Socionics Se Function Description

Se Function Description

classic dichotomy names

Sensory of Resistance and Hierarchy / Factor

Sensing, Antagonism, Extraversion, Disinhibition, Immutability

Confidence in one's right, use of force, territorial aggression, suppression, seizure, appropriation, resistance, dominance, possession of property, sexual possession, adulthood, solidity, authority, power
Se: 3.0

I know how to demand what is mine and push aside competitors.

Se: 3.1

Compared to my peers, I have stronger hands and a more developed body musculature (higher muscle mass).

Se: 3.3

If five people initially organized an equal cooperative, it would be correct if the strongest among them gradually takes over leadership and starts managing everything.

Se: 3.8

I know how to put in place the weak and worthless.

Se: 2.7

I would like intensive administrative work involving decision-making.

Se: 2.6

Fearing war or constantly appealing for friendship with other nations is a path to defeatism and betrayal.

Se: 3.0

I am distinguished by spatial agility and nimbleness.

Se: 2.9

My verbal remarks always end as if with a firm, bold period or exclamation mark.

Se: 2.8

I instantly assess the arrangement and orientation of objects in the surrounding space at a quick glance.

Se: 2.9

Usurpation of power at the first opportunity is more normal and natural than not.

Psyche Function: Responsible for excitability and release of accumulated aggression.

Emotions: Pride, Contempt, Arrogance, Disdain. "I am higher - you are lower." Heaviness.

Group Role: Group Leader (echelon: 0)

Behavior: Seizure and possession of resources through force.

Time orientation: Present Perfect.

Resource capture.

Reinforcement of selection based on the principle of dominance of the most realized, central variant, and rejection (denial of access to resources and reproduction, displacement from territory, expulsion, and destruction) of all others, less adapted.

It is a function of extremely realistic perception, impulsive behavior that is simultaneously authoritative. It maintains status and authority, assess a situation and acts depending on how much they are allowed to gain a particular resource, involving power actions for capturing or controlling it. It reacts immediately to various provocations, assessing their significance and danger, for instance, or may not pay attention at all – the reaction is only to a real goal that is interesting or poses a threat. The orientation in time of this function is the present - it is the most realistic as it evaluates the current situation and react here and now.

State: Confidently held. There is a sense of being in control. They understand whether in this situation they have the right to dictate or must submit – this is realistic assessment. Calm confidence in oneself. For example, imagine a high-ranking leader and how they behave if they are an Se-base type: they sit absolutely calmly, do not twitch, fuss, or show emotions – they are in full control of the situation around them. If the situation gets out of control, there is an instant reaction.

Action: if some irritant appears, or internal irritability or aggression accumulates, it necessarily bursts out in some power action.

SEE (+Se): Looks for abundance. They show how much strength they have, how significant they are, how authoritative, how many connections they have, and that they must be respected, and their offer cannot be refused. In other words, they take things head-on. Reach an agreement and find a balanced state, resist external forces, and organize a coalition.

SLE (-Se): Finds a weak spot and exerts influence on it to get the desired result. To do this, they need to probe and find this spot, as people usually hide their weaknesses. Therefore, an SLE never rushes into a fight immediately. They first conduct some reconnaissance and only then act – they seek out the deficiency, what is lacking. Make dependent, defeat the enemy.

Extraverted Se: Striving for maximum strengthening of one's positions, pushing through and realizing one's interests in competitive struggle.

Introverted Se: Suppressing new trends and behaviors at the root as potentially dangerous to maintaining a strong position.

Se + Sensing = Physical agility and dexterity in quick, injury-prone interactions with material objects (able to grab, strike, yank, break in the right place, etc.).

Se + Antagonism = Readiness to use violence for selfish purposes.

Se + Extraversion = Self-confidence, ability to impose oneself ('persistence').

Se + Disinhibition = Unconcern for the harm caused to others by one's actions.

Se + Immutability = Willpower, stubbornness, and obstinacy (not a step back).

Se + Imagining = Calm attitude towards risk; unwillingness to engage in small everyday tasks ('it's not fit for a king').

Se + Benevolence = Free from obsessive suspicions and anxious fantasies.

Se + Introversion = Unshakability, ability to assert oneself through silence and solid immobility.

Se + Executive Control = Ability to mobilize and quickly organize to solve problems.

Se + Mutability = Potential corruptibility, willingness to steal, lie, and participate in criminal schemes to increase one's wealth.

Se + Ne = Loves to break rules and social conventions.

Se + Ni = Egoism, gangster values, using others' misfortune and crisis for self-assertion and enrichment.

Se + Si = Does not suppress instinctive urges in himself, free from any "complexes," does not delay gratification.

Se + Ti = Hardness, cruelty, inflexibility, love of weapons, seeks to be armed.

Se + Fi = Ability to hide one's weaknesses, highlight and emphasize others'; ability to live among enemies, resisting their intrigues.

Se + Te = Loves to lead, be in charge, desire for big money.

Se + Fe = Loves to be the center of attention, the most desirable, causing envy and a desire to imitate, thirst for popularity.

Se - Ne = Ability to appear solid and adult, insistently demand from a position of authority, seniority.

Se - Ni = Makes efforts to realize desires, does not retreat into fantasizing and escapism.

Se - Si = Ready for constant confrontations and living under tension for ambitious goals and great gains.

Se - Ti = Lustfulness, 'animal' sexuality.

Se - Fi = Lack of guilt, prone to sadism and 'beastly' cruelty (tendency towards antisocial psychopathy).

Se - Te = Recklessness.

Se - Fe = Fearlessness.