Socionics Ne Function Description

Ne Function Description

classic dichotomy names

Intuition of Prospects and Alternatives / Intueor

Imagining, Benevolence, Extraversion, Disinhibition, Immutability

Novelty, possibilities, perspectives, diversity, alternatives, experiments, play, inventions, discoveries, innovations, curiosity, distraction, childlike view of things
Ne: 2.9

Thoughts and ideas often come to my mind that are grandiose and large-scale.

Ne: 2.6

The life of a nomadic herder appeals to me more than that of a settled farmer.

Ne: 3.0

Thoughts are constantly devoted to original ideas and mental finds.

Ne: 3.6

Often I forget where I put things in my house.

Ne: 3.6

Sometimes I find it difficult to control my thoughts - they seem to start living their own life, uncontrollable by me.

Ne: 2.7

I find it difficult to stand still for more than half a minute - I start to fidget, change my posture, my arms and legs seem to start doing something on their own.

Ne: 2.8

I only pay attention to many household items when they are moved somewhere else.

Ne: 3.3

I have poor balance - I sometimes sway slightly when walking, and find it hard to stand still when required.

Ne: 3.1

Sometimes I lose control over the coordination and sequence of my movements.

Ne: 2.9

I'm always interested in disproving an existing system of views and building a new one in its place.

Psyche Function: Expressed in risky and unconventional behavior.

Emotions: Curiosity and Surprise.

Group Role: Idea Generator (echelon: 1)

Behavior: Seeking novelties in any area, trying oneself in a new endeavor.

Time orientation: Future Perfect.


The search for fluctuations in the field of probability and the maintenance of weak, yet unrealized options for development (alternatives to the dominant here-and-now scenario).

Behavior that is unconventional, associated with surprise and risk. The more of this function you have, the more unexpectedly and unconventionally you act towards others and are prone to taking risks.

State: Exploratory activity. A child brought into a room full of toys runs around, grabs, disassembles, assembles, tastes, and tries to play with everything all at once. Experiencing everything life has to offer. Exploring all possibilities.

Seeing something for the first time and being drawn to it like a magnet, without sensory brake mechanisms (that it's dangerous, that you might get hurt, that it could explode) - drawn to novelty. These are very curious people who are more attracted to new things and, therefore, more prone to risk because, on one hand, they want to experience new sensations and impressions, but they lack the sensory brakes that warn of bodily harm.

ILE (+Ne): Prospects, interested in what doesn't exist yet - what is possible in the future, but isn't there yet, so it needs to be created. Always looking for where to dive in. Attracted like a magnet to new, interesting toys, gadgets, unconventional situations, especially if there are big prospects, like flights to Mars, etc. Seek new, discover, invent. Take risks with faith in success, show abilities. Believes in progress, positive changes, that contradictions will be resolved.

IEE (-Ne): Alternative, what exists now but is hidden and unknown. For example, evaluating a person - assessing them based on unseen potentials, looking for hidden alternatives. If working as a correspondent, their task is to find an alternative point of view first and report on it. Driven by curiosity and the search for alternatives in everything. Advises on what truly exists, which others might not see. Sees where a person underestimates themselves and points out their hidden talents and values, encouraging them to develop these traits. Seek something different, find a way to do it differently, relative to what was. Insight, a view from another perspective.

Extraverted Ne: An interest in the new and yet-to-be realized, gaining the advantage of being a pioneer in exploring new possibilities.

Introverted Ne: Respect and support for the weak, betting on weak, always "background" but global and long-term trends.

Ne + Imagining = Clumsy and distracted, confused in the material world.

Ne + Benevolence = Ready to help others without expecting anything in return.

Ne + Extraversion = Restless activity with frequently changing goals.

Ne + Disinhibition = Follows no routine, engaged only in what is (and as long as it is) interesting.

Ne + Immutability = Non-possessiveness, indifference to wealth, appearance, and bodily pleasures.

Ne + Sensing = Does not expect any hidden dangers from others and does not worry about potential troubles, ignores the passage of time in pursuits.

Ne + Antagonism = Indifferent to comfort, ignores possible dangers (believing in their luck).

Ne + Introversion = Inability to impose control.

Ne + Executive Control = Always considers the interests of others.

Ne + Mutability = Weak volitional brakes, unable to resist.

Ne + Se = Engages in risky actions on a whim, without safety nets.

Ne + Ni = Inaccuracy of perception, leading to originality of expression, richness of imagination, understanding of ambiguities and semantic chaos.

Ne + Si = Kindness, non-vengefulness.

Ne + Ti = Research instinct, attention to hidden possibilities in the objective world.

Ne + Fi = Humanism, the ability to understand another person, the hidden potential within them.

Ne + Te = Frequently changes goals and methods to achieve them.

Ne + Fe = Not frugal, spends resources on entertainment and gifts, believes in the bright prospects of new ventures.

Ne - Se = Curiosity, 'childishness' in behavior and interests.

Ne - Ni = Trust in people, including strangers, inattentiveness to threats from others.

Ne - Si = Abundance of ideas, ability for brainstorming, tendency to tricksterism, indifference to everyday life, inattentiveness to the quality of objects and resources, 'jerky' movements.

Ne - Ti = 'Wild' imagination, ignoring logic; restlessness, inability to focus on one thing.

Ne - Fi = 'Wild' imagination, ignoring ethics and morality; easily changes companions, leaves bored loved ones behind.

Ne - Te = Idealism, uninterested in whether their activities bring anyone profit, as long as it's interesting.

Ne - Fe = Sloppiness, disorder in everyday life, the type of a wanderer-squatter.