice.109. Is wary of compliments and flattery.110. Likely to experience the 'illusion of absence,' momentarily not recognizing one's reflection.111. Dislikes public speaking, lacking confidence and vocal projection.112. Unlikely to seek the owner of a lost valuable item.113. Prefers listening over speaking in conversations, being a quiet presence.114. Exhibits weak affective empathy for others' anger, maintaining calm.115. Preferred serious music over dance parties in youth.116. Unlikely to vocalize personal discomforts such as pain or hunger.117. Fascinated by slow, evolving processes, enjoying control over gradual transformations.118. Avoids discussing personal connections or acquaintances.119. Typically has functional weaknesses in visual processing areas, especially in recognizing human faces or detailed visual distinctions.120. Prefers subtle emotional nuances over stark contrasts.121. Exhibits low emotional reactivity, maintaining a steady mood.122. Dislikes emotionally intense environments, avoiding emotional upheaval.123. Often neglects physical grooming and skincare.124. Frequently feels alienated from society, experiencing disgust or apathy towards the surrounding world.125. Pays little attention to visual details, poorly remembering faces and overlooking minor environmental changes.126. Likely experiences 'anticipatory illusions,' vividly feeling imminent events as if they have already occurred.127. Exhibits procrastination and simulation if work is uninteresting or unrewarding.128. Perceives the world in muted, low-contrast colors.129. Generally non-jealous in relationships, trusting partners and allowing considerable personal freedom.130. Difficult to provoke or upset, maintaining composure under stress.131. Often disregards others, showing indifference towards their intellect, values, and interests.132. He is sarcastic and unimpressed by others' emotions. His first response to sympathy seeking is often a mocking retort or a mix of formal sympathy with a sneer.133. He likely has difficulty remembering the colors of objects, struggling to manipulate colors and shades in his imagination.134. Inhibition predominates over excitation; he easily stops any activity without inertia.135. He often experiences derealization illusions, feeling the surrounding world as 'lifeless,' strangely unfamiliar, or artificially staged.136. Dislikes being touched during conversations, even by friends.137. Often suffers from melancholy, finding life joyless and unpleasurable for long periods.138. May frequently experience depersonalization symptoms like losing a sense of self, feeling alienated, or not recognizing one's personality.139. Very composed, always maintains self-control, difficult to provoke or upset.140. Expects betrayal from friends, highly distrustful, and prone to cynicism and grumpiness, similar to Gogol's character Sobakevich.141. Prone to writer's cramp, experiencing muscle spasms in the hand after prolonged writing, affecting the smoothness of writing.142. Indifferent to selfies and personal photographs, unlikely to post them online.143. Feels insecure around people, often fearing ridicule.144. Likely has a significantly reduced appetite.145. Generally dislikes and distrusts people, always wary of their potential betrayal, has few friends and doubts their loyalty.146. Lacks muscle tone, quickly tires from even minor physical exertion.147. Characteristically patient and unflappable.148. Typically avoids social roles associated with care, emotional comfort, or psychological support (e.g., veterinarian, psychologist, caregiver).149. Not adept at storytelling or persuasive speech.150. Indifferent to strict order at home, prioritizes finding things over maintaining order.151. Prone to periodic spasms of the jaw muscles.152. Eyelids may droop, especially towards the evening due to muscle weakness, giving a half-closed appearance.153. Tends towards depressive states, feeling overwhelmed and self-deprecating, often feeling like a defeated or crushed individual.154. Often suited for roles as an appraiser (e.g., at auctions, pawn shops, insurance, real estate) due to detached judgment.155. Characterized by increased laziness, apathy, weak motivations, and a passive contemplative lifestyle.156. Unimpressionable, rarely stirred by events.157. Often wary, mentally searching for traps or dangers.158. Dominated by reason over primitive instincts in his behavior.159. Strongly opposes collective responsibility, disbelieving in communal accountability for individual actions.160. Disinclined to frequent cafes or restaurants, visits them only to eat quickly without observing other patrons.161. Exhibits weak social altruism, motivated by self-interest and indifferent to communal welfare.162. Tends to be frugal and calculating with money, always saving and weighing expenditures, not prone to wasteful or impulsive spending.163. Prioritizes money as the main life value, often at the expense of other values.