ESE Markers / Socionics

ESE Type Markers

1. Characterized by high attachment to partners, desires closeness, frequently gives gifts and pleases them, and elevates their mood.2. Enjoys others' happiness, empathizes easily, enjoys complimenting friends.3. Often interested in relatives' affairs, shares their joys, and tries to please them.4. Enjoys discussing others' family matters and supports such conversations well.5. Strong need for regular social interaction and relationships.6. Cannot tolerate solitude, needs constant emotional nourishment from interactions.7. High need for unity with others, dislikes being alone, values collective over individual interests.8. Highly dependent on group approval, fears social ostracism, values group's opinions highly.9. Skilled at harmonizing relationships within a group, dependent on external validation.10. Prefers bright light both at home and outdoors.11. Non-individualistic, needs social recognition, follows trends, enjoys team sports, prefers guided museum tours.12. Highly oriented towards group opinion, feels a part of group interests.13. Important for him to be liked by others and to hear it acknowledged.14. Very sensitive and emotional, responsive to life's challenges.15. Known for his warm hospitality.16. Easily expresses his feelings in detail without difficulty.17. Loves children, has high affective empathy.18. Responds emotionally to others' emotions, both positive and negative.19. Highly empathetic towards positive feelings of others.20. Cannot remain indifferent to others' misfortunes.21. Experiences internal pleasures strongly, capable of enjoying a wide range of activities.22. Quick emotional responses to disappointments.23. Highly empathetic towards others' anger, tends to respond with similar emotions.24. Emotionally expressive, impulsive, needs to openly show affection.25. Very expressive emotionally in voice and facial expressions.26. Cannot remain calm if someone is being hurt.27. Extremely agitated in emergency situations, cannot ignore injustice or suffering.28. Frequently thinks of loved ones, capable of self-sacrifice, enjoys caring for others.29. Highly influenced by others' moods and attitudes, seeks integration rather than independence.30. Easily influenced by others' feelings, offers sincere sympathy.31. Highly expressive in posture, gestures, and facial expressions, could be a good mime or dancer.32. Pays close attention to his appearance, dresses elegantly.33. Highly attentive to his clothing.34. Prioritizes maintaining a neat appearance.35. Likely to use and enjoy various accessories more than others.36. Carefully maintains his body and skin.37. Enjoys physical pleasures like fitness, bodybuilding, massages, saunas.38. Naturally good at dancing, learns dance movements quickly.39. Loves physical contact, such as hugs and touching.40. Has a strong memory for sounds and voices.41. Openly shares personal and romantic experiences with friends.42. Genuinely interested in people around him.43. Highly candid, talkative, sometimes regrets being too open.44. Comfortable with social attention, not shy about making contact.45. Very sociable, struggles with long periods of solitude.46. Often drawn to caregiving roles like veterinarian, psychologist, teacher, social worker.47. Very expressive facially.48. Good at retaining current information.49. Prefers active engagement over being a passive observer in social situations.50. Rarely experiences boredom, easily finds interest in various activities.51. Comfortably initiates relationships with the opposite sex.52. Loves entertaining and cheering people up, great at lifting spirits.53. Often recalls past pleasant sensory experiences.54. Habitually inquires about friends' lives during meetings.55. Laughs easily and loudly.56. Attracted to jobs involving frequent people interaction and service (e.g., bartender, tour agent).57. Constantly energetic, always looking to expend energy.58. Highly attentive to the physical and emotional needs of others.59. Articulate, speaks clearly and quickly without stumbling.60. Highly energetic, responsible, and well-organized in behavior.61. Sensitive to the emotional content of others' facial expressions.62. Frequently discusses personal problems with friends and family.63. More talkative, contact-oriented, and sociable than most.64. Emotions usually align closely with those around him.65. Prefers close personal distances, may intrude on personal space quickly after meeting someone.66. Enjoys physical closeness not just with partners but also friends and children.67. Generally has well-moisturized mucous membranes, no dryness issues.68. Enhanced color vision, pays significant attention to colors, remembers them well.69. Excellent