Socionics Di Function Description

Di Function Description

Declatim, Aristocratic, Introversion, Rational, Static

Patience, service, obedience, duty (to parents, homeland, people, party, etc.), subordination, self-denial, self-sacrifice, cohesion, unity, collectivism, conservative values, paternalism, people (nationalism), state (statism), army (militarism), church (religious fundamentalism).

Parochial altruism - strengthening cooperation within one's own group against the backdrop of intensified opposition to outsiders; suppression of individuality and social cohesion for the survival of the social structure as a unified whole.

Introverted Di: Adherence to prohibitions and taboos that limit personal initiative in the name of preserving the social structure, and encouraging others to do the same.

Extraverted Di: Participation in collective activities, deriving benefits from aligning one's interests with those of the majority.

Di + Declatim = Tends to stick together with others, feels comfortable only within a group, pack, or hierarchy, where decisions are made for them and goals are set for them.

Di + Aristocratic = Supports a single vertical power structure, strict social stratification, and censorship of information.

Di + Introversion = Submissiveness, patience, avoids speaking out (not wanting to disrupt agreement/subordination).

Di + Rational = Discipline.

Di + Static = Asceticism - indifference to one's own health, comfort, fashion sense, etc.

Di + Questim = Maintains a long psychological distance from people, not inclined to open up quickly.

Di + Democratic = (no pronounced traits).

Di + Extraversion = Stress resistance.

Di + Irrational = Indifferent to one's fate.

Di + Dynamic = Believes that safety is more important than truth, freedom, and independence.

Di + Ne = Thinks of other members of the group first, then about oneself.

Di + Se = Joins the strongest in the group's war against external enemies, approves of usurpers (if someone managed to seize power, it means they are a good military leader).

Di + Ni = Potential readiness for self-elimination, suicide [analogous to the built-in mechanism of cellular apoptosis at the social level].

Di + Si = Mental sluggishness and slow thinking, tires of active thinking, wants to believe blindly in authority.

Di + Ti = Ability to patiently follow an unchanging schedule; desire to preserve the social structure (where each new generation repeats what the previous one did), impose traditional values (man as warrior, woman as mother and keeper of the hearth).

Di + Fi = Ability to patiently educate someone; conformism - fears untested innovations, always follows generally accepted norms of behavior.

Di + Te = Hardworking - likes to be loaded with the work assigned to them.

Di + Fe = Herd instinct - always feels a sense of belonging to the collective and follows its majority.

Di + Qe = Negative attitude towards any private initiative not controlled "from above", fights against private initiative.

Di + De = Willingness to participate in any activity led "from above", submitting to appointed leaders and performing dirty work, both physically and morally, that they would never undertake on their own initiative.

Di + Se + Ti = Militarism; strict division of the world into "us" and "enemies".

Di + Se + Fi = Conservatism; negative attitude towards innovations.

Di + Ne + Ti = Asceticism; tendency towards communist views.

Di + Ne + Fi = Altruism; negative attitude towards consumer society values.

Di - Ne = Likes monotonous (totalitarian, barracks-like) order and strict discipline.

Di - Se = Has a "voice of conscience" that reproaches them for "bad" deeds.

Di - Ni = A typical "workhorse" feeling responsible for everything and everyone, on whom everyone relies.

Di - Si = Directs aggression towards themselves in case of failures and setbacks.

Di - Ti = Anti-intellectualism, distrust of independently thinking people.

Di - Fi = Approves of harsh decisions by the authorities.

Di - Te = Fatalism - disbelief in the ability to change anything; reverence for what the majority considers "sacred".

Di - Fe = Seriousness - never jokes or fools around; does not cry, complain, or share their problems with others.

Di - Qe = Able to endure hardships and unjust treatment for a long time without irritation or rebellion.

Di - De = Rarely tells others about their interests and does not care about what others are interested in - believes that everyone should pull their assigned load without trying to trade with someone else.

Di - Qi = Collectivism - believes society has the right to suppress those whose personal interests conflict with the values of the majority.