Socionics Ti Function Description

Ti Function Description

classic dichotomy names

Logic of Synthesis and Analysis / Logos

Systemizing, Passionarism, Introversion, Executive Control, Immutability

Ordering, unification, systematization, analyticity, impartiality, measurement systems, standards, benchmarks, types, tables, maps, catalogs, statistics, axioms, laws, paradigm, worldview
Ti: 3.6

My favorite questions are: Is this arranged correctly? Does this something fit into the system or does it fall out of it?

Ti: 3.6

As a child, I loved to systematize collections.

Ti: 3.0

The fate of humanity interests me more than most people among the surrounding.

Ti: 3.1

In relation to the intrigues around me, I am usually blind, deaf, insensitive, and naive.

Ti: 3.7

I love various structural diagrams, enjoy looking at them.

Ti: 2.9

I'm worse at comforting with words than others.

Ti: 3.4

I possess well-organized scientific thinking.

Ti: 3.3

I don't always understand when exactly people get upset or offended - it's clear when they cry a river.

Ti: 3.1

I pay little attention to the intonations in the speaker's voice, but I instantly grasp the meaning of their words.

Ti: 2.6

I am more tense and angular than flexible and smooth.

Psyche Function: Manifests in calm, cold-blooded and pedantic behavior.

Emotions: Doubt.

Group Role: Systematizer (echelon: 2)

Behavior: Action according to instructions, following rules, organizing.

Time orientation: Future Perfect in the Past.

Construction / designing.

Measurement and control of the global space in which universal laws operate.

It surpasses any other function in encapsulating, connecting, and constructing the result of an investigation into a complete whole. This function involves analysis, organization, and completion of a system to its full structure. It fills in all unknown gaps with logical connections, embodying perfectionism and leading to completion. This is a terminal function, meaning development concludes after this function. Calm, cold-blooded, and meticulous behavior.

State: Cold, calculated reflection, accompanied by constant doubts. When this function is dominant, a person remains unsettled and continues to doubt until all cells of the table they built for this phenomenon are filled.

LSI (+Ti): Constructor logic, combining parts into a whole. It focuses on what else is needed to make something better. When LSIs work on a construction, they continually improve it, achieving perfection until everything in the system is in its place. Organizational logic. Less flexible and more uncompromising. Sees up close, in detail. Fixes the worked-out structure in a law or formula. Linear, deductive, strictly disjunctive (law of the excluded middle). Combines separate parts into a construction. Emphasizes unity, unitarity, and unified systems.

LII (-Ti): Dissection of the whole, separation. When dealing with a complicated situation, it identifies the main and secondary elements, discovers connections between them, and points out what is missing. It does not fear changes to its system. Moreover, its second manifestation, besides analysis, is reorganization. If it analyzes and finds something wrong, it rearranges the parts of the system. Reorganizational logic. Sees from afar, noticing what others may not. Allows for multiple schemes of describing an object. Focuses on separating parts within a system to understand it.

Introverted Ti: The desire and ability to create a single, stable picture of the world for understanding and constantly controlling the overall logic of what is happening.

Extraverted Ti: The desire and ability to break free from the influence of the system of complex social contracts into a wild, uncultivated state where universal laws of the world are better and more clearly understood and have a stronger influence on the logic of events.

Ti + Systemizing = Interest in logic and mathematics, reliance on formalized analysis of what is happening in thinking.

Ti + Passionarism = Belief in the knowability of the world, the search for one objective truth to later remake the world according to it.

Ti + Introversion = Inability to personally influence people and establish new social contacts.

Ti + Executive Control = Pedantry, 'organizes everything into compartments' and demands the same from others; rigidity, meticulously adheres to an established order.

Ti + Immutability = Strives to be aware of the truth, no matter how unpleasant it may be for them personally.

Ti + Empathizing = Principled, dominance of ideological motives over economic ones.

Ti + Pragmatism = Emotional restraint, coldness.

Ti + Extraversion = Grand scale in planning, likes to take on challenging tasks.

Ti + Disinhibition = Asociality, indifferent to people, easily gets along without their company.

Ti + Mutability = Lack of attention to people, including loved ones.

Ti + Te = Constructs algorithms (logical sequences) and adheres to a planned order of actions.

Ti + Fe = Search for a universal truth for all, ideologically indoctrinated.

Ti + Fi = Long-term desires and drives.

Ti + Ne = Abstract thinking, possesses a logically coherent worldview.

Ti + Se = Harshness, cruelty in imposing his logic, his worldview on others.

Ti + Ni = Distancing from people, sensory anhedonia, escapism.

Ti + Si = Honesty, straightforwardness, unable to intrigue.

Ti - Fi = Sees innate typical traits in everything, ignoring acquired personal characteristics; ethical blindness, weak understanding of individual prejudices and logical flaws that influence others' behavior.

Ti - Fe = Self-sufficiency, closed off from external influences.

Ti - Te = Fundamental rather than applied logic, adherence to rules is more important than efficiency of actions; inability and unwillingness to focus on multiple goals.

Ti - Ne = Inability and unwillingness to deviate from the usual order of actions and to rearrange plans on the go.

Ti - Se = Inability and unwillingness to manipulate people in one's interests.

Ti - Ni = Inability and unwillingness to change and adapt.

Ti - Si = Inability and unwillingness to smooth things over.