EIE Markers / Socionics

EIE Type Markers

1. Has strong intonational expressiveness in voice.2. People of this psychotype rarely choose simple and 'quiet' labor-intensive professions, especially in technical fields.3. Increased likelihood of frequent nightmares.4. Easily articulates detailed descriptions of his feelings, both current and past, without difficulty in finding the right words.5. Likely enjoys speaking 'beautifully,' with a degree of theatricality.6. Characterized by high external emotional expressiveness, evident in voice intonations and lively facial expressions.7. Very empathetic, open, emotional, easily provoked and excitable; less indifferent to life's trivialities than others.8. Statistically, has a heightened probability of diminished motor inhibition, finding it difficult to quickly stop movements once started.9. Increased likelihood of emotional outbursts and panic attacks, possibly having experienced them multiple times.10. Typically exhibits an impatient, restless self-awareness with frequent intense emotional reactions.11. Highly sensitive; easily hurt and can react irritably or explosively to offense.12. Tends to 'play' with emotions, either imagining them or consciously using them outwardly for specific purposes.13. Quick to become agitated, easily reaching an excited state, including defensive aggression when provoked.14. High emotional reactivity with frequent, intense mood swings.15. High potential for understanding poetry and a love for verses.16. Prone to frustration and displaying dissatisfaction, often feels irritated and annoyed, and tends to fixate on perceived unpleasantness around him.17. Values a strong sense of personal uniqueness that keeps him at the center of others' emotions.18. Quick to flare up emotionally in response to disappointments or interruptions.19. Strong empathic-fantasy (highly identifies with characters in movies and books, generating emotions based on anticipated events).20. Increased likelihood of frequent thoughts about impending death accompanied by fear.21. Capable of easily adopting another's role or perspective, including empathic-fantasy and 'theory of mind' (the ability to model others' thoughts).22. Demonstrates emotional impulsivity and expressiveness, needing to openly show likes and dislikes with weak inhibitory control over emotional outbursts.23. Predisposed to tachycardia, especially during states of excitement.24. Often combines anxiety and aggression.25. Forward-thinking in his actions, interests, and plans, often contemplating broader human futures.26. Quickly grasps the implied meanings of jokes, anecdotes, and proverbs.27. Finds it easier to empathize, mentally placing himself in others' shoes.28. Dislikes fishing and similar leisure activities.29. Likely to have a well-developed sense for poetic rhyme.30. Constantly intrigued by the future, skilled at projecting thoughts forward.31. Prone to emotional exaggeration, able to escalate trivial matters into epic tragedies.32. Skilled and fond of comforting others verbally.33. Often struggles with complex household technology.34. Speech likely contains many metaphors, adjectives, and imaginative comparisons.35. Highly developed 'theory of mind,' adept at analyzing others' motives and predicting behaviors.36. Verbose in spoken communication and highly talkative.37. Sometimes enjoys the role of a victim, relishing feelings of martyrdom and suffering.38. Highly attuned to emotional nuances in others' behaviors.39. Excellent at understanding and reflecting others' feelings and states.40. May exhibit some envy.41. Displays low internal emotional stability and a high propensity for neuroticism.42. Lacks strong spatial imagination, struggling with mental rotations of objects.43. Prefers listening to music clips, often using headphones.44. Capable of falling in love with someone he has never met.45. High emotional intensity in impressions, memories, and thoughts.46. Skilled and enjoys thinking about the future, making predictions, and planning.47. Tends to interpret others' actions through their intrigues and ethical manipulations.48. Has the psychological makeup to build informal networks like in network marketing, motivating and managing people.49. Highly developed cognitive empathy for manipulation; easily reads others' moods and needs, adept at pleasing and influencing.50. Voice becomes shrill and bark-like when agitated.51. Shows lively interest in people around him.52. Lacks patience and composure, often needing more of both.53. Highly emotionally engaging, easily and progressively inspires emotional states in others.54. Prefers the color purple over green.55. Behavior is demonstrative; seeks attention, often using theatricality and sensationalism, engages in trolling to maintain audience focus.56. Perceives himself as insightful about others' interests and weaknesses, easily guessing others' intentions.57. Low ability to self-critically acknowledge mistakes.58. Highly dependent on group dynamics, fears social ostracism and losing status within the group.59. Frequently dwells on thoughts of the past or future, often escaping from present experiences.60. Sensitive to auditory nuances, quickly understanding tones in others' speech.61. Excellent at recognizing and remembering individual voices.62. Unappreciative of simple joys like eating, sleeping, and relaxing; instead, finds true pleasure in intellectual discussions about globally transformative topics.63. Tears easily come to his eyes, sometimes without emotional cause.64. Often anticipates others' thoughts before they speak.65. Naturally high cognitive empathy; discerns others' moods and subtleties through behavior, facial expressions, and voice.66. Frequently probes thoughts for potential threats or traps.67. Impressionable and often overly agitated by events.68. Extremely expressive facial mimicry.69. Likely looks at himself in the mirror more often than