Socionics Fe Function Description

Fe Function Description

Ethics of Positive and Negative Emotions / Emoveo

Ethics, Ascending, Extraversion, Rational, Dynamic

Attraction, engagement, inducement, excitement, embellishment, expressiveness, seduction, emotions, moods, affects, passion, resonance, excitement

Psyche Function: Forming expressive and demonstrative behavior.

Emotions: Joy, Indignation, Drama, Outrage.

Group Role: Emotional Engager (echelon: 1)

Behavior: Attract attention, engage in action.

Time orientation: Present Continuous.

Emotional pressure.

The ability to stimulate those around by using universally attractive images (associated with basic emotions of fear and love) to engage them in activities that satisfy the interests of the activating individual.

This psychological function is expressed through expressive and demonstrative behavior. Expressive means that a person expresses themselves in all possible ways, and demonstrative means that they attract attention to themselves.

State: Passionate desire, emotional excitement. In this state, a person really wants something intensely.

If this function is pronounced, they can't go unnoticed. They draw attention by not leaving anyone indifferent. Everyone expresses an opinion about them, some want to get closer, others to distance themselves, but no one remains indifferent. If someone is neutral and indifferent nearby, they will do everything to stir them up—either make them laugh or make them very angry.

ESE: Joy, delight, good mood, hospitality, positive emotions, soothes, amuses, smiling, communicating positively. Positive and easygoing attitude towards life.

EIE: Drama, indignation, outrage, mockery, intensifying, makes a mountain out of a molehill, overdramatizes. Rapid shifts between extremes. Contrasting emotions. Heightening emotional tension.

Extraverted Fe: The desire and ability to draw the attention of others to oneself, one's needs, interests, and values through one's activity.

Introverted Fe: The desire and ability to be pleasing to others, to win their favor, and thus avoid one's own activity.

Fe + Ethics = Strong internal emotionality, strong reactions of fright, surprise, admiration.

Fe + Ascending = Preference for strong and vivid emotions that arise sharply and instantly evoke a deep response.

Fe + Extraversion = Loves to attract attention through expressive behavior.

Fe + Rational = Finds beauty and harmony in order; often worries about possible disruptions of plans; emotional breakdowns in response to unexpected damage and missed deadlines are typical.

Fe + Dynamic = Seeking emotional support, a desire to be liked.

Fe + Logic = Radicalism in evaluations and decisions.

Fe + Descending = Attention to others' intonations and facial expressions; a desire to discuss personal moods, sympathies, and relationships of people of interest within the group.

Fe + Introversion = Strong internal agitation, hindering quick decision-making.

Fe + Irrational = Impulsive actions contrary to common sense.

Fe + Static = Idealism, capability for heroic acts, self-sacrifice.

Fe + Fi = Easily projects the experiences of others onto oneself (ESE + EIE + ESI + EII).

Fe + Ti = Formation of super-valued ideas by emotionally "inflating" their subjective significance (ESE + EIE + LII + LSI).

Fe + Te = Consistently fast pace of social communication (ESE + EIE + LIE + LSE).

Fe + Ne = Loves to talk, exchange information, ask questions.

Fe + Se = Confidence in oneself in social situations (confident in being liked by others).

Fe + Ni = Anxious mood, seeks to share anxiety.

Fe + Si = Needs sympathy and social "strokes" from others.

Fe + Qi = Empathy-fantasy (capable of loving an imagined image, empathizing with an imaginary hero).

Fe + Di = Prone to catching the emotions of others, synchronizing with the crowd.

Fe + Qe = Wants to be liked by people, to be popular, respected, and loved.

Fe + De = Wants to feel involved in the lives of others.

Fe + Si + Qe = Ability to create a fashionable self-image, loves compliments.

Fe + Si + De = Loves being in companies, enjoys communication, discussing each other's problems.

Fe + Ni + Qe = Emotional instability, high-strung, demonstrative, "theatrical" display of emotions.

Fe + Ni + De = Emotional charm, the ability to enchant and seduce by playing on emotions.

Fe - Te = Loves to embellish reality, unproductively spends resources on it (ESE + EIE + SEI + IEI).

Fe - Ti = Emotional expressiveness (ESE + EIE + SEE + IEE).

Fe - Fi = Passion, preference for the language of strong emotions (ESE + EIE + ILE + SLE).

Fe - Ne = Intolerance of unfamiliar views differing from one's own.

Fe - Se = Timidity.

Fe - Ni = Needs regular exchanges of signs of attention, willing to spend time searching for gifts.

Fe - Si = Willing to endure discomfort for the sake of attracting attention - "beauty requires sacrifice".

Fe - Qi = Lack of emotional sincerity and integrity even when alone with oneself; emotions are just a tool and a subject of play.

Fe - Di = Emotions dependent on well-being, capriciousness.

Fe - Qe = Concerned not only with their own feelings but also with the feelings of others.

Fe - De = Disturbed by various wrongs, even those not directly affecting them.