Socionics Si Function Description

Si Function Description

classic dichotomy names

Sensory of Comfort and Discomfort / Sensus

Sensory, Benevolence, Introversion, Disinhibition, Mutability

Health, comfort, convenience, pleasure, relaxation, calm, balance, everyday life, the present, homeostasis
Si: 3.7

I would make a good specialist in creating comfortable workspaces.

Si: 2.6

My movements are often smooth and flowing.

Si: 2.8

I'm always concerned about my comfort and well-being, never forcing myself to work through excessive fatigue or discomfort.

Si: 3.7

I am concerned about the comfort and convenience of my workspace, dedicating a lot of time to it so that nothing later irritates me.

Si: 2.5

My main motivation is well-being, meaning the ability to live no worse than others and to create a comfortable and convenient environment at home with the money I earn.

Si: 4.0

I can cook for myself and enjoy doing it.

Si: 3.1

I instantly assess the arrangement and orientation of objects in the surrounding space at a quick glance.

Si: 2.8

I easily remember the color of the clothes my close ones wore today and yesterday.

Si: 3.1

I am distinguished by spatial agility and nimbleness.

Si: 2.6

I have a strong need to nurture and protect my loved ones (perhaps, it's more developed than in others).

Psyche Function: Responsible for tangible care of the organism's needs - such as food, sleep, clothing, living conditions, etc.

Emotions: Pleasure, Enjoyment, Disgust. Emotions related to experiencing certain sensations.

Group Role: Completer/Finisher (echelon: 2)

Behavior: To settle comfortably and stably.

Time orientation: Past Continuous.


Maintaining an already realized line of events—restoring balanced metabolism and homeostasis.

The part of the psyche responsible for a person's physical state and the satisfaction of basic needs such as food, drink, sleep, clothing, and rest, ensuring all these elements are harmoniously balanced. Bodily relaxation. A harmonious appearance—not to be confused with showiness or flashiness, but rather, everything should match well and remain stable.

State: Sensitivity of perception receptors. Developed tactile receptors on the skin. They care a lot about how clothes fit—tight or loose, hygienic, breathable or not. They are very particular about clothes being not only neat and harmonious but also fitting well on the body. Aesthetics and health in one.

This function seeks a harmonious, balanced proportion. For example, if it's food, it should not be too salty or too sweet, with all tastes harmoniously combined. Or in clothing—not too flashy like a parrot, but not neglected and untidy. They seek a golden mean in everything and try to maintain it.

SLI (+Si): Will keep improving what feels good. Getting comfortable, adjusting the environment to oneself, ensuring no one disturbs. More attention to health. More inclined towards natural products and settings. Maximization of comfort.

SEI (-Si): Removes discomfort to feel good. Treating illness, eliminating discomfort in everyday life, avoiding unpleasant extremes, and finding a golden mean. Minimization of discomfort.

Introverted Si: Focusing on the present moment and avoiding unpleasant thoughts and sensations, restoring health through rest.

Extraverted Si: Routine care for maintaining environmental balance, health, and the well-being of oneself and one's close environment.

Si + Sensory = Good coordination of body movements in space, strong awareness of one's body and nearby surroundings, ability to avoid injuries and illnesses.

Si + Benevolence = Prefers gradual creation rather than abrupt destruction (a gatherer-farmer by nature, rather than a hunter-warrior).

Si + Introversion = Understanding the limitations of one's energy, avoiding energy-consuming tasks.

Si + Disinhibition = Does not plan for the future.

Si + Mutability = Dependence on comfort, unwillingness to do anything that threatens the loss of comfort.

Si + Imaginative = Reluctance to change the sensory world through one's labor (due to a lack of desire to exert oneself).

Si + Antagonism = Indifferent to fundamental knowledge and its transmission to others; selfishly prefers personal comfort over improving the world on a global scale.

Si + Extraversion = Feeling of affinity with people, hospitality, generosity.

Si + Executive Control = Good self-control in terms of avoiding harm; prefers to heal rather than watch something slowly deteriorate.

Si + Immutability = No tendency to savor feelings of weakness, pain, or humiliation.

Si + Ne = Lives by simple joys, without planning anything ahead, and enjoys random discoveries.

Si + Se = Unwilling to delay pleasures for later.

Si + Ni = Relaxation, love of idleness.

Si + Ti = Strives for self-sufficiency and working alone at one's own pace.

Si + Fi = Reluctance to be an outcast, willingness to yield to avoid discord and conflict.

Si + Te = Ability to assess the quality of physical materials one works with.

Si + Fe = Ability to assess one's own and others' comfort and enjoyment/displeasure from consumption.

Si - Ne = Grounded life goals, tied to everyday life.

Si - Se = Non-confrontational.

Si - Ni = Gains pleasure from balanced, calm, and predictable situations rather than crisis or risky ones.

Si - Ti = Willing to flatter anyone for a pleasant and easy life if they have the necessary resources.

Si - Fi = Ready to be idle and indulge in pleasures while everyone else works.

Si - Te = Unhurriedness, smooth movements, loves a measured life—'and let the whole world wait'.

Si - Fe = Inner calm regardless of what's happening around.