Socionics Qe Function Description

Qe Function Description

Questim, Aristocratic, Extraversion, Rational, Dynamic

Irritability, disgust, elitism, aristocracy, nobility, prestige, superiority, privileges, diplomas, licenses, titles, coats of arms, dynasties, rarity, chosenness (in the sense of "by higher powers," not by the people).

The desire for a privileged position in society to improve the current standard of living and increase one's chances of survival during difficult times for society.

Extraverted Qe: Active pursuit of a better place in society that provides security and access to quality resources.

Introverted Qe: Avoidance of new tasks and contacts with people that threaten the loss of one's privileged position.

Qe + Questim = Increased irritability - perceives any activity not coordinated with them as an encroachment on their authority, comfort, and interests.

Qe + Aristocratic = Loves to command, order, demand, and treat people as subordinates, from a top-down perspective.

Qe + Extraversion = Fast onset of frustration reaction - excitability, quick-temperedness.

Qe + Rational = Establishes a protective distance with people, does not tolerate disrespect.

Qe + Dynamic = Sensory sensitivity - "princess and the pea."

Qe + Declatim = Opponent of individualism and granting various freedoms to lower-status members of society.

Qe + Democratic = Unwilling to sacrifice their interests to achieve collective goals.

Qe + Introversion = Avoids contact with unfamiliar people - does not want to be drawn into overly familiar communication that would destroy their aristocratic status; for the same reasons, tends to be bureaucratic when in charge.

Qe + Irrational = Indulges in their immediate desires.

Qe + Static = Ready to fight against enemies and violators.

Qe + Ne = Fast speech tempo, desire to speak out as much as possible - so that everyone knows and considers their opinion.

Qe + Se = Power-loving, desire to be part of the elite and have access to the best resources of society.

Qe + Ni = Pickiness, envy, irritation at others' positivity, others' success.

Qe + Si = Avoids outside interference in their life and body (e.g., surgeries, tattoos).

Qe + Ti = Uses bureaucratic or professional structures and their specific jargon to establish a distance from commoners/professionals.

Qe + Fi = Easily offended by breaches of etiquette.

Qe + Te = Unwilling to listen to others' complaints, reluctant to waste time on empathy for anyone.

Qe + Fe = Prone to conspicuous consumption (wants to show their prestige by incorporating elements of luxury into their life that are associated with belonging to the "upper class").

Qe + Qi = Disgust, reluctance to interact with anything that seems potentially unsafe for their health and mental equilibrium.

Qe + Di = Supports social inequality and stratification in access to goods and information, willing to uphold such inequality from a "top-down" position (as a representative of the upper class, protecting their privileges).

Qe - Ne = Ignores the requests and interests of outsiders and lower-ranking members of the group.

Qe - Se = Self-preservation instinct, cowardice, runs from danger.

Qe - Ni = Considers much in the world to be unacceptable and reacts with indignation.

Qe - Si = Maximalism: "If you love, love a queen; if you lose, lose a million."

Qe - Ti = Lacks patience to wait in line or queue, fidgets and rushes ahead.

Qe - Fi = Quick-tempered, prone to anger, easily escalates to shouting.

Qe - Te = Prone to impulsive actions, splurges to make an impression ("a million scarlet roses").

Qe - Fe = Due to distrust of people, prefers to manage others remotely.

Qe - Qi = Frequently compares themselves to others, trying to be no worse than other members of the reference group.

Qe - Di = Quickly irritated at any frustration of needs.

Qe - De = Demands a privileged position relative to others.