others.70. Inconsistent in his feelings towards specific individuals, capable of swift emotional swings from love to hate.71. Excels at storytelling and persuasive speaking.72. Prone to falling deeply and obsessively in love, potentially becoming neurotic due to emotional fixation.73. Can adeptly 'sweet-talk' when necessary, telling people what they want to hear.74. Capable of loving and hating more fiercely and passionately than many.75. Enjoys slight exaggerations and showiness, seeking visibility and admiration, fitting the psychological phenotype of a populist leader or charismatic figure.76. Easily becomes irritable and agitated, resembling the frenetic reactions of comedic actor Louis de Funès.77. Well-suited to managing rumors and directing public opinion.78. Low levels of self-control and self-discipline.79. Frequently and rapidly changes moods, exhibiting instability and reactivity, highly influenced by external stimuli.80. Typically has weaker visual processing compared to other sensory information, especially auditory.81. Movements tend to be jerky rather than smooth.82. Gifted in mimicking others' voices and expressions.83. Highly expressive in posture, gestures, and facial expressions, capable of accurately replicating others' movements and expressions.84. Enjoys emotional manipulation, partly through intrigue but primarily through controlling others' emotions and relationships.85. This psychotype may experience prolonged bleeding from cuts or wounds due to insufficient capillary constriction and reduced blood coagulation.86. Often dwells on emotional memories, frequently revisiting personal history.87. Tends to have sensitive but shallow sleep, sometimes experiencing frequent nocturnal awakenings.88. Muscles often remain tense even at rest, leading to a perception of constant muscular tension and stiffness.89. Highly developed cognitive empathy towards others' positive emotions, observant of mood improvements without necessarily empathizing.90. Values societal status and influence over individual talents, often basing judgments on societal recognition rather than personal abilities.91. Highly emotionally unstable and easily excitable, prone to overreacting to minor irritants.92. Likes to discuss his connections and acquaintances, using them to boast about his significance.93. Generally unbalanced, with weak self-control.94. Often behaves capriciously in social interactions.95. Enjoys and excels at self-serving manipulation and intrigue.96. May have tendencies towards self-directed aggression and masochism, sometimes finding pleasure in pain.97. Highly oriented towards group dynamics, feeling a strong connection to group interests.98. Increased likelihood of experiencing nausea and vomiting reflexes, particularly from nervous tension or motion sickness.99. Frequently discusses personal problems with friends and close ones, including health and personal issues.100. Likely possesses a talent for mimicking others' speech, gestures, and expressions.101. Attracted to atmospheres of tragic passion.102. Typically lacks both the desire and aptitude for programming.103. Strong affective empathy towards others' anger, easily provoked into shouting and rude responses.104. Often feels unstable and overly influenced by his environment and others.105. Enjoys taking and sharing selfies, often posting them online.106. Increased likelihood of fear of the dark, persisting from childhood into adulthood.107. Easily offended.108. Prone to exaggeration and absolutism in judgments.109. Irritated by deviations from the norm.110. Eagerly tries on various social roles, believing many to fit him well, closely linked to his demonstrative behavior.111. Indifferent to both the harmony of his immediate surroundings and comfort in relaxation; values high levels of personal engagement.112. Rarely content or optimistically serene; more often dissatisfied, worried, and anxious.113. Frequently contemplates the past, replaying historical and personal scenarios.114. Dislikes slow, meticulous tasks like puzzle assembly or micro-miniature construction, lacking the patience required.115. Mood often unstable and easily swayed by minor triggers, quickly recovering from outbursts by distraction.116. Comfortably endures scandalous atmospheres, even enjoying watching or instigating conflicts.117. Often exhibits an esoteric personality type, feeling a telepathic emotional connection with others.118. Openly shares intimate details with friends, including love confessions.119. Struggles to manage his moods and emotions, often losing control.120. Characteristically impatient, frequently focusing on negative actions of others.121. Highly excitable, irritable, and impatient, easily upset.122. Enjoys states of customary agitated excitement, frequently existing in such states.123. Prone to severing relationships impulsively, may exclude someone only to reconcile and repeat the cycle, viewing people as objects.124. Highly values being liked by others and often seeks validation.125. Poor geographical orientation, easily lost in unfamiliar places.126. Even minor external irritants can disturb his peace of mind.127. Not an individualist, relies heavily on societal approval, follows social trends, has many friends, and finds solitude unbearable.128. Prefers team sports over individual activities, enjoys museum tours in groups rather than alone.129. Highly fashion-conscious, spending considerable time and effort to stay trendy.130. Exhibits heightened anxiety about potential threats, frequently experiencing such anxiety.131. Quickly detects the impact of psychological aggression on others' moods.132. Believes that environmental influences are more significant than genetic ones in shaping character.133. Inclined towards belief in esoteric and paranormal phenomena.134. Struggles to let go of the past, often immersing himself in past emotional memories and questioning past actions.