EIE vs LII Compared by Functions

EIE vs LII Compared by Functions

base/vuln traits


Sudden, unexpected actions. Imposing their tempo of time (usually speeding up). Anticipate future events and prepares accordingly.


Good time management. Good internal clock. Punctual. Efficiently manages and values time.


Risky actions among people up to adventurism. Displays unexpected abilities and seeks praise. Talented. Displays unexpected abilities and seeks praise.


Generation of new ideas in implementing a principle. Enhances theories with new ideas.


Special tastes, extremes in diet, health, or appearance. Cannot provide care. Highly aware of physical sensations and discomforts.


Managing with what is available. Can manage with absolutely little. Minimalist. Prefers functional comfort and simplicity. Care launches them.


Ability to get fired up easily. Susceptible to provocations. Reacts strongly against force and aggression.


Long-suffering without response. Rapid exhaustion in forceful situations. Inability to lead a rough and aggressive life. Passive. Avoids conflict and values independence.


Need for analysis and explanation of events (doubts and hesitations, unsure of right or wrong). Need order and consistency for well-being.


Building schemes and structures. Systematic. Construct and refine coherent systems. Theories construction.


Excessive expenditure of energy (can be done more calmly). Performs tasks meticulously but finds it exhausting.


Monitoring the expenditure of others' resources (including money) while neglecting their own. Making sure everything is accounted for (though things often get lost or remain unused). Carefully evaluate ventures.


Judging others' actions from a moral standpoint. Inability to maintain psychological distance. Seek reassurance in relationships and is sensitive to betrayal.


Politeness. Correctness. Adhering to etiquette. Reserved. Struggles with initiating social bonds.

Emotional Pressing

Expressing emotions about people and events. Deeply feel and express emotions. Empathetic - Deeply feels and expresses emotions.


Need for emotional stimulation. Sudden sociability (when needed). Responds positively to friendly emotions.