ILI vs ESI Compared by Functions

ILI vs ESI Compared by Functions

base/vuln traits


Ability to relax and delve into inner imagery, contemplation of beautiful imaginary pictures. Observant. Notices emerging trends and details.


Delaying deadlines. Activation by time scarcity. Prefers swift resolutions. Reacts quickly in time-sensitive scenarios.

Freedom of Choice

Desire to be informed of all novelties and preventing people from making unjustified choices. Cautious about new ventures.

Discomfort with Uncertainty

Inability to act in chaos and uncertainty. Struggles with vague, unsubstantiated, abstract ideas.


Do what is customary. Ensures comfort and health proactively.


Creating comfort and care in extreme situations. Aesthetics. Actively seeks tasks, values cleanliness and health.


Sudden contrariness. Needs encouragement for assertive actions.


The more you coerce, the more resistance you face. Manages forceful interactions effectively. Measures and applies appropriate pressure.

Common Sense

Following a reasonable order and common sense. Precise. Methodical and detail-oriented in tasks.


Adhering to rules and acting according to prescriptions. Adheres to established norms.


Skillful application of methods that reduce labor or financial costs. Efficient. Seeks optimal and resourceful paths.

Being Busy

Need to be busy (need to feel needed). Finds comfort in productive tasks.


Habituation. Attachment. Inclusion through good treatment. Adapts behavior to social expectations.


Providing effective help to those in need. Discerning. Keenly evaluates interpersonal dynamics. Sharp judge of character and loyal to close ones.


Exhaustion as a result of engagement in intense emotions. Dislikes overt emotional displays.


Quelling others' emotions. Problems with expressing their own emotions. Reads and adapts to others' emotions..