attention to visual details, remembers and distinguishes faces and environments well.70. Likely has strong long-term visual memory for faces.71. Pays close attention to colors, remembers them accurately.72. Dominated by the right hemisphere in visual processing, often resulting in enhanced color and face recognition but slower general object recognition.73. Naturally observant, notices details in visual environments.74. Active visual processing areas, particularly for faces and colors.75. Perceives the world as vividly colorful and contrast-rich.76. Prefers direct eye contact, maintains it comfortably without being confrontational.77. Highly detailed visual memory.78. Likely has excellent long-term memory for environments.79. Highly sensitive to sensory experiences, including taste, smell, and touch.80. Exceptionally sensitive to smells, detects them earlier than others.81. Particularly sensitive to human scents, can distinguish people by smell.82. A connoisseur of food, appreciates culinary subtleties.83. Skilled at comforting others with words.84. Highly empathetic towards others' negative emotions, easily feels and shares their pain, fear, or anxiety.85. Uses expressive vocal intonations.86. More free-spirited, expressive, and energetic in actions than others.87. Emotionally enriched experiences, memories, and thoughts.88. Feels a strong sense of responsibility for others.89. Keenly aware of emotional nuances in others' behavior.90. Highly values his reputation and the respect of others, guided by a sense of duty and responsibility.91. Very talkative, needs to express himself verbally.92. Easily catches others' laughter, frequently feels joyful surprise, trusts in the goodness of others.93. Excellent memory for individual voices.94. Highly emotionally engaging, easily becomes enthusiastic and spreads that enthusiasm.95. Always aware of his surroundings, even when focused on tasks.96. Extremely active in behavior.97. Inherently benevolent, empathetic, and helpful towards most people.98. Experiences stronger orgasms than average.99. Particularly enjoys singing, whether in karaoke, social settings, or alone.100. Comfortable with physical touch during conversations, often touches others to enhance connection.101. Prefers noisy gatherings like discos and weddings.102. Highly sensitive to taste, discerns subtle flavors well.103. Good at understanding people, easily makes social contacts with those who are different from him.104. Always works diligently, driven by a sense of responsibility, even if uninterested in the task.105. Constantly active and social, appreciated for his lively sociability and organizational skills.106. Quickly addresses problems actively rather than waiting passively.107. High level of trust in people, not prone to suspicion.108. Focused on the external appearance of things and people.109. Frequently enjoys listening to music clips, often wears headphones.110. Enjoys cooking and hosting meals for friends.111. Likes to keep a decorative bowl of fruits, nuts, or sweets on the dining table, regularly replenishes it.112. High emotional reactivity, frequent and strong mood swings.113. Sensitive to nuances in speech intonations, quickly understands them.114. Potentially good at reproducing complex rhythmic patterns accurately.115. Tends to 'play' with his emotions, either internally or externally for specific purposes.116. Less likely to stutter, probably never had stuttering symptoms.117. Strong loyalty to family and kin, values family and paternal instincts highly.118. Indifferent to logical certainty in relationships, understands people well in everyday interactions.119. Not shy or modest, very open in communication, loves being the center of attention, establishes contacts easily.120. Enjoys and thrives in noisy social gatherings, adds to the festivity.121. Possesses strong and immediate desires, impatient for fulfillment.122. Attracted to roles like stylist or makeup artist.123. Prefers to stay close to his group, both physically and ideologically.124. Intolerant of disorder.125. Rarely has an unfocused gaze, usually concentrates on people or objects.126. Quickly becomes agitated, easily triggered by offenses or perceived slights.127. Strongly reacts to breaches of social and moral norms, values reputation highly.128. Excellent memory for smells, can easily recall various scents.129. Direct and loudly emotional in interactions.130. Uses broad and uninhibited gestures.131. Dominance of the right hemisphere in auditory processing, sensitive to music and vocal tones.132. Would prefer a noisy party with dancing to listening to serious music alone or at a concert.133. Typically has a loud voice.134. Voice becomes particularly loud and abrupt when agitated.