SEI vs LSE Compared by Functions

SEI vs LSE Compared by Functions

base/vuln traits


Waiting for the right moment. Prefers a leisurely pace, not bound by deadlines.


Inability to calculate their time properly. Values timeliness and preparation.


Need for novelty and unusual situations. Seeks variety and innovative solutions.


Applying old methods to new tasks. Motivated by achievable goals.


Finding a middle ground between extremes. Sense of comfort. Values simple pleasures and physical comfort.


Taking care of those who can't care for themselves. Provides comfort and material well-being.


Avoiding others' conflicts, but sharply (inadequately) responding to invasions of their own territory. Stands up for themselves when necessary.

Concentration of Effort

Focusing all efforts on the task at hand. Commanding. Motivates others to work hard.

Emergency Order

Adherence to order arising in emergency situations. Becomes efficient when goals are clear and meaningful.

Universal Solution

Ensuring plans, schedules, and strategies are made, which they themselves will not follow. Maintains discipline and organization.


Rapid exhaustion from strenuous work. Works well when efforts are appreciated.


Engaging people with their persistence and mobility. Industrious. Driven and practical, values efficiency.


Preventing or resolving conflicts between opposing parties. Shows care through actions, not words.


Need for justification or condemnation of their actions. Values deep, stable relationships.

Mood Intermediary

Creating an emotional atmosphere in their circle. Spreads joy and avoids conflicts.


Directly expressing their evaluations. Negativity. Attempts to show warmth, can be intense.