Logic of Investments and Economy / Profiteor
Systemizing, Pragmatism, Extraversion, Executive Control, Mutability
Benefit, advantage, work, income, time and resource expenditure, efficiency, means, money, savings, specialization, enterprise, objective facts, algorithms, technology, extraction, transportation, construction, production, businessI excel at (and often enjoy) logically, convincingly, and vividly criticizing others' initiatives.
If I see crying people, it usually does not evoke my own sorrow.
Key, very important words for me are: pays off or doesn't pay off, profitable - not profitable, reasonable - not reasonable.
I absolutely cannot talk about my feelings and experiences - even if necessary, it won't work.
I love tackling complex tasks and problems to keep me driven and prevent boredom and relaxation.
I feel better than others and quickly grasp subtle nuances when comparing deals for their profitability.
The job of a coordinator organizing the implementation of innovations would suit me very well.
I am always interested in financial matters, product prices, and salary comparisons.
I am always on the move, I inspire people, make them move and work, I am interested in technical innovations, and better than others, I can see the profitability or unprofitability, the potential or lack thereof, of certain endeavors.
In school, I was more interested in exact sciences than in humanities.
Psyche Function: Manifests in mobile, persistent and enduring behavior.
Emotions: Anger, Rage.
Group Role: Driver/Mover (echelon: 1)
Behavior: Organizational activities for resource exploitation.
Time orientation: Future Continuous.
The pursuit of maximizing benefit, the ability to channel all of an individual's activity into a beneficial direction.
Manifests in the psyche as persistent, purposeful behavior aimed at achieving a pragmatic goal. Often associated with organizational skills, personal productivity, and the ability to organize others to achieve a pragmatic goal.
State: Movement, difficult to stay still. They are always striving for something. They constantly think something needs to be done. Useful results never escape their mind. Therefore, they rarely rest. They are resilient, hardworking, and always active, always in motion.
LIE (+Te): Business logic. Focuses more on how to make money rather than how to save it. Investments, getting more profit, making money not from heavy production but quickly from investment or even speculative opportunities. More risk-oriented, investment-focused rather than resource-saving. Effective in free markets, where you need to be the first to invest and get high profits. Profit maximization. Invest, raise prices, update product, respond to demand.
LSE (-Te): Production logic. Aimed at saving resources in production, making it more efficient. Savings and optimization. Effective where the market is saturated, and quality and savings are crucial. Cost minimization. Maximize resource use, minimize losses, use resources efficiently, work diligently.
Extraverted Te: The drive and ability to increase the efficiency of one's time, producing more valuable work per unit of time.
Introverted Te: The drive and ability to save resources (material, temporal, and psychological), avoiding useless activities.
Te + Systemizing = Absence of sentimentality and internal turmoil.
Te + Pragmatism = Mercantilism, evaluates any action from the perspective of whether it pays off, and if not, avoids such actions.
Te + Extraversion = Entrepreneurial activity.
Te + Executive Control = Serious attitude towards duties, requires adherence to obligations.
Te + Mutability = Avoidance of 'sharp actions' to preserve and grow the source of income.
Te + Empathizing = Lives and works for the benefit of relatives, rather than any global social structures.
Te + Passionarism = Stubbornness due to overconfidence.
Te + Introversion = Easily controls and suppresses emotions.
Te + Disinhibition = Dishonest acts for the sake of gaining an advantage.
Te + Immutability = Knows how to make themselves work, dislikes idleness.
Te + Ti = High intellectual self-esteem, the type of intellectual specialist.
Te + Fi = A tendency for business relationships to evolve into personal ones, and the creation of family businesses.
Te + Fe = Activity in dense regular interaction with other people.
Te + Ne = Adept at finding new ways to achieve goals, the type of innovator.
Te + Se = A drive for leadership and the accumulation of large sums of money, the type of director.
Te + Ni = Acting ahead of others for personal gain.
Te + Si = A desire to preserve an established way of life, eschewing revolutionary ideas.
Te - Fe = Emotional sobriety, avoidance of strong emotions, frugality, dominance of economic interest.
Te - Fi = Independence, speed, and efficiency in decision-making.
Te - Ti = Lack of principles, willingness to use anything to speed up the achievement of the goal, the type of sales manager.
Te - Ne = Pragmatism, disdain for ideals, the bureaucratic type.
Te - Se = Preference for moderate, non-traumatic solutions.
Te - Ni = Diligence, hurries to solve everything on their own rather than waiting for someone else to do it or for the problem to resolve itself.
Te - Si = Well-developed time management ('time is money').