Socionics De Function Description

De Function Description

Declatim, Democratic, Extraversion, Rational, Dynamic

Universal acceptance, mediation, moral omnivorousness, everyday democracy, tolerance, transboundary, sociability, initiative, mutually beneficial exchange, cooperation, symbiosis, xenophilia.

Indiscriminate in choosing partners and resources, providing expanded opportunities for finding suitable partners and accessing scarce resources imported from outside.

Extraverted De: Active mediation in resource exchange.

Introverted De: Avoiding excessive activity by lowering standards for quality, appearance, and prestige of resources and partners.

De + Declatim = Other people do not irritate them—no matter what they do, they are ready to accept and work with it.

De + Democratic = Easily shortens the distance in communication, ready to engage with a person regardless of their status and background.

De + Extraversion = Initiative and sociability—quickly establishes new contacts with people, enjoys talking.

De + Rational = Does not procrastinate; all their time is pre-planned and occupied with joint activities with others, never bored.

De + Dynamic = Flexible rather than rigid in behavior.

De + Questim = Opposed to groupthink and hierarchy.

De + Aristocratic = Inclined to conformism, easily integrates into the group they are in at the moment, acquiring many useful connections.

De + Introversion = Does not impose themselves or their will, content with what comes naturally.

De + Irrational = Easily adapts and changes the rules of the game.

De + Static = Not easily irritated or picky.

De + Ne = High basic trust in the world—friendly with people, trusting, enjoys joking, tends to be euphoric.

De + Se = Often initiates, including sexually; clearly understands desires and immediately strives to fulfill them.

De + Ni = Immoralism—does not feel irritation or disgust towards others' vices and immoral actions.

De + Si = Friendly, enjoys organizing group leisure and feasts.

De + Ti = Can gather information from various sources.

De + Fi = Able to politely negotiate with difficult people.

De + Te = Multitasking, maximizes the use of all available time.

De + Fe = Talkative, open—easily allows helpers and friends into their inner world.

De + Qi = Advocates for communication on equal terms, willing to overcome boundaries and prejudices to get what they want and connect with those they personally like.

De + Di = Omnivorousness, ready to accept any incoming initiative, engage with any people and things without differentiating their origin.

De - Ne = Strives to improve their well-being without thinking about "higher" truths.

De - Se = Avoids dictating and using violence, tries to negotiate considering the interests of all parties.

De - Ni = Feels involved in the life of the surrounding world, rejoices in the successes of others with them.

De - Si = Well-motivated, enjoys regular training.

De - Ti = Sociability—easily gets close to people, simultaneously maintains many social contacts.

De - Fi = Likes surprises and new things; acts without preparation and delivers results without additional checks; a typical tester.

De - Te = Often seeks help and assistance.

De - Fe = Willingly uses any "bugs" in the system, crooked paths around the rules.

De - Qi = People, in general, are a source of positive emotions and useful opportunities for them, not a source of irritation, doubts, and insecurity; never postpones communication.

De - Di = Likes foreign goods and ideas.

De - Qe = Tries everything indiscriminately, as a result—allows everyone and everything to live.