Socionics Qi Function Description

Qi Function Description

Questim, Democratic, Introversion, Rational, Static

Independence, freedom, loneliness, personality (and everything personal), intelligence, justice, protest, liberalism, cosmopolitanism, progress, reformism, emancipation.

Emancipation - liberation from intellectual and material dependence on the parental group, breaking free from the influence of its authorities into the global world, establishing personal boundaries, and realizing personal interests.

Introverted Qi: Discernment in the means of achieving goals; principled avoidance of externally imposed activities that contradict personal interests and values.

Extraverted Qi: Nonconformism; personal activity in which advantage is gained by breaking explicit and implicit collective rules.

Qi + Questim = Does not tolerate the dictation of unjust authority or attempts at manipulation to draw them into collective complicity.

Qi + Democratic = Interacts with others as equal individuals; advocates for a democratic style of leadership.

Qi + Introversion = Tends to conserve energy and avoid social stress - restrained in reactions, inactive, uncommunicative.

Qi + Rational = Does not tolerate and does not forgive violations of personal boundaries against their will, even in a "joking" form; respects others' privacy and does not participate in collective bullying.

Qi + Static = Intolerance to lies; demands equal freedom and access to the truth about what is happening for everyone.

Qi + Declatim = Avoids commanding others against their will.

Qi + Aristocratic = (no pronounced traits).

Qi + Extraversion = Confident in their right to change the world according to their desires, breaking existing orders.

Qi + Irrational = Does not tolerate external control over themselves.

Qi + Dynamic = Focused on themselves rather than the outside world.

Qi + Ne = Love of freedom.

Qi + Se = Pride, arrogance, haughtiness.

Qi + Ni = Unwillingness to spend personal time on other people; avoids sharing their life with others.

Qi + Si = Avoidance of hard labor and tense, stressful situations.

Qi + Ti = Truth-seeking; due to bluntness and inability to adapt to others' prejudices, they have few useful connections.

Qi + Fi = Striving for equal rights (to avoid tyrannical bosses and group coercion into something).

Qi + Te = Striving for an independent source of income (so that all income from their talent is received by themselves).

Qi + Fe = Shares all their problems with others (hoping for help).

Qi + Qe = Developed sense of self-worth, unwillingness to endure anything for collective goals (unless it aligns with their own will).

Qi + De = Advocates for the dissolution of social boundaries, free movement of people, goods, and opinions across the world.

Qi + Ne + Ti = Supporter of scientific revolution, cleansing the system of knowledge from outdated and false ideas (dominant only by inertia and reliance on them by ruling authorities).

Qi + Ne + Fi = Supporter of cultural revolution, humanization, and expansion of existing cultural norms.

Qi + Se + Ti = Supporter of revolution in social governance systems, radical purification of society from parasitic elements.

Qi + Se + Fi = Supporter of material-property revolution, redistribution, and privatization of property held by elites.

Qi - Ne = Always controls what they say and do.

Qi - Se = Physically and mentally weak, quickly tires, avoids social stress, seeks to create a "greenhouse environment" for themselves.

Qi - Ni = Doesn't fawn before anyone and doesn't "lie down" under the strong.

Qi - Si = Loves to criticize - for them, there are no unquestionable authorities.

Qi - Ti = Prefers to be self-employed rather than a government official (the farther from formal structures of power, the better).

Qi - Fi = Unteachable in social norms - does everything in their own way and doesn't care what others think.

Qi - Te = Prefers personal relationships with the employer, doesn't want or can't work to exhaustion and be constantly on call; this exhausts them.

Qi - Fe = Strives for independence from other people.

Qi - Qe = Indifferent to regalia, diplomas, and other signs of social prestige; doesn't try to manipulate others into seeing them as someone more significant.

Qi - De = Other people interfere and distract them from their thoughts; avoids socializing in groups.

Qi - Di = Individualism - values their independence, demands individual justice.