IEE Markers / Socionics

IEE Type Markers

1. When shopping in a supermarket or market, they often buy many unplanned items that catch their eye.2. Has a good understanding of metaphors, developed sense of humor.3. Shows lively interest in others.4. Has difficulty concentrating visual attention - attention is likely unstable and poorly focused, broadly and loosely distributed, often involuntarily shifting to nearby objects.5. Internally variable, often wavers in opinions, self-esteem, and even the structure of their personality.6. Often mistypes while typing quickly, resulting in frequent need to correct typos.7. Characterized by distractibility, lack of focus, weak concentration of thoughts and attention.8. Speech likely contains many metaphors, adjectives, and figurative comparisons.9. Prone to easily and frequently changing opinions.10. Excels in mentally 'putting themselves in someone else’s shoes' to see things from their perspective.11. Struggles with spatial structures and differentiating primary from secondary aspects in analysis.12. Highly distractible, follows incidental stimuli when making decisions, typically showing impulsive reactions with weak inhibitory control.13. Prone to frequent shifts in thoughts, conversations, and actions; struggles to maintain attention on one thing.14. Enjoys recognizing and supporting people's talents.15. Not interested in collecting or systematic sorting; finds such activities tedious and meaningless.16. Weak at systemizing and hierarchical classification, especially weak in analyzing cause-and-effect relationships and formal logic.17. Often experiences 'arithmetic blindness,' meaning significant difficulty in performing arithmetic operations.18. High need for unity with others, dislikes solitude.19. Sensitive to circumstances, never mechanically persisting on a redundant task.20. Tendency for thoughts to 'slide off' during speech, resulting in seemingly irrelevant associations.21. Excels in building informal structures like network marketing and motivating people.22. Prefers very close personal interactions, often unaware of invading others' personal space.23. Thought judgments are inconsistent, contradictory, and fact-dependent.24. Frequently uses neologisms in speech.25. Always seeks deviation from standards, prefers magical and unusual experiences.26. Non-literal thinker, sees the 'forest for the trees,' and is not concerned with terminological details.27. Likes to talk about his acquaintances and connections, partly to advertise himself and partly to boast.28. Weak sensitivity to logical connections between objects and events; struggles with 'dry' formal logical analysis.29. Often has an esoteric personality, feeling a telepathic emotional connection with others.30. Excellent at empathizing with others' feelings and emotions, but often without deep sympathy.31. Dislikes detailed paperwork and systematic tasks.32. Thinks in an associative 'fan' pattern, rapidly adjusting plans and changing within set programs.33. Skilled at flattering and saying what others want to hear.34. Exhibits unpredictable behavior, often switching activities and interests.35. Dislikes rigid, unchanging orders and prefers that which disrupts symmetry.36. Impatient, often spreading efforts thinly over multiple interests.37. Easily switches between thoughts and activities.38. Poor at prioritizing; focuses on trivialities.39. Quickly switches between tasks in any activity.40. Constantly spreads attention across multiple topics.41. Strong instinct for novelty and variety.42. Prone to frequent and quick infatuations.43. Often feels unstable and excessively suggestible by others.44. Weak structural thinking, tends to ignore consistent principles.45. Tends to exaggerate and fabricate in storytelling.46. Talkative and indiscreet with secrets.47. Poor at managing through formal administrative methods but excels in resolving issues through informal trust-based interactions.48. Strongly expressive in vocal intonation.49. Struggles to concentrate on a specific task for long periods.50. High potential for understanding poetry and a love for verses.51. Enjoys buying new things frequently and is careless with possessions.52. Weak self-control over desires, emotions, and behavior.53. Comfortable with physical contact during conversations.54. Lacks perfectionism, precision, and attention to detail in work.55. Skilled and enjoys comforting others verbally.56. Life is typically chaotic, filled with jumbled activities and meetings.57. Likely perceives the world as vivid and colorful.58. Prone to involuntary motor automatisms, especially when excited.59. Strong need for regular social interaction and relationships.60. Often learns to play guitar and enjoys singing along.61. Tends to 'play' with emotions, either imaginatively or deliberately for practical purposes.62. Verbosity in oral communication.63. Highly sociable and struggles with prolonged solitude.64. Highly developed cognitive empathy, adept at reading others' moods and needs.65. Often enjoys social roles related to care, such as veterinarian, psychologist, educator, or social worker.66. Emotionally colorful desires, easily succumbs to temptations.67. Unstable desires and frequent changes in activities.68. Often acts first, thinks later.69. Quickly grasps the implied meanings in jokes and proverbs.70. Struggles to prioritize and filter out irrelevant details.71. Frequently imagines being in someone else’s place.72. A collectivist and harmonizer, sensitive to external appraisal and supportive of collective emotional unity.73. Prefers metaphorical over literal thinking.74. Favors variety over meticulous attention to quality, often delegates checking and control.75. Indifferent to predictable outcomes and the need for checks and controls.76. Impulsive actions are typical, reacting quickly to external stimuli without thorough deliberation.77. Prefers studying for exams in groups.78. Likely enjoys speaking dramatically.79. Likely skilled at mimicking others' speech and mannerisms.80. Suited for influencing public opinion and managing rumors.81. Loves and excels at entertaining and uplifting others.82. Low tolerance for monotonous tasks, quickly seeks variety.83. Often struggles with complex household appliances.84. Careless with money, prone to spending frivolously.85. Frequently borrows money, often forgets to repay without reminders.86. Far from conservative in plans and behaviors, loves novelty and creative solutions.87. High level of immediate trust in others, naive about personal affairs.88. Highly impatient, only calm in engaging games.89. Lacks meticulousness, precision, and tidiness.90. Focuses on quantity over quality, with impulsive and sloppy decision-making.91. Prone to restless and agitated self-perception, easily irritated.92. Tendency to diverge into tangential thoughts when contemplating something.93. Prone to emotional impulsivity and expressiveness, struggles to control emotional outbursts.94. Easily influenced by others' laughter, believes in goodness, and relies on others in actions.95. Openly discusses romantic feelings and experiences with friends.96. Easily articulates feelings, finds appropriate words effortlessly.97. Dislikes conservatism, thrives on change, and adapts easily to new environments.98. Highly expressive in facial emotions and gestures.99. Often experiences wonder and amazement.100. More likely to praise than criticize others.101. Frequently feels a strong anticipation of enjoyable events, associated with high excitability and optimism.102. Highly developed natural potential for cognitive empathy.103. Often enjoys singing, whether in karaoke, socially, or alone.104. Often pursues occupations involving frequent interaction with people, like bartending, travel agent, hairstylist, makeup artist, or tour guide.105. Dislikes maintaining established orders, prefers to disrupt or see orders disrupted.106. Poor sense of boundaries between self and others, needs conversation to feel self-aware, indiscriminately open with strangers.107. Often struggles to concentrate on intellectual tasks, forgets initial conditions, lacks clarity.108. Quickly shifts mental focus between tasks, easily improvises.109. More prone than others to various psychological dependencies, such as on games, shopping, alcohol, smoking, or psychoactive substances.110. Effective at harmonizing relationships within a group.111. Confident among people, unafraid of being ridiculed.112. Tends to attribute successes to external factors rather than personal merit.113. Highly developed probabilistic thinking, comfortable with ambiguity and uncertain situations.114. Likely talented at mimicking or parodying others' voices and expressions.115. Irregular life rhythm, with frequent accelerations, decelerations, and time perception errors.116. May struggle with higher education, often dropping out due to difficulties with systematic and persistent work.117. Preferred professions include reporter, advertising creative, PR representative, copywriter, musician, comedy performer, animator at resorts, and game scenario developer.